Aën Pâtaï à Lapins – Rabbit Pie

1 or 2 young rabbits            Freshly ground black pepper

240g beef steak            Salt

120g sausage meat            Stock

2 onions                  1 glass red wine

240g mushrooms            240g flour

30g butter                  120g butter

1 bouquet garni            cold water to mix

Sage and nutmeg


Soak the rabbits in cold water for 1½ hours, then wipe dry and joint them. Skin the sausage meat and, using floured hands, make up into meat balls. Cut the beef steak into cubes, and prepare the onions and mushrooms. Arrange in a well-buttered pie dish and add the herbs and seasoning. Cover with a thick stock and a glass of red wine. Make up the pastry and close the pie, using any surplus to decorate the top. Bake in a hot oven (220ºC or Gas Mark 7) for 15 minutes and then in a moderate oven (180ºC or Gas Mark 4) for a further 1½ hours. Cover the pastry with cabbage leaves or tin foil when it begins to brown.