1. The Morning Post 25 January 1815; LPL, H997/11, Exhibit 27; H997/32, f.49; H997/35, f.33.
2. Witnesses during Portsmouth’s marriage annulment case were asked specifically about his personal appearance, see LPL, H997/29, f.23, 55, 57; H997/31, f.227, 261; H997/32, f.65.
3. The material for much of this chapter is taken from reports in The Times and The Morning Post, and Genuine Report. Notes taken from the first application for a Commission of Lunacy in 1815 and the Chancellor’s comments upon it are held at HRO, 15M84/5/4/2.
1. T. F. T. Baker, D. K. Bolton and P. E. C. Croot, A History of the County of Middlesex vol.9 (London: Victoria County History, 1989), pp.51–2; HRO, 15M84/5/3/2/3, Accounts of Coulson Fellowes, April 1731; 15M84/5/3/2/4, Accounts of Coulson Fellowes, May 1765 to January 1769; 15M84/5/9/4/65, Mrs Fellowes bill, 24 November 1766; 15M84/5/3/2/17, Household bills for Coulson Fellowes; 15M84/5/14/19, Family history, 26 January 1803.
2. J. Martin, ‘Wallop, John, first earl of Portsmouth (1690–1762)’ ODNB.
3. HRO, 15M84/F25, Notebook by 6th earl, c.1892.
4. HRO, 15M84/5/3/2/17, Bundle of letters and bills; 15M84/5/3/2/4, Accounts of Coulson Fellowes, May 1765 to January 1769.
5. Alison M. Deveson, En Suivant La Vérité: A History of the Earls of Portsmouth and the Wallop Family (Portsmouth Estates, 2008), pp.42–4; Giles Worsley, ‘Farleigh House, Hampshire’ Country Life (16 June 1994), pp.62–5.
6. Edward Wedlake Brayley and John Britton, The Beauties of England and Wales, vol.6 (London: Vernor and Hood, 1805), pp.7, 11, 235–6.
7. HRO, 15M84/F321/6, Letter, 25 June 1855; 15M84/F25, Notebook by 6th earl of Portsmouth, c.1892; 15M84/F27, Notebook by 6th countess of Portsmouth, c.1901–5; Brayley and Britton, The Beauties of England, vol.6, p.234; William Page (ed.), A History of the County of Hampshire vol.4 (London: Victoria County History, 1911), pp.287–91; Deveson, En Suivant, pp.34–6, ‘Hurstbourne Park: Image and reality’ Hampshire Studies 59 (2004), 196–209, and ‘The lost mansions of Hurstbourne Park’ Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society Newsletter 43 (Spring, 2005), 31–6.
8. World, 10 October and 5 December 1788; Genuine Report, p.59; HRO, 15M52/T186, Marriage settlement, 12 February 1790.
9. HRO, 15M84/5/3/2/4, Accounts of Coulson Fellowes, May 1765 to January 1769; G. E. C., The Complete Peerage revised and enlarged edition (The St Catherine Press: London, 1945), vol.10, p.612.
1. Many of the descriptions of Steventon and the Austen family in this chapter are taken from Marilyn Butler, ‘Austen, Jane (1775–1817)’ ODNB; Claire Tomalin, Jane Austen: A Life (Viking: London, 1997); and Audrey Hawkridge, Jane Austen and Hampshire (Hampshire Papers, 2001).
2. Anna’s description of Cassandra Austen, and this definition of ‘sprack wit’ are taken from George Holbert Tucker, A History of Jane Austen’s Family (Stroud, Glos: Sutton, 1998), p.66.
3. R. A. Austen-Leigh (ed.), Austen Papers 1704–1856 (Spottiswoode: Ballantyne and Co Ltd, 1942), pp.28–9.
4. W. Austen-Leigh and R. A. Austen-Leigh, Jane Austen: A Family Record, Revised and Enlarged by Deirdre Le Faye (London: The British Library, 1989), p.15.
5. Austen Papers, pp.28–9.
6. NRO, FEL557, 558x8, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Robert Fellowes, 21 April 1793.
7. HRO, 15M84/F321/6, Letter from Lady Henrietta Dorothea Churchill to Eveline, Lady Portsmouth, 25 June 1855.
8. Deirdre Le Faye (ed.), Jane Austen’s Letters 3rd edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995), pp.196, 409.
9. Austen Papers, pp.23, 27.
10. Austen Papers, pp.28–9.
11. History of Jane Austen’s Family, p.117.
12. J. E. Austen-Leigh, A Memoir of Jane Austen and other Family Recollections, 1st published 1870 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002, edited by Kathryn Sutherland), pp.16, 205.
1. Morning Chronicle and London Advertiser 19 November 1773.
2. Newcastle Courant 15 February 1752.
3. Samuel Angier, The Polite Modern Divine (London, 1756).
4. Newcastle Courant 15 February 1752; Public Ledger 10 April 1761.
5. Charles Angier, A Few Observations on the Inconveniences which arise from Impediments and other Defects in Speech (Dublin, 1804), p.7; Public Advertiser 10 January 1772; London Evening Post 8–10 September 1774.
6. Morning Chronicle and London Advertiser 19 November 1773; Public Advertiser 19 February 1761; Public Advertiser 10 January 1772; Morning Post and Daily Advertiser 18 July 1777; [Charles Angier], An Address to the Public, Concerning Impediments in Speech (London, 1786), p.5.
7. Austen-Leigh (ed.), Austen Papers 1704–1856, pp.30–1.
8. John Tallis, London Street Views 1838–40 (London: Nattali and Maurice, with the London Topographical Society, 1969), pp.160–1.
9. Angier, A Few Observations, pp.10–12.
10. Memoirs of the Reverend Dr Joseph Priestley (London, 1809), p.25.
11. Public Ledger 10 April 1761; Denyse Rockey, Speech Disorder in Nineteenth Century Britain: The History of Stuttering (London: Croom Helm, 1980), p.193.
12. Address to the Public, pp.2, 6–7; and Rockey, Speech Disorder, p.225.
13. LPL, H997/32, f.49.
14. Rockey, Speech Disorder, pp.23, 30–1, 60, 129.
15. Angier, A Few Observations, pp.14–15.
16. Memoirs of the Reverend Dr Joseph Priestley, p.20; Lloyd’s Evening Post and British Chronicle 25–27 March 1761; Angier, A Few Observations, pp.13, 6–7; LPL, H997/33, f.186.
17. HRO, 15M84/5/3/2/17, Letters from Urania, Countess of Portsmouth, to her son Newton Fellowes.
18. Genuine Report, pp.32, 49; LPL, H997/30, ff.133, 167.
1. William Cobbett, Rural Rides (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1967; 1st published 1830), p.39; HRO, 44M69/H1/36, List of boys apprenticed at Odiham school, c.1787; Oxford Journal 19 January 1788; Hampshire Chronicle 19 January 1789; Reading Mercury 26 January 1789.
