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One moment, I’d been in the Trad ship, deafened by the hum of the column of energy, and blinded by its light while I was trying to hold off the Trads, and the next I was opening my eyes with Aleandro and Casey staring back at me.
My stomach was churning from the transporter, but that didn’t stop me stumbling into their arms. They both held me tight, squishing me between their bodies, and I finally felt safe again.
I suddenly remembered Mike and Irus. I unpeeled myself from Aleandro and Casey’s embrace to turn to the others. They’d both saved my life.
“Thank you,” I said, hugging Mike first and then going to Irus. “Thank you so much.”
“We need to increase our distance,” the captain of the ship called out. “Hang on.”
We gripped hold of whatever we could—the backs of seats, and each other—as we pulled away from the Trad ship, putting ourselves a safe distance from it. It was clearly listing to one side now. Suddenly, the middle of the Trad ship erupted in flames and then cracked in two. We all watched in muted disbelief as the arms of the ship broke off, spinning out into space.
Dean—Denik—would be dead. Unless he’d found some way of escaping that got him off the ship before it exploded, of course, but I prayed that was the last I’d ever have to see of him.
“Get strapped in, everyone,” the captain called out. “We’re heading home.”
My legs were shaky, my head still spinning from everything that had happened, and I gratefully sank into one of the spare seats and clicked the four-way seat belt into place between my breasts. I kept catching glances from the guys, as though they couldn’t quite believe I was there either. I’d been saved, and we’d managed to take down one of the Trad ships as well. It was only one out of God only knew how many, but it had taught us that there was a way to defeat them. It had also sent a message back to the Trads that we wouldn’t go easily. Combined with the Athion technology, we were still a force to be reckoned with.
We landed to a volley of applause from those on the ground. I climbed from the ship, helped by the guys. They each pressed close to me, as though they were all worried I’d vanish again. I noted how Irus was as close to me as the others, and no one said or did anything to question it.
From out of the crowd, Molly and Elodie rushed up to me, both body-slamming into me. I hugged them both, tears filling my eyes. There had been a moment back there when I’d thought I’d never get to see them again.
“I can’t believe you’re back,” Molly said, echoing my thoughts. “I was so frightened I’d lost you and that I was going to have to live through this on my own.”
I noted Leif standing not far behind her. She wouldn’t have been on her own, not really, but I knew how she felt. We were family, and that meant something.
“It’s okay, I’m back now.”
“Don’t ever do anything like that again, okay?”
I laughed. “You know I can’t make any promises.”
We were going to need to do a debrief, and then I intended on sleeping for about a hundred hours.
I said so to the guys.
“I know what you mean,” Casey said, taking off his glasses to rub his eyes. “I feel like shit.”
Aleandro nudged him in the side. “Yeah, ’cause you look like shit, too.”
“Thanks, man.”
“Hey, do you want to hug it out?”
He held his arms open to Casey, and for a minute I thought Casey was going to refuse, but then he copied Aleandro’s movements, and then the two of them hugged, doing that guy back-clapping thing to make it appear more macho. I hid a smile. I knew the two of them were close. We all were. I couldn’t explain how good it felt for us all to be back together again, just as it should be.
We went back inside the Observatory to do the debrief. When that was done, I’d fully intended on doing what I’d promised to myself and sleeping, but instead I ended up answering the multiple frantic emails inquiring about my whereabouts and the likelihood that Project Exodus was being put on hold for the moment.
It seemed the project was on a lot of people’s mind.
“It’s good to have you back, Camille,” Sergeant Byrd said from behind me.
I twisted in my seat to find him regarding me with a newfound respect.
“Thank you. It’s good to be back.”
“Do you think what’s happened will affect the launch of Exodus One now?” he asked.
“No, I don’t think so. We lost some time because of the Trads, but we can make it back up. We’re still on track for the original launch date.”
The sergeant gave me a smile, but even that appeared strained. “Exciting times.”
“Nerve-racking times, more like, especially since we don’t even know who’s going to be on the ship yet.”
“They’re calling the lottery tomorrow,” he said. “Almost all of the single women who are staying here are hoping to go.”
My stomach flipped with nerves, and I just nodded as a reply.
“What about you?” he asked me. “Did you apply for a ticket?”
I refocused on the screen in front of me. “Oh, I have work to do here.”
I hadn’t answered him straight and I wasn’t going to either. It was a touchy subject, and one I knew could cause a huge divide between me and the guys. But things were still dangerous on Earth for single, fertile women, and while I wanted to tell myself that I would never be stupid enough to fall for a Trad male, I’d experienced firsthand what it was like to be around them. The truth was that I was scared. As much as we’d been trying to hold things together here, to create some kind of viable future for the thousands of women left on Earth who wanted to try to carve out a different kind of life for themselves, we still had the threat of the Trads hanging over us.
We might have taken down one Trad ship, but it wasn’t enough.
I still worried about the future for my sister, Molly, and for little Elodie, who was without a family now, and who one day would grow up and become a target for the Trads.
