Mihi Pater, gratias ago tibi quoniam donum verba.
My wonderful husband—thank you for the time to write.
Mom, Dad, Landon, and Grandma—thanks for all the support, ideas, help, and general encouragement. Landon, I can’t wait for that song.
To my eternal cheering section. Ya’ll are the best! Tami, Lacey, Sarah, Jessica, Portia, Jo, Lindsey, Karen, and Brittany, writing would be so much harder (and less enjoyable!) without you guys.
Those of you who have come alongside, contributed to this journey, and become friends, I’m so thankful! Teri, Jessica, Meghan, and Jordan.
To the folks back home who have showered me with their unwavering support. I’ve never been prouder to come from a tiny, tight-knit community. I’ve been overwhelmed and astounded at the outpouring of love. Both for me and my characters in Rock Falls.
The Wild Rose Press, thank you for making Rogue Shift a reality!
And for my readers. If you read the book, purchased the book, told someone about the book, shared the book, left a review of the book, thank you. You’ve upped the stakes and made this writing journey so incredibly more than it was before. I’m grateful for and appreciate each of you.