2. LPL, H997/29, ff.89–90; HRO, 15M84/5/4/4, Evidence to Chancery, 28 January 1815, p.113.
3. LPL, H997/29, ff.25, 89; H997/33, f.174.
4. LPL, H997/35, f.96.
5. The Times 25 February 1823; LPL, H997/29, f.25; HRO, 15M84/5/4/4, Evidence to Chancery, 28 January 1815, p.113.
6. LPL, H997/35, ff.91, 95; H997/33, ff.167, 198; H997/35, f.9.
7. HRO, 15M84/5/7, Evidence to Chancery, 30 July 1821; The Times 25 February 1823.
8. LPL, H997/29, f.89.
9. LPL, H997/35, f.91; The Times 13 February 1823; Genuine Report, p.54.
10. LPL, H997/33, ff.173–4; H997/35, ff.91–2; Genuine Report, p.64.
11. HRO, 15M84/5/3/1/1, Letters received by the 2nd Countess of Portsmouth, from her son, Newton Wallop.
12. BLA, L30/15/39/3, 16, 27, 30; HRO, 15M84/5/3/1/1; Walter Thornbury, Old and New London vol.3 (London: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, 1878), pp.462–83.
13. HRO, 15M84/5/3/1/1; F. M. O’Donoghue, ‘Livesay, Richard (1750–1826)’ rev. Jill Springall, ODNB; Alex Kidson ‘Romney, George (1734–1802)’ ODNB; for other portraits by George Romney, see Linda Colley, Britons: Forging the Nation (New Haven and London: Yale, 1992), pp.168–9.
1. HRO, 15M84/5/5/1, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Newton Fellowes, 15 April 1800.
2. HRO, 15M84/F25, Notebook by the 6th earl of Portsmouth, c.1892.
3. HRO, 15M84/5/4/7, Chancery case, 31 July 1821, f.111; see also copies of accounts submitted by trustees for 1799–1808, which show a similar estate income, LPL, H997/11, Exhibit 2.
4. LPL, H997/33, f.174; H997/12, Exhibit 32.
5. LPL, H997/29, f.28.
6. LPL, H997/33, f.167.
7. LPL, H997/31, f.297; H997/33, ff.185–6.
8. HRO, 15M84/F321/6, Letter from Lady Henrietta Dorothea Churchill to Eveline, Lady Portsmouth, 25 June 1855; LPL, H997/31, f.275.
9. LPL, H997/30, f.143.
10. HRO, 15M84/5/4/7, Chancery case, 30 July 1821, f.23; NA, PROB 11/1543/224; PRO 30/8/168/142–5, Letters to William Pitt from the 2nd earl of Portsmouth.
11. HRO, 15M84/5/3/1/1.
12. HRO, 5M52/T186, Document incorrectly labelled by the archives as the marriage settlement of John earl of Portsmouth and his wife Urania, 12 February 1790.
13. LPL, H997/35, ff.38–45.
14. HRO, 15M84/F27, Notebook by the 6th countess of Portsmouth, c.1901–5.
15. HRO, 15M84/5/3/2/17, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Newton Fellowes, 30 January 1811.
16. HRO, 15M84/5/3/1/2, List of specific bequests by Urania, 2nd countess of Portsmouth; HRO, 15M84/F27, Notebook by the 6th countess of Portsmouth, c. 1901–5.
17. LPL, H997/28, ff.232–3.
1. LPL, H997/33, f.187.
2. NA, C13/2833/7 (1803).
3. Comparisons between Ferrers and Portsmouth were made in 1815 when Newton Fellowes first attempted to get a Chancery inquisition of lunacy, HRO, 15M84/5/4/2, pp.139–40. Angus McLaren, Sexual Blackmail: A Modern History (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 2002), gives the historical context to attitudes to sodomy and responses to blackmail at this time.
4. LPL, H997/11, Exhibit 5; H997/8; H997/32, ff.39–40, 49; H997/33, ff.110–11; Morning Chronicle 8 December 1802; Hampshire Chronicle 13 December 1802; Genuine Report, p.64. Unfortunately, Portsmouth’s affidavits, or sworn statements, to King’s Bench do not survive, and we only hear what he said second-hand. Since the Seilaz case became important in later court cases relating to Portsmouth’s sanity, it is possible that they were removed from King’s Bench files and then mislaid. Given the incriminating evidence and the nature of this case, this loss of documents may not have been entirely accidental.
5. Genuine Report, pp.46–7; and The Times 17 February 1823, p.2.
6. Salisbury and Winchester Journal 26 August 1799.
7. Seilaz’s story is given in NA, C13/2833/7 (1803). More limited details are also given in Seilaz’s affidavit to King’s Bench requesting his papers be returned, KB1/31/6, and the resulting court order, KB21/48.
8. Morning Chronicle 8 December 1802.
1. The marriage separation case in November 1747 was brought on the grounds of John Wallop’s cruelty, see LMA DL/C/0551/078–9, 107; HRO, 15M84/5/14/2; I have found no evidence to support the claim that the marriage inspired Hogarth’s painting.
2. J. P. C. Roach (ed.), A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely vol.3 (London: Victoria County History, 1959), pp.450–6; Eamon Duffy, ‘Part Three: Late seventeenth to early nineteenth century’ in P. Cunich et al, A History of Magdalene College Cambridge 1428–1988 (Cambridge: Magdalene College Publications, 1994), pp.179–83.
3. British Library, Add MS 89036/1/7, f.58, Letter from John King to William Pitt, 5 August 1800.
4. HRO, 15M84/5/4/2, Evidence to Chancery, 14 January 1815, ff.51, 96–7.
5. The Times 13 February 1823.
6. CAH, R35/2/3, Letter from Henry Arthur Fellowes to William Fellowes, 16 August 1785.
7. CAH, R32/7, ‘Reasons for confinement’, and 5 September 1791, ‘List of questions’; 27 August, 28 August, 1 September, 2 September, 10 September 1791, R32/7, ‘Vouchers, papers, letters, accounts relative to the affairs of my sister Dorothea Fellowes’, 1 June 1789; NRO, FEL 557/1/2, Letter from Henry Arthur Fellowes to Robert Fellowes, 8 January 1791, FEL 652, 554x3, ‘Note by Dorothea Fellowes’, n.d. and Letter from Dorothea Fellowes to Robert Fellowes, 17 July 1779; FEL 709, 554x9, ‘Note by Dorothea Fellowes’, 3 May 1786.
8. NRO, FEL 709, 554x9, Letter from John Pridden to Robert Fellowes, 18 January 1819; Richard Riddell, ‘Pridden, John (1758–1825)’ ODNB.
