- abundance
- AHEAD model
- approaches for
- increasing prosperity by lowering prices
- Moore's Law and
- Narayana Health (NH) example
- overview
- Adidas
- AHEAD (Automate, Halo, Enhance, Abundance, Discovery) model
- AiCure
- Airbnb
- Airbus
- Akamai
- ALEKS (Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces)
- Alexa Web Information Service (Amazon)
- Aliens (movie)
- alignment
- Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence
- Allstate Insurance Company
- AlphaGo (Google)
- Amazon
- AI overview and
- automation and
- digital business models
- economic growth and
- enhancement by
- halo and
- systems of intelligence
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- American Express
- Amy (x.ai)
- Andreessen, Marc
- Anthem
- Apache Software Foundation
- Apple
- AI overview and
- economic growth and
- enhancement by
- halo and
- systems of intelligence and
- application programming interfaces (APIs)
- apps (application layers)
- Aristotle
- Artificial General Intelligence Society
- artificial intelligence (AI)
- AHEAD (Automate, Halo, Enhance, Abundance, Discovery) model, defined
- call to action for
- effect on jobs
- Fourth Industrial Revolution and
- general AI (AGI), defined
- narrow artificial intelligence (ANI)
- overview
- rise of
- robo-advisors
- super AI, defined
- technology transformation
- See also systems of intelligence
- Ashley Madison
- Associated Press
- Automated Insights
- automation
- AHEAD model
- “brass wall” breakthrough
- building repeatable process for
- in core operations
- customers as part of digital value chain
- enhancement relationship with
- familiar applications of
- as means versus end
- need for
- overview
- as “play”
- process-automation targets
- setting 25%-25% imperative
- TriZetto example
- automation, jobs and
- autonomous (driverless) cars
- Avicenna (IBM)
- back office operations, automating
- Baidu Research
- “being digital,” “doing digital” versus
- Benioff, Marc
- Betterment
- Bisignano, Frank
- BlackRock, Inc
- Blockbuster
- Blockchain
- Blue Prism
- Bock, Laszlo
- Boeing
- “boil-the-ocean” trap
- Borders
- Bosch
- Boxtel, Amanda
- Braintree
- brass-wall breakthrough
- Brennan, John
- Bridge, Lawrence
- Brynjolfsson, Erik
- Budding, Edwin
- Buffett, Warren
- Buick (General Motors Corporation)
- business analytics
- business models, defined, See also digital business models
- business process reengineering (BPR)
- Cassandra (Apache Software Foundation)
- Caterpillar
- Center for the Future of Work (Cognizant)
- Chaos Monkeys (Garcia-Martinez)
- Christensen, Clayton M.
- Cisco Systems
- Clover (First Data Corp.)
- code. See halo
- Code Halos (Cognizant)
- abundance
- data
- defined, (See also halo; instrumentation)
- digital business models
- enhancement by
- instrumentation
- Code Halos (Frank, Roering, Pring), See also halo; instrumentation
- “Coffee Test”
- Cognizant (Cognizant Technology Solutions U.S. Corporation). See Center for the Future of Work (Cognizant); Code Halos (Cognizant)
- Comcast
- core operations, automation in
- Cortana (Microsoft Corporation)
- cost, of data
- Credit Suisse
- Curic, Ned
- customers
- opting out by
- as part of digital value chain
- of systems of intelligence
- “dark side of halo”
- Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
- data
- as advantage for big companies
- for business analytics
- as component of systems of intelligence
- “data point test”
- First Data example
- as foundation of trust
- instrumentation with
- managing data supply chain
- measuring
- monetizing
- overview
- for systems of intelligence
- turning into an asset
- Data Group (Microsoft)
- da Vinci Surgical System
- DeepMind (Google)
- Democratic National Committee
- denial trap
- design thinking, importance of
- Digital Airline (Boeing)
- digital build-out, See also economic growth
- digital business models
- avoiding traps of, overview
- “boil-the-ocean” trap of
- defined
- denial trap of
- “doing digital” versus “being digital” trap of
- FANG trap of
- hybrids of
- overview
- transformation to
- digital Kaizen
- digital process logic
- Dimon, Jamie
- discovery
- AHEAD model
- Blockchain example
- digital Kaizen for
- driverless cars as
- examining current practices for
- imagination needed for
- importance of
- learning from past for
- letting “hits pay for misses”
- as opportunity
- overview
- R&D for innovation
- Discovery Limited
- distribution, of data
- “doing digital,” “being digital” versus
- “double-down on being more human,” for enhancement
- driverless cars
- Dropbox
- dystopians
- Echo (Amazon)
- economic growth
- future perspective of modern-day economy
- gross domestic product (GDP) growth
- historical perspective
- New Classrooms example
- optimism for
- “stall zones” of
- Three M's of “becoming digital”
- “ubiquitech”
- See also Industrial Revolutions
- Edison, Thomas
- Ekso Bionics
- Ellison, Larry
