In mathematics, it is well-known that the behavior of finite sets and the behavior of infinite sets can be rather different. For instance, each of the following statements is easily seen to be true whenever X is a finite set but false whenever X is an infinite set.
All functions are bounded. If f : X → ℝ is a real-valued function on X, then f must be bounded (i.e., there exists a finite number M such that |f(x)| ≤ M for all x ∈ X).
All functions attain a maximum. If f : X → ℝ is a real-valued function on X, then there must exist at least one point xo ∈ X such that f (xo) ≥ f (x) for all x ∈X.
All sequences have constant subsequences. If x1, x2, x3, . . . ∈ X is a sequence of points in X, then there must exist a subsequence xn1, xn2, xn3, . . . that is constant. In other words, xn1 = xn2 = . . . = c for some c ∈ X. (This fact is sometimes known as the infinite pigeonhole principle.)
The first statement—that all functions on a finite set are bounded—can be viewed as a very simple example of a local-to-global principle. The hypothesis is an assertion of “local” boundedness: it asserts that |f(x)| is bounded for each point x ∈ X separately, but with a bound that may depend on x. The conclusion is that of “global” boundedness: that |f(x)| is bounded by a single bound M for all x ∈ X.
So far we have viewed the object X only as a set. However, in many areas of mathematics we like to endow our objects with additional structures, such as a TOPOLOGY [III.90], a METRIC [III.56], or a GROUP STRUCTURE [I.3 §2.1]. When we do this, it turns out that some objects exhibit properties similar to those of finite sets (in particular, they enjoy local-to-global principles), even though as sets they are infinite In the categories of topological spaces and metric spaces, these “almost-finite” objects are known as compact spaces. (Other categories have “almost-finite” objects as well. For example, in the category of groups there is a notion of a pro-finite group; for LINEAR OPERATORS [III.50] between NORMED SPACES [III.62] the analogous notion is that of a compact operator, which is “almost of finite rank”; and so forth.)
A good example of a compact set is the closed unit interval X = [0, 1]. This is an infinite set, so the previous three assertions are all false as stated for X. But if we modify them by inserting topological concepts such as continuity and convergence, then we can restore these assertions for [0, 1] as follows.
All continuous functions are bounded. If f : X → ℝ is a real-valued continuous function on X, then f must be bounded. (This is again a type of local-to-global principle: if a function does not vary too much locally, then it does not vary too much globally.)
All continuous functions attain a maximum. If f : X → ℝ is a real-valued continuous function on X, then there must exist at least one point xo ∈ X such that f (xo) ≥ f(x) for all x∈ X.
All sequences have convergent subsequences. If x1, x2, x3 . . . ∈ X is a sequence of points in X, then there must exist a subsequence xnl, xn2, xn3, . . . that converges to some limit c ∈ X. (This statement is known as the Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem.)
To these assertions we can add a fourth (which, like the others, has a rather trivial analogue for finite sets).
All open covers have finite subcovers. If is a collection of open sets and the union of all these open sets contains X (in which case is called an open cover of X), then there must exist a finite subcollection Vn1, Vn2, . . . , Vnk of sets in that still covers X.
All four of these topological statements are false for sets such as the open unit interval (0, 1) or the real line ℝ, as one can easily check by constructing simple counterexamples. The Heine-Borel theorem asserts that when X is a subset of a Euclidean space ℝn, the above statements are all true when X is topologically closed and bounded, and all false otherwise.
The above four assertions are closely related to each other. For instance, if you know that all sequences in X contain convergent subsequences, then you can quickly deduce that all continuous functions have a maximum. This is done by first constructing a maximizing sequence—a sequence of points xn in X such that f (xn) approaches the maximal value of f (or, more precisely, its supremum)—and then investigating a convergent subsequence of that sequence. In fact, given some fairly mild assumptions on the space X (e.g., that X is a metric space), one can deduce any of these four statements from any of the others.
To oversimplify a little, we say that a topological space X is compact if one (and hence all) of the above four assertions holds for X. Because the four assertions are not quite equivalent in general, the formal definition of compactness uses only the fourth version: that every open cover has a finite subcover. There are other notions of compactness, such as sequential compactness, for example, which is based on the third version, but the distinctions between these notions are technical and we shall gloss over them here.