9. CAH, R32/7, 25 August 1791.
10. CAH, R32/7, 31 August 1791.
11. CAH, R35/2/3, Letter from Henry Arthur Fellowes to William Fellowes, 25 October 1788; NRO, FEL 557/1/1, Letter from Henry Arthur Fellowes to Robert Fellowes, 7 December 1788.
12. CAH, R35/2/3, Letter from Henry Arthur Fellowes to William Fellowes, 5 August 1791.
13. NRO, FEL 557/2/20, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Robert Fellowes, begun 22 June 1792.
14. All these documents are held at CAH, R32/7.
15. CAH, R35/2/3, Letter from Henry Arthur Fellowes to William Fellowes, 21 August 1791.
16. William L. Parry-Jones, The Trade in Lunacy: A Study of Private Madhouses in England in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1972); Charlotte MacKenzie, Psychiatry for the Rich: A History of Ticehurst Private Asylum, 1792–1917 (London: Routledge, 1992); E. Foyster, ‘At the limits of liberty: married women and confinement in eighteenth-century England’ Continuity and Change 17, 1 (2002), 39–62.
17. Roy Porter, ‘Willis, Francis (1718–1807)’ ODNB.
18. CAH, R32/7, 27 August, 29 August 1791, ‘Dr Willis’s opinion 29 August 1791’.
19. CAH, R35/2/3, Letter from Henry Arthur Fellowes to William Fellowes, 31 August 1791.
20. CAH, R32/7, 8 and 9 September 1791.
21. Helen Brock, ‘Simmons, Samuel Foart (1750–1813)’ ODNB.
22. CAH, R32/7, 10 September 1791.
23. CAH, R32/7, 11 September 1791.
24. NRO, FEL 653, 554x3.
25. NRO, FEL 557/2/20, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Robert Fellowes, begun 22 June 1792; FEL 557/1/6, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Robert Fellowes, 29 August 1792; and FEL 557/1/7, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Robert Fellowes, 9 September 1792.
26. NRO, FEL 656, 554x4, ‘To the Legislature’, 3 May, 22 July and 27 September 1799.
27. NRO, FEL 557, 553x8, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Robert Fellowes, 8 February 1793.
28. NRO, FEL 656, 554x4, Letter from Dorothea Fellowes to Lord Viscount Lymington, 18 November 1800.
29. Evidence of these visits is recorded in Helen Lefroy and Gavin Turner (eds), The Letters of Mrs Lefroy: Jane Austen’s Beloved Friend (Winchester: The Jane Austen Society, 2007), p.81; and Genuine Report, p.30.
30. Loudon Harcourt Gordon, An Apology for the Conduct of the Gordons (London, 1804), p.126.
31. Gordon, An Apology; Derby Mercury 15 March 1804; Kentish Gazette 9 March 1804; Hampshire Chronicle 12 March 1804.
32. Gordon, An Apology, pp.109, 118, 125–6; A Vindication of Mrs Lee’s Conduct Towards the Gordons Written by Herself (London, 1807); Northampton Mercury 28 January 1804; Kentish Gazette 13 March 1804; Stamford Mercury 25 May 1804. The case was so notorious that it was selected to be included in Peter Burke’s Celebrated Trials Connected with the Upper Classes of Society, in the Relations of Private Life (London, 1851), pp.231–2.
33. Kentish Gazette 13 March 1804; A Vindication, pp.20, 44–6.
34. HRO, 15M84/5/5/2, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Newton and Frances Fellowes, 8 October 1810.
35. HRO, 15M84/5/5/21, Letter from Dr Finch to Newton Fellowes, 27 June 1827; note from Lt. General Gordon to Newton Fellowes, no date; 15M84/5/5/25, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 5 January 1828; Parry-Jones, Trade in Lunacy, pp.37, 44, 116–17.
36. HRO, 15M84/5/5/2, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Newton and Frances Fellowes, 8 October 1810.
37. HRO, 15M84/5/5/14, Letter from Dr John Warburton to Newton Fellowes, 27 September 1824; 15M84/5/4/10, Minutes of a meeting of the trustees of the Earl of Portsmouth held on 30 June 1836.
38. NRO, FEL 557, 553x8, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Robert Fellowes, 14 January 1792.
39. London Chronicle 26–28 June 1792.
40. HRO, 15M84/5/14/19, ‘Answers of Reverend John Churchill’, no date.
41. HRO, 15M84/5/3/2/13, Copy of the will of Henry Arthur Fellowes, 16 September 1789; Lloyd’s Evening Post 7 May 1792.
42. NRO, FEL 557/2/20, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Robert Fellowes, begun 22 June 1792; FEL 557, 553x8, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Robert Fellowes, 18 March 1792.
43. Lloyd’s Evening Post 7 May 1792.
44. NRO, FEL 557/2/23, Letter from John Hanson to Robert Fellowes, 21 June 1792.
45. For example, Morning Herald 8 May 1792, and London Chronicle 8–10 May 1792.
46. NRO, FEL 557, 553x8, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Robert Fellowes, 31 May 1792.
47. For example, NRO, FEL 557, 553x8, Letters from Urania Portsmouth to Robert Fellowes, 18 March 1792 and 31 May 1792.
48. NRO, FEL 557, 553x8, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Robert Fellowes, 15 June 1792.
49. Lloyd’s Evening Post 7 May 1792; London Chronicle 26–28 June 1792, 9–12 August 1794.
50. NRO, FEL 557/1/7, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Robert Fellowes, 9 September 1792.
51. LMA, DL/C/549/55/5; LPL, CA, Case 1083, Eee16, testimony of George Ralph; Jonathan Andrews, ‘Begging the question of idiocy: the definition and socio-cultural meaning of idiocy in early modern Britain’ Part I and 2 History of Psychiatry 9 (1998), 65–95, 179–200; David Wright, ‘“Childlike in his innocence”: Lay attitudes to “idiots” and “imbeciles” in Victorian England’ in David Wright and Anne Digby (eds), From Idiocy to Mental Deficiency (London: Routledge, 1996); Rab Houston and Uta Frith, Autism in History: The Case of Hugh Blair of Borgue (Oxford: Blackwell, 2000).
1. True Briton 20 November 1799; Philip Laundy, ‘Norton, Fletcher, first Baron Grantley (1716–1789)’ ODNB; Gideon Mantell, A Topographical History of Surrey (London, 1850), pp.150–1; W. Edward Riley and Laurence Gomme (eds) Survey of London (London: London County Council, 1912), Vol.3, pp.108–9.