- Ellison-Benioff model
- employees. See human resources
- enhancement
- AHEAD model
- ALEKS example
- automation-enhancement relationship
- “double-down on being more human” for
- future of
- overview
- for protecting jobs
- “smart hands”-”smart robots” combination
- tools for digital age
- “white-collar exoskeleton” for
- WorkFusion example
- e*Trade
- Etzioni, Oren
- European Union, General Data Protection Regulation of
- Excel (Microsoft Corporation)
- E-Z Transit Pass
- Facebook
- abundance and
- AI overview and
- data of
- digital business models
- discovery and
- economic growth and
- halo and
- systems of intelligence and
- FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google)
- Fields, Mark
- Fink, Larry
- FinTech
- First Data
- First Industrial Revolution
- Fitbit
- Flow Machines (Sony)
- Ford, Henry
- Ford Motor Company
- Forrester Research
- Fourth Industrial Revolution
- build-out (2015-2040) of
- defined
- jobs and
- systems of intelligence for
- Frank, Malcolm
- future perspective, of modern-day economy
- G7 countries, job changes to
- games of intellect, AI platforms of
- Gannett
- Garcia-Martinez, Antonio
- Gartner
- Gates, Bill
- general AI (AGI), defined
- General Data Protection Regulation (European Union)
- General Electric Company (GE)
- abundance and
- AI overview and
- data of
- digital business models
- economic growth and
- halo and
- systems of intelligence
- General Motors Corporation
- Ghosh, Shikhar
- give-to-get relationship
- Glass (Google)
- Glowacki, David
- Goertzel, Ben
- Goldman, William
- Goldman Sachs
- Google
- AI overview and
- automation
- data
- digital business models
- discovery and
- economic growth and
- enhancement by
- halo and
- systems of intelligence
- GovTech
- gross domestic product (GDP), growth
- Gustafson, Rickard
- halo
- AHEAD model
- capitalizing on code
- “dark side of”
- Discovery Limited example
- enhancement with Code Halo
- future of
- GE example
- instrumentation and code generation
- “know-it-all” businesses
- overview
- value of code
- value of instrumentation
- Hammer, Michael
- Hammond, Kris
- Harbor Research
- hardware, as component of systems of intelligence
- Harvard Business School
- Hassabis, Demis
- Hawking, Stephen
- Healthcare Productivity Automation (HPA) (TriZetto)
- HealthTech
- Heathrow
- Heinlein, Robert
- HENRY (high earners, not rich yet)
- Hewlett-Packard (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)
- Hicks, Zack
- High, Robert
- HIPPO (highest paid person's opinion) culture
- Holiday Inn
- Hotel Tonight
- Houten, Frans van
- human-machine work continuum
- human resources
- achieving higher levels of performance with
- instrumentation for
- for systems of intelligence
- ImagineCare
- Immelt, Jeff
- Industrial Revolutions
- First Industrial Revolution
- Second Industrial Revolution
- Third Industrial Revolution
- Fourth Industrial Revolution
- S-curves and
- infrastructure, systems of intelligence and
- innovation. See discovery
- innovator's dilemma, managing
- Innovator's Dilemma, The (Christensen)
- In-Q-Tel
- Instagram
- instrumentation
- code generation from
- with data
- industries using
- “know-it”all” businesses
- as necessary
- value of
- See also halo
- InsuranceTech
- Intel
- intelligence, systems of. See systems of intelligence
- Intelligent Locomotives (GE)
- Internet Archive Wayback Machine
- Internet bubble
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- data from, for systems of intelligence
- digital business models
- instrumentation with data
- as “ubiquitech”
- See also halo
- Iora Health
- iPhone (Apple)
- IQ (intelligence quotient)
- iTunes (Apple)
- Jackson, Stonewall
- James, LeBron
- Java
- jobs
- automation applications and
- effect of AI on
- enhancement for protection of
- jobs versus tasks
- manual versus knowledge labor
- pace of transition for
- skills for enhancement
- technology as job destroyer/creator
- unemployment fears
- Jobs, Steve
- John Deere
- JPMorgan Chase & Co.
- Kaizen, digital
- Kelly, Kevin
- Keynes, John Maynard
- “killing” of company
- Kleenex
- “know-it-all” businesses
- knowledge labor, manual labor versus
- Knowledge Space Theory
- Kodak
- Kondo, Marie
- Kurzweil, Ray
- Laster, Stephen
- lawn mower, invention of
- Law of Accelerating Returns
- LawTech
- Lego
- Lendl, Ivan
- Level 3 Communications
- LexisNexis Risk Solutions
- Lex Machina
- Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, The (Kondo)
- Limelight
- LinkedIn
- London School of Economics
- Ludd, Ned
- Luddites
- LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE
- Mac (Apple)
- machine intelligence, See also systems of intelligence
- Machine Learning (Amazon)
- Macy's
- manual labor, knowledge labor versus
- Marriott
- Mashable
- Masters, Blythe
- Maven (General Motors Corporation)
- McAfee, Andrew
- McDaniel, Matt
- McDonald's
- McGraw-Hill Education
- McKinsey & Co.
