Chapter Twenty-Five


Liz felt like an absolute heel. She couldn’t believe how much of a state she’d worked herself into in the middle of the night. That she’d allowed herself to entertain any doubt about Peter.

Because here he was now full of apology. And not just on the phone either, but a video call. They’d never video called before because where Peter lived in Spain the Wi-Fi was rubbish. But now here he was and the picture was terrible, but Liz couldn’t have cared less because it was almost as if he was right here in the room with her.

‘I’m so sorry about being shirty with you last night, my darling.’ He ran his hands through his hair. ‘I think I was just a bit upset to think you don’t trust me. I completely overreacted though. I’m just so tired from being at the hospital night and day and so worried about Michael.’

Tears sprang to Liz’s eyes. ‘Of course. And I’m sorry I made you feel as if I was checking up on you.’

Peter laughed. ‘Check away, my darling. God, it’s lovely to see you on video.’

‘You too. Your hair has got so long.’

Peter laughed. ‘I know. With everything that’s been going on, I haven’t had a chance to get to the barber. I look like an ageing hippy, don’t I?’

‘A little,’ Liz said grinning. ‘But a very handsome ageing hippy.’

They chatted a little after that, but Liz could barely concentrate because all she could think about was the relief. After they’d said goodbye, she practically floated towards the dining room, sat down next to Sonia and gave her a beaming smile, which didn’t even slip as Sonia started wittering on about Hope’s wedding. She was so pleased they were going to book a live band and not have one of those disc jockeys. The band would be sure to play all the old favourites. You can’t have a wedding without ‘That Ole Devil Called Love’.

Liz was almost giddy with joy. She wolfed down a piece of cold toast that had been slathered with some unpleasant faux butter.

She looked up to see Anna moving towards her with a huge bunch of cellophane-wrapped flowers.

‘Ooh,’ Sonia said. ‘Looks like someone’s got a secret admirer.’

Liz’s heart felt as if it was too big for her chest. She’d mentioned to Peter once in passing that peonies were her favourite flower and he’d remembered, bless him.

‘Want me to open the card for you?’ Anna said. She handed it to Liz.

Love you to the moon and back, P xxxxx

Liz smiled. She was never going to doubt him again.