I’d like to thank my teacher, Ellen Howard, for reading and commenting on this manuscript, and for her wise and sensitive direction. Her support and encouragement have meant so very much to me.
Thank you so much to Sandy Hagen, the wildlife rehabilitator, for allowing me to spend a magical day with her, Clover the fawn, and her other special animals. She was so generous to share her techniques and philosophies with me. And thanks to Clover, for that lick on the arm!
Thanks to Margo Shearon for introducing me to Sandy.
Reverend Jan Brittain of Williamson’s Chapel Methodist Church generously allowed me to use the story about the boy in the hospital, which she told during her sermon one Sunday.
My nephew Luke Williams was my quite exuberant subject matter expect for the party and wakeboarding scenes. My brother Pat Williams offered important details as well. Thanks, guys!
And the usual suspects: Chris Woodworth, my dear writing friend, with her incredible sensitivity and instincts; John Bonk, with his unerring sense of a good scene; Ann and Sydney Campanella, with their thoughtful, and gentle comments about character and spirituality; and Deb Waldron, for her practical suggestions and everlasting patience!
Thanks again to Caryn Wiseman, without whom this series would never exist.
Thanks to Kim Childress, my editor, who has been so supportive and insightful. Adding a fifth book to the series was her idea, and I loved getting the chance to write it. I always look forward to the ways in which her comments help me see each scene with new eyes.
I’d also like to thank Candice Frederick, for giving me pep talks when I needed them.
I appreciate all that the staff at Zondervan has done to support this series, from designing such beautiful covers to making bookmarks for me.
My husband Jeff helped me with the veterinary scene. No one is prouder of me than he is, and I thank God for sending him to me.
To my beloved parents and children, thanks for the inspiration for this book.