2. The Times 13 February 1823.
3. The Times 13 February 1823.
4. Report on the Proceedings, p.7.
5. The Times 13 February 1823.
6. Report on the Proceedings, p.7.
7. HRO, 15M84/5/4/7, Chancery case, 31 July and 6 August 1821, pp.110, 128.
8. HRO, 15M84/5/4/3, Chancery case, 24 January 1815, p.35.
9. HRO, 15M84/5/4/7, Chancery case, 30 July 1821, pp.2–3.
10. HRO, 15M84/5/5/16, Letter from Mr Bedford to Newton Fellowes, 16 October 1827; HRO, 15M84/5/4/3, Chancery case, 24 January 1815, p.20.
11. LPL, H997/8 and H997/11, Exhibit 1, ‘Plan of settlement proposed in the intended marriage of the Earl of Portsmouth with Grace Norton’.
12. HRO, 15M84/3/1/3/31, Copy of the Will and Codicils of the Right Honourable Grace Dowager Lady Grantley.
13. LPL, H997/33, f.174; H997/30, f.163; H997/31, f.245.
14. LPL, H997/30, ff.124–5.
15. The Times 13 February 1823, p.3; LPL, H997/27, ff.9–13.
16. LPL, H997/31, f.264.
17. Report on the Proceedings, p.30.
18. HRO, 15M84/5/5/2, Letter from Grace Portsmouth, no date.
19. HRO, 21M69/11/7, Letter from Grace Portsmouth to Charlotte Maria, 8th countess of Banbury, 25 August 1813; for a witness who remembered Grace ‘taking tea’ in the hayfields with Portsmouth, see LPL, H997/30, f.214.
20. LPL, H997/35, f.57; H997/28, f.191; The Times 13 February 1823, p.3.
21. LPL, H997/31, f.296.
22. LPL, H997/29, f.31.
23. LPL, H997/29, f.90; see also H997/30, f.178.
24. LPL, H997/29, f.70; H997/28, f.221.
25. LPL, H997/28, ff.191–2.
26. HRO, 15M84/5/5/1, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Newton Fellowes, 15 April 1800.
27. HRO, 15M84/5/3/2/17, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Newton Fellowes, 16 January 1802.
28. HRO, 15M84/5/5/2, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Newton Fellowes, 18 August 1810.
29. HRO, 15M84/5/3/2/17, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Newton Fellowes, 30 January 1811.
30. LPL, H997/30, ff.121, 208.
31. LPL, H997/30, ff.121, 137; LPL, H997/31, f.275.
32. HRO, 15M84/5/4/4, Chancery case, 28 January 1815, p.92.
1. Le Faye (ed.), Jane Austen’s Letters, p.53; HRO, 23M93/70/1/8, Pocket book of Eliza Chute, 30 October 1800.
2. Le Faye (ed.), Jane Austen’s Letters, pp.60–1.
3. Letter from Jane Austen to Martha Lloyd, 12 November 1800, in Austen-Leigh, A Memoir, p.58; Salisbury and Winchester Journal 27 November 1809.
4. LPL, H997/29, f.48.
5. Lefroy and Turner (eds), The Letters of Mrs Lefroy, pp.54–5.
6. Lefroy and Turner (eds), The Letters of Mrs Lefroy, pp.92, 179; Anne died after a riding accident the following month.
7. Oracle and Public Advertiser 29 June 1797; Bell’s Weekly Messenger 2 July 1797; Oracle and Daily Advertiser 15–16 May 1800.
8. Oracle and Daily Advertiser 5 June 1800; Morning Post and Gazetteer 5 June 1800.
9. Oracle and Daily Advertiser 25 April 1800; Morning Post and Gazetteer 25 April 1800.
10. Morning Post and Gazetteer 17 May 1800.
11. Morning Post and Gazetteer 20 June 1800.
12. LPL, H997/32, ff.21, 105–6.
13. HRO, 23M93/70/1/8, Pocket book of Eliza Chute, 7 October 1800.
14. LPL, H997/33, f.175; H997/35, ff.110–12.
15. LPL, H997/8; H997/11, Exhibit 2; H997/33, f.151; H997/35, f.4.
16. HRO, H15M84/5/4/4, Chancery case, 28 January 1815, ff.137–8; LPL, H997/11, Exhibit 2; LPL, H997/35, f.12.
17. HRO, H15M84/5/4/4, Chancery case, 28 January 1815, f.142.
18. Salisbury and Winchester Journal, 11 February and 22 April 1811.
19. LPL, H997/32, ff.91–4, 99–102.
20. LPL, H997/32, f.24; H997/35, f.4.
21. Salisbury and Winchester Journal 25 May 1801; www.oldbaileyonline.org, t18010520-8; LPL, H997/33, f.113; Byron knew of the case, L. A. Marchand, Byron: A Biography (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1957), vol.1, p.441, footnote 6.
22. LPL, H997/32, ff.18, 21.
23. LPL, H997/33, ff.123–4.
24. LPL, H997/32, f.84.
25. Report on the Proceedings, p.66.
26. LPL, H997/33, ff.138–9.
27. HRO, 15M84/5/4/4, Chancery case, 28 January 1815, f.89.
28. The Times 28 February 1823, p.3.
29. HRO, 15M84/5/4/4, Chancery case, 28 January 1815, f.153.
30. LPL, H997/33, f.116; H997/35, ff.24, 40; H997/27, ff.9–13; Genuine Report, pp. 65, 67; The Times 24 February 1823, p.3.
31. LPL, H997/33, ff.155–6.
1. LPL, H997/29, ff.14–19; Genuine Report, p.20.
2. LPL, H997/29, ff.97–102; Genuine Report, pp.20–1.
3. Genuine Report, p.20, LPL, H997/29, ff.100–102; John Haslam, Observations on Madness and Melancholy 2nd edition (London, 1809), pp.313, 324; McKenzie, Psychiatry for the Rich, p.25; Andrews, ‘Begging the question of idiocy’ Part I, p.84.
4. The Times 13 February 1823, p.3.
5. LPL, H997/30, ff.123, 125.
6. Genuine Report, p.21; LPL, H997/28, ff.193–4, 200, 224.
7. Genuine Report, pp.44–45; LPL, H997/27, ff.14–27; Capy’s surname was also spelled Capey in some documents.
8. LPL, H997/27, ff.63, 70.
9. Genuine Report, p.58; the case was probably that heard at the Old Bailey and widely reported in September 1791. Susannah Hill, a London prostitute, was charged with hanging Franz Kotzwara (misspelt as Kutzmanoff in Genuine Report), but she was dismissed after it was proven that Kotzwara had sought sexual gratification by being strangled, Julie Peakman, Lascivious Bodies: A Sexual History of the Eighteenth Century (London: Atlantic Books, 2004), pp.267–8.