Compactness is a powerful property of spaces, and it is used in many ways in many different areas of mathematics. One is via appeal to local-to-global principles: one establishes local control on a function, or on some other quantity, and then uses compactness to boost the local control to global control. Another is to locate maxima or minima of a function, which is particularly useful in the CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS [III.94]. A third is to partially recover the notion of a limit when dealing with nonconvergent sequences, by accepting the need to pass to a subsequence of the original sequence. (However, different subsequences may converge to different limits; compactness guarantees the existence of a limit point, but not its uniqueness.) Compactness of one object also tends to beget compactness of other objects; for instance, the image of a compact set under a continuous map is still compact, and the product of finitely many or even infinitely many compact sets continues to be compact. This last result is known as Tychonoff’s theorem.
Of course, many spaces of interest are not compact. An obvious example is the real line ℝ, which is not compact, because it contains sequences such as 1, 2, 3, . . . that are “trying to escape” the real line and that do not leave behind any convergent subsequences. However, one can often recover compactness by adding a few more points to the space: this process is known as compactification. For instance, one can compactify the real line by adding one point at each end: we call the added points + ∞ and - ∞. The resulting object, known as the extended real line [- ∞, +∞], can be given a topology in a natural way, which basically defines what it means to converge to +∞ or to -∞. The extended real line is compact: any sequence xn of extended real numbers will have a subsequence that either converges to + ∞, or converges to - ∞, or converges to a finite number. Thus, by using this compactification of the real line, we can generalize the notion of a limit to one that no longer has to be a real number. While there are some drawbacks to dealing with extended reals instead of ordinary reals (for instance, one can always add two real numbers together, but the sum of +∞ and -∞ is undefined), the ability to take limits of what would otherwise be divergent sequences can be very useful, particularly in the theory of infinite series and improper integrals.
It turns out that a single noncompact space can have many different compactifications. For instance, by the device of stereographic projection, one can topologically identify the real line with a circle that has a single point removed. (For example, if one maps the real number x to the point (x /(1 +x2), x2 /(1 + x2)), then ℝ maps to the circle of radius and center (0,), with the north pole (0, 1) removed.) If we then insert the missing point, we obtain the one-point compactification ℝ ∪ { ∞} of the real line. More generally, any reasonable topological space (e.g., a locally compact Hausdorff space) has a number of compactifications, ranging from the one-point compactification X ∪ { ∞ }, which is the “minimal” compactification as it adds only one point, to the Stone– ech compactification βX, which is the “maximal” compactification and adds an enormous number of points. The Stone–ech compactification βℕ of the natural numbers ℕ is the space of ultrafilters, which are very useful tools in the more infinitary parts of mathematics.
One can use compactifications to distinguish between different types of divergence in a space. For instance, the extended real line [- ∞ , + ∞] distinguishes between divergence to +∞ and divergence to -∞. In a similar spirit, by using compactifications of the plane ℝ2 such as the PROJECTIVE PLANE [I.3 §6.7], one can distinguish a sequence that diverges along (or near) the x-axis from a sequence that diverges along (or near) the y-axis. Such compactifications arise naturally in situations in which sequences that diverge in different ways exhibit markedly different behavior.
Another use of compactifications is to allow one to view one type of mathematical object rigorously as a limit of others. For instance, one can view a straight line in the plane as the limit of increasingly large circles by describing a suitable compactification of the space of circles that includes lines. This perspective allows us to deduce certain theorems about lines from analogous theorems about circles, and conversely to deduce certain theorems about very large circles from theorems about lines. In a rather different area of mathematics, the Dirac delta function is not, strictly speaking, a function, but it exists in certain (local) compactifications of spaces of functions, such as spaces of MEASURES [III.55] or DISTRIBUTIONS [III.18]. Thus, one can view the Dirac delta function as a limit of classical functions, and this can be very useful for manipulating it. One can also use compactifications to view the continuous as the limit of the discrete: for instance, it is possible to compactify the sequence ℤ/ 2ℤ,ℤ/ 3ℤ,ℤ/ 4ℤ, . . . of cyclic groups in such a way that their limit is the circle group = ℝ/ℤ. These simple examples can be generalized to much more sophisticated examples of compactifications, which have many applications in geometry, analysis, and algebra.