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When you saw the title The 7 Minute Marriage Solution, your first impulse may have been, “You’ve got to be kidding—a seven-minute solution to my marriage? No way!” It sounds too good to be true.
But having a strong marriage isn’t as complicated as you think. Yes, we all have issues with our mates, but overall, we make marriage ridiculously harder than it has to be.
If we’re honest with ourselves, we all know the self-defeating thoughtless things we do every day.
• We use put-down humor or criticize our mate in public.
• We try to change our mate into the “perfect” spouse.
• We run up credit-card debt or secretly spend money.
• We nag and complain about our mate’s flaws.
• We manipulate, give the silent treatment, or say harsh things in anger.
• We hold grudges and refuse to forgive our mate’s mistakes.
A strong marriage is one in which both partners stop doing negative behaviors and start doing positive ones.
In order to identify the most harmful and most helpful behaviors in marriage, we conducted a national survey of randomly selected adults who were either married or formerly married (some Christians and some not), inquiring about things spouses ought to stop doing or start doing to make a marriage work. Interestingly, the survey revealed that no matter the age, marital status, or spiritual background of the respondents, they listed the same seven most important things to start and seven things to stop doing to improve their marriage. Even more interestingly, all the respondents—both women and men—agreed on the number-one most important thing to start doing in marriage.
In this book, I’ve combined the eye-opening results of this national survey with several years of extensive study based on hundreds of couples’ experiences in our New Life Marriage Weekend workshops, a research project from the Center for Bible Engagement, and my own personal experience. The result is a plan that shows you how to uproot the seven most harmful behaviors in your marriage and how to implement the seven most helpful behaviors. When you and your spouse also incorporate the seven most important minutes of the day, your marriage will be transformed.
Having a strong marriage comes down to this:
7 things to stop.
7 things to start.
7 minutes that matter most.
This 7 + 7 + 7 plan goes beyond what makes a marriage better and moves it to become a whole new relationship.
You might think a seven-minute marriage solution sounds overly simplistic: “Sure, this plan looks good on paper, but it will never work in real life.”
I assure you, this is far more than a clever formula or mere theory. I’ve actually watched this 7 + 7 + 7 plan produce dramatic results in real marriages. In our New Life Marriage Weekend workshops, couples who had signed divorce papers tore them up. After being separated for years, husbands and wives moved back in together. Angry and alienated spouses fell in love again.
Plus, these principles have strengthened my own marriage. This 7 + 7 + 7 plan brought us through some tough times and left us with a very connected, deeply intimate, and extremely satisfying relationship. I was telling my wife, Misty, the other night that I have never loved or felt love like this. At one time I had given up on the hope of a marriage like this. I want you to experience this kind of relationship also. You don’t have to be walking out the door and toward divorce to use this plan. The 7 Minute Marriage Solution will take a pretty good marriage to an even greater level of satisfaction.
No matter what your relationship is like right now, this 7 + 7 + 7 plan will transform your marriage.
If you put into practice the simple strategies contained in these chapters, you will be amazed at what will happen. You and your spouse will connect with God and each other in a way that few couples have experienced. You will be united in a powerful three-way bond that will not be easily broken.
Whether you have a struggling marriage or a good marriage that you want to be even better, everything you need is contained right here. If you and your spouse are willing to take a look at these core issues and do some things differently, you can have the strong marriage you’ve always wanted.