10. L. A. Marchand (ed.), Byron’s Letters and Journals 12 vols (London: John Murray, 1973–1982), vol.10, pp.125–6.
11. Genuine Report, p.54.
12. LPL, H997/27, f.63; H997/29, f.16; H997/30, f.105.
13. HRO, 15M84/5/4/4, Chancery case, 28 January 1815, ff.107, 142.
1. LPL, H997/30, ff.108–14; Genuine Report, pp.29–30.
2. Genuine Report, p.27; LPL, H997/13, unfoliated; H997/27, f.90; H997/28, f.194; H997/31, ff.250–1.
3. Genuine Report, p.28; LPL, H997/27, f.91.
4. LPL, H997/28, ff.224–5; H997/29, f.79; HRO, 15M84/5/4/4, Chancery case, 31 January 1815, ff.180–1; LPL, H997/27, ff.9–13.
5. Genuine Report, pp.31, 49; The Times, 17 February 1823, p.2; LPL, H997/29, ff.64, 80; H997/30, f.146.
6. LPL, H997/30, ff.127–8.
7. HRO, 15M84/5/4/3, Chancery case, 24 January 1815, f.8; LPL, H997/28, f.194; H997/30, f.111; The Times 1 March 1823, p.3.
8. LPL, H997/30, f.212.
9. Genuine Report, pp.23–4, 30; LPL, H997/31, f.231.
10. Genuine Report, pp.24, 66, 69.
11. Genuine Report, pp.41, 66; The Times 15, 22 and 23 February 1823, p.3; LPL, H997/29, f.65; Richard Burn, Ecclesiastical Law 9th edition (London, 1842), vol.2, pp.423–4; intellectuals debated whether idiots had souls and who should be excluded from the communion, C. F. Goodey, A History of Intelligence and ‘Intellectual Disability’: The Shaping of Psychology in Early Modern Europe (Farnham: Ashgate, 2011), pp.201–4.
1. Genuine Report, p.30; The Times 14 February 1823, p.3.
2. LPL, H997/28, f.203; H997/29, f.65; H997/30, ff.146, 168–9, 193; H997/31, ff.250–1; Genuine Report, pp.30, 32; The Times 14 February 1823, p.3; 17 February 1823, p.2.
3. LPL, H997/27, ff.87–8, 92; H997/28, f.228; H997/29, ff.34–5, 50, 67; H997/30, f.132; H997/31, f.235; H997/35, ff.18, 48; Genuine Report, pp.15, 17, 28, 29, 32, 38; HRO, 15M84/5/4/3, Chancery case, 24 January 1815, p.16; G. F. R. Baker, ‘Onslow, George, first earl of Onslow (1731–1814)’, rev. E. A. Smith, ODNB.
4. LPL, H997/1, unfoliated; H997/27, ff.20, 94, 117; H997/28, f.223; H997/29, ff.39–40, 66–68; H997/30, f.133; Genuine Report, p.48.
5. HRO, 53 A12/7, Copy of the affidavit of John Pottecary, sworn 23 January 1815; Genuine Report, p.24; LPL, H997/29, ff.20–24; H997/30, ff.114, 131, 176.
6. Genuine Report, pp.12, 23, 24, 28, 30; The Times 14 February 1823, p.3; LPL, H997/31, f.222.
7. HRO, 15M84/5/4/3, Chancery case, 24 January 1815, f.5; 15M84/5/4/6, Chancery case, 1 February 1815, f.100; LPL, H997/27, f.19; H997/29, f.41; H997/30, f.133; H997/31, ff.220–1, 231, 246–51; Genuine Report, pp.23, 30; The Times 14 February 1823, p.3.
8. Genuine Report, pp.26, 30, 32, 39; LPL, H997/36–40, H997/8, H997/30, f.143; The Times 14 February 1823, p.3.
1. The Courier 28 January 1808; The Times 14 February 1823, p.3.
2. Le Faye (ed.), Jane Austen’s Letters, p.68; HRO, 15M84/5/5/1, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Newton Fellowes, 15 April 1800; 15M84/5/5/2, Copies of letters from Catharine Wallop (Coulson’s wife) to Urania Portsmouth, 17 March 1803; 15M84/5/3/2/17, Letters from Urania Portsmouth to Newton Fellowes: 5 November 1801, 21 July 1801, 16 January 1802, 12 July 1806, 28 July 1806, 2 September 1806, 14 September 1806, 23 December 1806 and 4 December 1807.
3. LPL, H997/30, f.134; HRO, 15M84/5/4/6, Chancery case, 1 February 1815, ff.42, 44.
4. Genuine Report, pp.18, 23, 57; The Times 13 February 1823, p.3; LPL, H997/28, ff.225–6; H997/31, ff.280–1; HRO, 15M84/5/4/4, Chancery case, 28 January 1815, f.104; 15M84/5/5/12, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 18 June 1825.
5. Genuine Report, pp.8, 15–17, 21; The Times 12 February 1823, p.3; LPL, H997/1; H997/8 (unfoliated); H997/13; H997/28, f.163; H997/29, f.52; H997/35, f.10.
6. Genuine Report, pp.8, 13, 24, 25; LPL, H997/27, ff.9–13; H997/28, ff.142–67, 233–4; H997/29, ff.12, 22; H997/30, f.135; The Times 12 February 1823, p.3.
7. HRO, 15M84/5/4/6, Chancery case, 1 February 1815, f.43; Genuine Report, pp.12–13, 31, 32; LPL, H997/28, ff.125–7, 150; H997/30, f.136.
1. Genuine Report, p.67; The Times 24 February 1823, p.3; LPL, H997/35, ff.22–30; John Jones, ‘Baillie, Matthew (1761–1823)’ ODNB.
2. HRO, 15M84/5/4/5, Chancery case, 31 January 1815, ff.180–4; Genuine Report, pp.13, 24, 28–9; The Times 24 February 1823, p.3; LPL, H997/1; H997/27, ff.96–8; H997/29, ff.35, 53, 69–70; H997/30, ff.137, 165, 178; H997/32, f.3.
3. HRO, 15M84/5/4/5, Chancery case, 31 January 1815, ff.185–7, 1 February 1815, f.41.
1. Marchand, Byron, vol.1, pp.53–4, 440; Marchand (ed.), Byron’s Letters, vol.1, pp. 61, 63–4,72, 76, 77, vol.2, pp. 25, 36, vol.10, p.129; NLS, Ms. 43537 ‘Hanson’s Narrative’ and ‘Hanson’s Narrative of Lord Byron’s Early Life’; Jerome McGann, ‘Byron, George Gordon Noel, sixth Baron Byron (1788–1824)’ ODNB.