As much as I wanted to believe that my relationship with Aleandro, Mike, and Casey was for the long haul, there were never any guarantees, and I didn’t want to cut my own nose off by simply not applying for an opportunity that was right in front of me. And maybe, deep down, I did want to go. I’d spent time with the Athions, Irus and Leif, now, and they were deep, intelligent, caring beings. If all Athions were like them, the women going to Athion would have happy futures ahead of them. Besides, I was a planetary scientist, and my whole life had been filled with stars and what life would be like on another planet. Surely no one could blame me for being at least a little curious about how things would be for the chosen women once they arrived.
Project Exodus needed to continue.
I hoped the defeat of the Trad ship would make that happen. I also hoped the Athions help in bringing the Trads down would keep the general public happy, for now at least. It would be good to think we’d seen the last of the protestors. I wanted Athions like Irus and Leif to be accepted on Earth.
There were still so many questions that would go unanswered, but for now I only had one thing on my mind.
Chapter Sixteen
A LIGHT KNOCK CAME at my door, and I turned to find Mike standing in the doorway. He wasn’t alone. Aleandro and Casey were also with him, and behind them was Irus.
“Have you got a minute?” Mike asked. “We wanted to talk to you about something.”
I’d just gotten out of the shower, my hair still damp. I’d forgotten to take a change of clothing with me to the locker rooms and had to make a mad dash back here with my towel wrapped around me, praying I didn’t bump into Sergeant Byrd or any of the other men I’d rather not see me half dressed. These guys, however, had seen me in a lot less than a towel before.
At least, three out of the four of them had, and I sensed Irus’s gaze fixed on me as they all stepped into the room and closed the door behind them.
“What’s up?” I asked, sensing a seriousness about them all. They’d clearly had a conversation about something and were now here to run whatever it was past me. I hoped it was nothing bad.
“I wanted to admit I was wrong,” Mike said.
I frowned and clutched the towel tighter to my body, nervous butterflies suddenly dancing around my belly. “Wrong about what?”
I hoped he wasn’t going to say that he was wrong about being able to share me with the others.
“About Irus not being a part of our group. He’s proven over the last few days—hell, even weeks—that he cares about you just as much as the rest of us. I know you have feelings for him, too. It’s not right that I’ve kept you apart because of my own fears.”
I opened my mouth, not really knowing what to say. “I... Umm... Are you giving us your blessing, Mike?”
He nodded. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m doing.”
I looked to Casey and Aleandro. “What about you two? Do you feel the same way?”
Aleandro nodded. “Irus is one of us.”
“Yeah,” Casey said. “It feels right.”
My cheeks heated as I turned to Irus. “And is this what you want, too?”
Irus stepped forward, regarding me with his beautiful amber eyes. The Athions were so different to the Trads, not only in their appearances, but in how they treated women as well. I felt nothing but respect from these guys—well, respect and love, and maybe a little lust thrown in for good measure.
“It’s all I’ve ever wanted, Camille. I can hardly believe my good fortune that this is happening.”
His gaze darkened with desire as his line of sight traveled down my body and back up again. I was only wearing a towel, and was completely naked beneath it.
I was aware that Irus was still a virgin. I wasn’t even sure he’d ever seen a naked human woman before.
Sucking in a breath, conscious the others were watching as well, I reached to the front of the towel, pulled it open, and let it drop to the floor.
Irus bit his lower lip, his chest expanding, his shoulders going back. “Camille...”
I took a step closer and put my hand to his chest.
“Do you want the others to leave?” I asked him, suddenly aware that he might not want an audience when it was his first time, but he shook his head.
“No, we’re all in this together.”
A smile touched the corners of my mouth. Together. Just as it should be. “Good.”
Standing on tiptoes, I pressed my lips to his. He hesitated for a moment, but then his lips parted, and he scooped me up against him. I molded my naked body to his, winding my arms around his broad neck. His hands slid down my back to my ass, and he groaned against my mouth as his fingers squeezed my soft curves. He’d already reacted to my nakedness, and his hard length jabbed into my belly. I reached between us and scraped my nails across the material covering his erection, making him gasp.
“There’s nothing unexpected here, is there?” I asked, breaking the kiss for a moment.
I already knew that Athions from a certain region were built differently to human men, but I didn’t think Irus was from that area.
He shook his head. “No, I’m not from the Southern Tip.”
I wasn’t sure if I should be disappointed or not, but since the other guys around me were already looking hot and bothered by witnessing me naked kissing with Irus, I figured I already had four cocks to deal with. At this point, wishing for an alien lover with two dicks just seemed greedy.
Mike stripped off his shirt, revealing his toned body and tattoos. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Aleandro and Casey exchanging a glance that was filled with lust. I wanted all of them—I always did—but first I needed to concentrate on Irus.