- Mercedes-Benz
- Merriam-Webster
- Microsoft
- abundance and
- economic growth and
- enhancement by
- halo and
- systems of intelligence and
- middle operations, automating
- Moore, Geoffrey
- Moore's Law
- Morgan Stanley
- Murray, Andy
- Musk, Elon
- MySQL (Oracle)
- Narayana Health
- Narrative Science
- narrow artificial intelligence (ANI)
- defined
- future of
- need for
- Nest (Google)
- Netflix
- AI overview and
- data
- digital business models
- discovery and
- economic growth and
- halo and
- systems of intelligence
- New Classrooms
- newsrooms, automation used in
- New York Stock Exchange
- NextAngles
- Ng, Andrew
- Nokia
- Oculus VR
- oil, data compared to
- Oldsmobile (General Motors Corporation)
- open systems of intelligence
- Oracle
- Oxford University
- Packard Motor Company
- Palantir
- Panasonic
- Pandora
- PayPal
- PeopleSoft (Oracle)
- Perez, Carlota
- Philips
- Plank, Kevin
- “plays,” defined
- Postscapes
- pragmatists
- Predix (General Electric Company)
- Pret A Manger
- Prezi
- Principles of Scientific Management, The (Taylor)
- Pring, Ben
- process-automation targets
- Progressive Insurance Corp
- promises, kept by businesses
- proprietary nature, of data
- Rage Against the Machine (Brynjolfsson, McAfee)
- R&D (research and development), for innovation
- record, systems of
- Reddit
- relationship building
- repeatable processes, building
- robo-advisors
- Robotics and Human Engineering Laboratory (University of California, Berkeley)
- Roering, Paul
- Ronaldo, Cristiano
- Rose, Joel
- Roubini, Nouriel
- Roubini ThoughtLab
- Royal Philips
- S3 (Amazon)
- Sagan, Carl
- Salesforce
- Samsung
- Scandinavian AirLines (SAS)
- Schumpeter, Joseph
- S-curve
- Sears
- Second Industrial Revolution
- Second Life
- security breaches
- Sedol, Lee
- self-regulation, by organizations
- SendGrid
- sensors, embedding
- shared data
- Shetty, Devi
- Siemens
- Signac
- Siri (Apple)
- Sirosh, Joseph
- smart technology
- Sony
- Sony Pictures
- Sourcemap
- Spotify
- “stall zones” of economy
- start-up community, obsessing about
- Stein, Jon
- Stipp, Emile
- Strava
- strong AI (general AI), defined
- super AI, defined
- supply chain management
- Swisher, Kara
- systems of intelligence
- “anatomy” of
- attributes of successful systems
- defining
- for enhancement, (See also enhancement)
- future of
- LexisNexis Risk Solutions example
- narrow artificial intelligence (ANI), defined
- overview
- Talla
- Target
- tasks
- automating repeatable process
- jobs versus
- Taylor, Frederick Winslow
- Tesla
- Third Industrial Revolution
- Three Horizons Model (THM)
- Three M's, of “becoming digital”
- Tier 4 (General Electric)
- “tomorrow it's free” game
- Toms
- tools, for digital age
- Toyota Motor Corp.
- Travelers
- “Trillion Dollar Club”
- TriZetto
- Tromp, Brett
- trust, data as foundation of
- Tumblr
- 25%-25% imperative
- 2030 perspective, of modern-day economy
- Twilio
- Twitter
- Uber
- abundance and
- automation by
- data
- digital business models
- economic growth and
- systems of intelligence
- “ubiquitech”
- Under Armour
- University of California - Berkeley
- University of Kentucky
- users
- coaching, by “know-it-all” businesses
- of systems of intelligence
- U.S. Office of Personnel Management
- utopians
- Verizon
- Villanustre, Flavio
- VisiCalc
- Vitality (Discovery)
- Walgreens
- Wall Street Journal
- Walmart
- Watson (IBM)
- Waze (Google)
- WeWork
- “white-collar exoskeleton,” for enhancement
- Wikipedia
- Wood, Matt
- WorkFusion
- World Economic Forum
- Wozniak, Steve
- Yahoo
- Yankelevich, Max
- Yellin, Todd
- Young, James
- YouTube (Google)
- Zappos
- ZipCar
- Zuckerberg, Mark