2. Marchand, Byron, vol.1, p.440; Byron’s Letters, vol.3, pp.248–9, vol.4, ‘Statement concerning Lord Portsmouth’, December 1814 (probable date), pp.236–7, vol.10, Letter from Byron to John Cam Hobhouse, 19 March 1823, pp.124–5; NLS, Ms. 43537 ‘Hanson’s Narrative’; Genuine Report, pp.13, 31, 35; NA, PROB 11/1291/221, Will of the Right Honourable John Earl of Portsmouth, 24 May 1797; HRO, 15M84/5/4/4, Chancery case, 28 January 1815, f.57; LPL, H997/27, ff.45–7; H997/31, ff.237–8; H997/32, ff.85–6, 95–7; Baron Broughton [J.C. Hobhouse], Recollections of a Long Life (London: John Murray, 1909–11), ed. Lady Dorchester, vol.1, p.92–3; The Times 15 February 1823, p.3.
3. Marchand, Byron’s Letters, vol.4, ‘Statement concerning Lord Portsmouth’, December 1814 (probable date), pp.236–7, vol.10, pp.119–20, 129; NLS, Ms. 43537 ‘Hanson’s Narrative’.
4. Marchand, Byron’s Letters, vol.1, p.40, vol.4, pp.174–5, 180, 186, 187, 189, 193, 235, 238, 239, 254, 261, 265, 306; vol.10, Letter from Byron to John Cam Hobhouse, 19 March 1823, p.125; Malcolm Elwin, Lord Byron’s Wife (London: John Murray, 1962), p.240; McGann, ‘Byron’ ODNB.
5. Marchand, Byron, vol.2, pp.558–65; Marchand, Byron’s Letters, vol.10, pp.119–20, 127, 129; John Galt, The Life of Lord Byron (London, 1830), cvii; Elwin, Lord Byron’s Wife, pp.340–1, 346–7; Broughton, Recollections, vol.2, pp.250–3; McGann, ‘Byron’ ODNB.
1. HRO, 15M84/5/4/2, Chancery case, 14 January 1815, f.50; 15M84/5/4/4, Chancery case, 28 January 1815, f.57; 15M84/5/4/7, Chancery case, 30 July 1821, ff.22–3; Genuine Report, p.9.
2. St James’ Chronicle or the British Evening Post, 9–11 October 1794; Hermione Hobhouse (ed.), Survey of London: vol.42 (London: London County Council, 1986), pp.196–214; Lefroy and Turner (eds.), The Letters of Mrs Lefroy, p.74; HRO, 15M84/5/4/7, Chancery case, 30 July 1821, f.13; LPL, H997/33, ff.156, 161; Marchand (ed.), Byron’s Letters, vol.1, pp.63–4, 72, 76.
3. Genuine Report, pp.34–5, 48, 50; LPL, H997/1; H997/27, ff.1–8; H997/28, ff.215–7; Doris Langley Moore, Lord Byron Accounts Rendered (London: John Murray, 1974), pp.462–3.
4. Bryon’s Letters, vol.10 (1980), pp.125, 129; The Times 18 February 1823, p.3; LPL, H997/1; H997/28, ff.235–6; H997/29, ff.82–3; H997/30, ff.179, 199, 201; H997/33, ff.182–4; Genuine Report, pp.13, 25, 27, 28, 34.
5. LPL, H997/27, ff.45–7; H997/32, ff.95–8; Byron’s Letters, vol.10, p.124; HRO, 15M84/5/4/4, Chancery case, 28 January 1815, f.127, 31 January 1815, f.188; 15M84/5/4/8, Bundle of press cuttings; The Times 3 December 1825, p.3.
1. HRO, 15M84/5/4/6, Chancery case, 1 February 1815, f.23–5; 15M84/5/4/7, Chancery case, 30 July 1821, f.27.
2. HRO, 15M84/F27, Notebook by the 6th countess of Portsmouth, c.1901–5; 15M84/5/3/2/17, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Newton Fellowes, 29 May 1797; Hampshire Chronicle 22 April 1797; Norfolk Chronicle 29 April 1797.
3. Witnesses differed about whether the procession was in April or November 1814; LPL, H997/29, ff.71, 83; H997/30, f.139; HRO, 15M84/5/4/4, Chancery case, 28 January 1815, f.62; 15M84/5/4/7, Chancery case, 30 July 1821, ff.16–7, 40, 46; 15M84/5/4/8; The Times 29 July 1819, p.3, 7 August 1819, p.2; LPL, H997/8; H997/14 (unfoliated); H997/32, ff.41–2.
4. LPL, H997/8; H997/12, Exhibits 12 and 27; H997/35, f.33; HRO, 15M84/5/4/2–6, January and February 1815, statements to Chancery; 15M84/F27, Notebook by the 6th countess of Portsmouth, c.1901–5; 15M84/5/4/7, 30 July 1821, ff.27–8, 38.
5. Morning Post 25 January and 1 February 1815; Byron’s Letters, vol.4, p.261; HRO, 15M84/5/4/6, 1 February 1815, f.126; E. A. Smith, ‘Scott, John, first earl of Eldon (1751–1838)’ ODNB; The Times 18 February 1823, p.3; LPL, H997/32, f.64; H997/35, ff.18–19; Genuine Report, p.63.
1. For descriptions of Fairlawn Grove, see The Times 8 June 1821, p.4, and Morning Post 24 August 1841; LPL, H997/13; H997/27, ff.16, 19, 21–22; The Times 17 February 1823, p.1; Genuine Report, pp.44–7.
2. Genuine Report, pp.38–9, 45–6; The Times 12 November 1822, p.3, 11 March 1823, p.3, 6 May 1828, p.4; LPL, H997/27, f.24; H997/33, ff.127–32; H997/36–40; H997/53.
3. LPL, H997/53; The Times report of Capy’s testimony to the Commission on 17 February 1823 gives the date of the ‘three in a bed incident’ as August 1818 not 1817, so there may well have been some genuine confusion over dates.
4. NA, C13/2685/9, Chancery proceedings, answer of William Rowland Alder, 7 May 1833; Genuine Report, pp.35–8, 42, 43, 45; The Times 15 February 1823, p.3, 17 February 1823, p.1; LPL, H997/27, f.116.
5. Genuine Report, pp.10, 11, 43–6, 50–1, 72; LPL, H997/27, ff.23, 70, 106, 111; H997/28, f.144; The Times 12 November 1822, p.3, 17 February 1823, pp.1–2, 18 February 1823, p.3, 19 February 1823, p.3.
6. Genuine Report, pp.10, 18, 39–40,46; The Times 15 February 1823, p.3, 17 February 1823, p.1, 25 February 1823, p.3, 28 February 1823, p.3; LPL, H997/27, f.105; Marchand (ed.), Byron’s Letters, vol.10, p.125; Roy Porter, ‘The secrets of generation display’d: Aristotle’s Master-piece in Eighteenth-Century England’, in R.P. Maccubbin (ed.), ’Tis Nature’s Fault: Unauthorized Sexuality during the Enlightenment (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987).
