

Taylor Linville

Charlie Linville’s daughter, Taylor, was four and had a way of engaging everyone she met. Never shy, she was always ready to contribute to the conversation. She and her mom, Mandi, were standing outside Party City waiting for the doors to open. Several women were waiting as well. As many adults tend to do when a cute little girl is in their presence, one of the ladies directed a question to Taylor: “So what are you celebrating?”


Saying good-bye before the last deployment. Mandi Linville

Without hesitation Taylor responded, “My dad’s having his foot cut off and we’re having a going-away-foot party.”

You could have heard a pin drop as jaws fell. The ladies looked to Mandi, who nodded. Some uncomfortable stammering followed before the lady inquired further and Taylor continued the conversation: “He got blown up by a terrorist in Afghanistan and he’s having his foot amputated.”