Author’s Afterword

You’ve made it through the third book! Thanks so much for reading. I’m having a lot of fun telling Kylie’s story. Though I originally envisioned a six-book series, it became obvious to me that there would only be four. So, the final book in the series, THE DARKEST GATEWAY, is next. I’m already thinking of the possibility of more adventures in this world, so stay tuned. It may not be over after all.

This is a good time to thank all who are involved in making this book. First and foremost is my partner, my helpmate, my long-suffering husband Craig, who reads and critiques everything I write. Then my awesome editor and super fangirl Lydia Youngman, who burnishes all the sentences and makes them extra shiny. It only gets better when she waves her magic red pencil at it. Thanks also to my copy editor, Kristen Greenberg, for giving it a thorough going over. And thanks also to my agent Lisa Rodgers at JABberwocky, who holds my hand and gets my books out there in front of the right people. Also to all the rest of the folks at JABberwocky—Patrick Disselhorst particularly—who lovingly handle all the other technical aspects in order to allow the book to fly into the world. And finally, to all the readers out there who found the series and give it the thumbs up. A huge thank you to you all.

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