7. Salisbury and Winchester Journal 4 April 1814; Moore, Lord Byron’s Accounts, p.468; The Times 12 November 1822, p.3; Genuine Report, p.70.
1. LPL, H997/31, f.239; The Times 15 February 1823, p.3, 18 February 1823, p.3; Genuine Report, pp.25, 33–4, 35; Mary Ann denied pushing Portsmouth out of the carriage, LPL, H997/13.
2. HRO, 15M84/5/4/6, 1 February 1815, f.58; Genuine Report, pp.24, 44–5; HRO, 15M84/5/4/4, 28 January 1815, ff.127–8; 15M84/5/4/5, 31 January 1815, ff.194–208; The Times 21 February 1823, p.3; LPL, H997/1; H997/13.
3. Genuine Report, pp.16, 35–6, 42, 45, 46; LPL, H997/13; H997/28, ff.135, 174; H997/29, f.83; H997/30, ff.117, 152, 180, 204; The Times 17 February 1823, p.2, 22 February 1823, p.3.
4. Genuine Report, pp.61–3; The Times 22 February 1823, p.3; LPL, H997/32, ff.60–79.
5. Genuine Report, pp.14, 37, 38, 40, 42–3, 46; LPL, H997/1; H997/13; H997/27, ff.28–9, 54, 56; H997/28, ff.139–40, 206; H997/30, ff.157–8; H997/35, f.29; The Times 17 February 1823, p.1; T. F. Henderson, ‘Birnie, Sir Richard (c.1760–1832)’, rev. Catherine Pease-Watkin, ODNB.
6. Genuine Report, pp.36, 37, 39, 43; LPL, H997/8, f.174; H997/13; H997/28, ff.119, 140; H997/30, f.152; The Times 15 February 1823, p.3.
7. LPL, H997/27, f.56; H997/30, f.153; Genuine Report, pp.31–2, 60.
1. NA, PRO30/8/168/142–9, 151–8, 160, 162–3; R. Thorne (ed.), The History of Parliament: The House of Commons 1790–1820 (London: Boydell and Brewer, 1986); D. Cannadine, Aspects of the Aristocracy: Grandeur and Decline in Modern Britain (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1995), p.20; B. Hilton, A Mad, Bad, and Dangerous People? England 1783–1846 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), pp.80–1.
2. HRO, 15M84/5/3/2/17, Letter from Urania Portsmouth to Newton Fellowes, 14 September 1806; Gordon L. Teffeteller, ‘Beresford, William Carr, Viscount Beresford (1768–1854)’ ODNB; LPL, H997/28, f.230; H997/29, f.41; H997/33, f.151; H997/35, ff.2–3, 40–2; Genuine Report, pp.63, 66, 68–9, 71; there is no record of how Portsmouth or Newton Fellowes voted in Parliament over the issue of Catholic emancipation.
3. The Times 13 November 1820, p.2, 12 February 1823, p.2, 22 February 1823, p.3, 1 March 1823, p.3; LPL, H997/27, ff.41–3, 112–15; H997/32, ff.22, 25, 27–8; H997/33, ff.210–15; Genuine Report, pp.40–1, 58–9, 63–4; Michael Lobban, ‘Burrough, Sir James (1749–1837)’ and ‘Brougham, Henry Peter, first Baron Brougham and Vaux (1778–1868)’ ODNB; HRO, 15M84/5/4/8, Bundle of press cuttings; T. C. Hansard, The Parliamentary Debates (London, 1821), vol.3, columns 1698,1744–46; Hilton, Mad, Bad, p.28. Wetherell got the name of the clerk wrong: it was Maynard not Markham.
4. Genuine Report, pp.56–7; John Belchem, ‘Hunt, Henry [Orator Hunt] (1773–1835)’ ODNB; S. M. Waddams, ‘Lushington, Stephen (1782–1873)’ ODNB; The Times 3 March 1823, p.3, 6 May 1828, p.4; Morning Post 3 March 1823; Hilton, Mad, Bad, p.29; John Belchem, ‘Orator’ Hunt: Henry Hunt and English Working-Class Radicalism (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985); John Mitford, A Description of the Crimes and Horrors in the Interior of Warburton’s Private Mad-House (London, 1825), pp.2, 26. Much of this chapter is based on three excellent articles about the trial of Queen Caroline: Thomas W. Laqueur, ‘The Queen Caroline Affair: Politics as art in the reign of George IV’ Journal of Modern History 54 (1982), 417–66; T. L. Hunt, ‘Morality and monarchy in the Queen Caroline affair’ Albion 23, 4 (1991), 697–722; and Jonathan Fulcher, ‘The loyalist response to the Queen Caroline agitations’ Journal of British Studies 34 (1995), 481–502.
5. The Complete Peerage (1945), vol.10, p.612.
1. G. T. Bettany, ‘Hamilton, James, junior (1767–1839)’, rev. Ornella Moscucci, ODNB; Derek Doyle, ‘James Hamilton the younger (1767–1839)’ Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 42 (2012); LPL, H997/13; H997/34, ff.1–30; HRO, 15M84/5/4/8, Bundle of press cuttings; The Times 25 February 1823, p.3; Salisbury and Winchester Journal 19 August 1822; Caledonian Mercury 3 August 1822; Morning Post 15 August 1822.
1. Glasgow Herald 19 July 1822; Morning Post 15 August 1822; Genuine Report, pp.11, 16, 51, 66, 68, 71; The Times 18 February 1823, p.3, 25 February 1823, p.3; LPL, H997/32, ff.48, 50, 53–9; H997/34, ff.31–8; Caledonian Mercury 27 July 1822.
2. LPL, H997/34, ff.11–14, H997/35, f.29; Glasgow Herald 19 July 1822; Morning Post 15 August 1822; Caledonian Mercury 3 August 1822; HRO, 15M84/5/5/24, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 19 April 1829; 15M84/5/4/7, Chancery case, 30 July to 14 August 1821; Genuine Report, pp.11, 16–18, 47–8, 51, 70, 72–4; HRO, 15M84/5/4/8, Bundle of press cuttings; The Times 4 November 1822, p.3, 18 February p.3, 19 February 1823, p.3, 27 February 1823, p.3, 1 March 1823, p.3.
3. HRO, 15M84/5/4/8, Bundle of press cuttings; Genuine Report, pp.78–9.
1. Morning Post 19 March 1823, 4 July 1823; HRO, 15M84/5/5/24, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 19 April 1829; 15M84/5/4/13, Chancery case, 5 July 1841.
