
Le Petit Chéne            

Chéne is patois for oak tree

The Bridge

The area around St Sampson’s harbour in the NE of the island


The area around Bordeaux harbour just north of the Bridge


A beach and bay in the Parish of Vale, in the north of the island

The Castel

The hospital for mentally ill patients


A long established local tradition for selling fruit, flowers and vegetables by the wayside, usually home-grown


Open Market

There is a two-tier system of housing on the island – Local and Open. Anyone can buy or rent an Open Market property (usually much more expensive than Local) but only locals or those living under a work-related licence can live in Local Market property.


The local name for Jerseymen meaning toads

Island FM      

A local commercial radio station

La Societé Guernesiaise

The local society dedicated to protecting Guernsey tradition, including the Guernsey-French dialect


Caparne, Naftel & Toplis

Well- respected local artists whose works have become much sought after