2. HRO, 15M84/5/5/8, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 13 June 1823; HRO, 15M84/5/4/10, Minutes of a meeting of the trustees of the Earl of Portsmouth, 30 June 1836; The Times 19 February 1823, p.3; Mitford, Description of the Crimes and Horrors, pp.1–2; MacKenzie, Psychiatry for the Rich, p.14.
3. LPL, H997/31, ff.295–9; Morning Post 25 February 1823, 13 March 1823, 31 March 1852; Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle 24 February 1823, 3 March 1823, 17 March 1823; HRO, 15M84/5/4/12, 15M84/5/5/25, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 21 July 1828.
4. Genuine Report, pp.78–9; HRO, 15M84/5/5/8, Letters from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 15 November 1823, 19 January 1824, 27 February 1824, 10 April 1824, 17 June 1824; 15M84/5/4/10, Minutes of trustee meetings held on 30 June, 7 and 8 July 1836; 15M84/5/5/25, Letters from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 27 June 1827, 21 July 1828; 15M84/5/5/11, Letter from Mr Austin of Gray’s Inn to Newton Fellowes, 27 July 1824; 15M84/5/5/22, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 27 January 1830; NA, C13/1047/19 Portsmouth v. Grantley; Diane Atkinson, The Criminal Conversation of Mrs Norton (London: Random House, 2012), p.45.
5. HRO, 15M84/5/4/13, Chancery case, 5 July 1841; White, Devonshire Directory (1850); HRO, 15M84/F27, Notebook by the 6th countess of Portsmouth, c.1901–5; 15M84/5/5/18, Letters from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 13 January 1827, 7 February 1827, 21 February 1827.
6. HRO, 15M84/5/5/8, Letters from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 18 October 1823, 23 October 1823, 18 May 1824; 15M84/5/4/13, Chancery case, 5 July 1841; 15M84/5/5/16, Letters from Slade Bedford to Newton Fellowes; 15M84/5/5/25, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 27 June 1827; LMA, DL/C/0924 Portsmouth v. Hanson; The Times 3 December 1825, 28 April 1828, 6 May 1828; The Standard 12 May 1828; LPL, H997/1; H997/30, f.121; H997/61; S. M. Waddams, ‘Lushington’ ODNB, and Law, Politics and the Church of England: The Career of Stephen Lushington 1782–1873 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992).
7. LPL, H997/28, f.164; H997/35, ff.37, 52; Salisbury and Winchester Journal 28 June 1824; HRO, 15M84/5/4/11, Letter from Portsmouth to Catherine Fellowes, 28 February 1827, Letter from Portsmouth to Newton Fellowes, 6 March 1827; 15M84/5/5/8, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 19 June 1824; 15M84/5/5/9, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 15 December 1824; 15M84/5/5/12, Letters from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 1 January 1825, 19 January 1825, 22 February 1825, 23 February 1825, 26 February 1825, 2 July 1825, 16 March 1826, 4 April 1826, 3 May 1826; 15M84/5/5/18, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 18 November 1826; 15M84/5/5/24, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 19 April 1829; 15M84/5/5/22, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 29 November 1830.
8. HRO, 15M84/5/5/18, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 7 March 1827; 15M84/5/5/25, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 4 July 1827; 15M84/5/5/24, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 4 December 1828, 14 January 1829; 15M84/5/4/13, Chancery case, 5 July 1841, f.11; 15M84/5/5/19, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 21 June 1828.
9. HRO, 15M84/5/5/9, Letters from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 22 January 1831, 26 February 1831; 15M84/5/5/22, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 29 November 1830; Salisbury and Winchester Journal 3 November 1823; Morning Post 8 October 1833; The Times 7 October 1835; Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle 12 October 1835; NA HO64/3/153 f.419; my account of the Swing disturbances is heavily indebted to David Kent, ‘Popular radicalism and the Swing Riots in Central Hampshire’ Hampshire Papers 11 (1997); see also Ruscombe Foster, The Politics of County Power: Wellington and the Hampshire Gentlemen 1820–52 (Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990), chapter 4.
10. The Times 18 February 1823, p.3.
1. HRO, 15M84/F27, Notebook by 6th countess of Portsmouth, c. 1901–5; HRO, 15M84/5/4/11, Bundle of correspondence from the 3rd earl of Portsmouth to his brother Newton Fellowes and Catherine Fellowes 1827–53; Morning Post 2 December 1842; HRO, 15M84/5/14/20, Family papers including handwritten obituary for Henry Arthur W. Fellowes dated 18 February 1847; HRO, 15M84/5/6/4, Pocketbook of Lady Catherine Fellowes, 1847.
2. LPL, H997/32, ff.50, 88; H997/35, f.34; Moore, Lord Byron’s Account, pp.469–71; McGann, ‘Byron’ ODNB; Marchand, Byron: A Biography, vol.3, p.1260; Byron’s Letters and Journals, vol.1, p.275, vol.4, p.255, vol.5, p.70, vol.6, pp.59–60, 61, 74, 232, vol.7, p.40; NLS, Ms. 43537 ‘Hanson’s Narrative’, Ms. 43537 Draft Letters and Newton Hanson’s Narrative of Lord Byron’s early life, Ms. 43436 Letters from John, Newton and Charles Hanson to John Murray (1824-49); Hobhouse (ed.), Survey of London vol.42, pp.196–214.
3. Salisbury and Winchester Journal 25 November 1822; The Times 11 March 1823, p.3, 3 December 1825, p.3; HRO, 15M84/5/5/12, Letter from Henry Karslake to Newton Fellowes, 26 February 1825; The Standard 13 October 1828; Newcastle Courant 18 July 1829; Moore, Lord Byron’s Accounts, p.469.
4. NA, C13/2685/8; HRO, 15M84/5/4/14; The Berwick Advertiser 11 January and 22 March 1834; Durham University Library Special Collections, DPR1/1/1847/A4; The County of Kent Gazetteer and General Business Directory (1864); Victor Lauriston, Romantic Kent: The Story of a County, 1626–1952 (Chatham, 1952), pp.509–10; Christ Church Anglican burial registers, Chatham, burial register for Mrs Marianne Alder, 80 years, widow, 22 May 1870; Jim and Lisa Gilbert, ‘How the Countess of Portsmouth came to Chatham’ www.chathamdailynews.ca 10 April 2015, and ‘Jane Austen and Lord Byron provide final pieces of the Chatham puzzle’ www.chathamdailynews.ca 17 April 2015.
1. HRO, 15M84/5/4/13; 15M84/5/14/19, Will of Henrietta Dorothea Churchill; 15M84/5/14/20, Handwritten obituary for Newton Fellowes; Salisbury and Winchester Journal 14 November 1846, 30 November 1850, 30 July 1853; Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle 23 July 1853, 14 January 1854; LPL, H997/28, f.225; Morning Post 19 December 1853; The Standard 26 September 1853.