Moving my hand from his pants, I first undid the buttons of his shirt, pulling the material from his shoulders and letting it drop. Just like his face, the rest of his skin had the same light-blue tinge, and I ran my hands over his muscles, tracing the smooth curve of his shoulders, the hardness of his nipples, down to the ridges of his abs.
“You have a beautiful body,” I told him, admiring him.
“So do you,” he replied, gazing down at me.
“You can touch me. However you want. My body is yours now, too.”
He lifted his hands to caress my breasts, weighing them both in his palms, his touch featherlight. His thumbs skirted over my nipples, and they hardened further. A slight frown marked his brow at my body’s response.
“It means I’m enjoying you touching me,” I told him. I caught hold of his wrist and guided his hand downward, between my thighs. “Now touch me here.”
His finger slipped between my folds, and I tilted my hips, making sure he hit the right place.
“Oh Laird,” he breathed. “You’re so hot and wet.”
“That’s because I want you,” I told him. I glanced over his shoulder at the others. “I want all of you.”
Mike had stripped off his pants and was standing with his cock in his fist, working the shaft languidly, his gaze not leaving me for a second. Casey and Aleandro had turned to each other, each of them stripping the other of their clothing. I loved to see them together—these two, strong men allowing themselves to be vulnerable and intense with each other. It was so freaking hot.
Irus delved into me, pushing his finger inside me.
I let out a groan. “That’s right, and now another one. I can take it.”
He did as I’d instructed, and I reached for his belt buckle, knowing I wanted to feel his cock. It was his first time, and I didn’t expect him to last for long, but I had the others who would be more than happy to finish me off.
The guys seemed to understand that I needed to take care of Irus without any of their involvement except for watching.
Ridding Irus of his pants, I pushed him back onto the bed. His erection stuck out from his body, thick and hard, the color slightly darker than the rest of his skin.
I climbed on top, straddling his hips. “Would you like my mouth on you?”
He nodded, his lower lip slack. “Yes, I think I would like that very much.”
I crawled down his body and took his cock in my hand. I was fully aware that in this position, with my ass up in the air, I was giving the guys a good view of my wet pussy. I licked the smooth bell end of Irus’s cock, circling it with my tongue and then slid my lips right down his shaft.
Above me, Irus groaned, and his hand fisted in my hair. I bobbed up and down, working him, only pausing to circle the tip again before sinking lower.
“Camille,” he gasped. “I won’t last long like this.”
I wanted this to be his first time with a woman, so I let his cock slide from between my lips and crawled back up his body. “You want to be inside me?”
“Yes. Laird, yes!”
I raised myself above him, positioned his cock at my entrance, and oh so slowly, slid down his length. He felt incredible inside me, and I kissed him, moving my hips only enough to give him a little pump at first, wanting him to take his time. Our lips met and our tongues tangled, our breathing coming harder. He grabbed my ass, his hips lifting to meet mine.
Pleasure built in my core, my body winding tighter with every thrust. Heavy breathing, together with the occasional groan came from the guys, and I knew they were getting off on watching this, too. My pussy gripped Irus’s cock tighter, and I bounced up and down, our hips slamming together.
I sensed movement behind me and glanced over my shoulder. Mike stepped forward, working his erection fast, his gaze fixed on my ass and the spot where Irus’s cock vanished and then reappeared from my pussy with every thrust.
“I’m close, Camille,” Irus gasped. “Oh Laird!”
He grabbed my hips, jamming his cock hard into me. I cried out, and as I did so, Mike also let out a groan, and a hot splatter of cum hit my ass. Irus jerked inside me, filling me, and my pussy pulsed around him, milking him for more. We fell together, my breasts pressed to his chest. We were both sweaty and breathing hard. I lifted myself just enough to kiss him.
“Was it all right for you?” he asked, still catching his breath.
I pushed his damp, blue-black hair away from his face and smiled. “It was far more than all right. You did great, and we have plenty of time for practicing, too.”
He smiled, his golden eyes sparkling. “I like the sound of that.”
“Sorry about the mess,” Mike said. “Seeing you with him was hotter than I thought it would be.”
I straightened, Irus’s cock softening inside me, and twisted to put my arms out to Mike. He stepped into them, and I kissed him, too.
“You can always make a mess of me,” I told him.
“I hope it’s our turn now?” Aleandro said. He and Casey had been messing around while I’d been busy with Irus, but now they clearly wanted more than just each other.
I looked to Irus, who gave a nod to say it was what he wanted, too, and slipped out from beneath me to give us some space.
Both Aleandro and Casey stepped in, removing their remaining clothing to join me on the bed.
“We want to take you at the same time,” Casey said. “Think you can handle it?”
I was flushed and relaxed from my orgasm with Irus, but at his words, my body tingled with awareness again.
“You know I can’t say no to a challenge,” I said with a grin.
Aleandro climbed on top of me, kissing my mouth at first, slow and steady, pushing his tongue between my lips, making me groan. I was wet from Irus, and I knew Aleandro would be fucking into Irus’s cum, but he didn’t seem to care. I didn’t either, I wanted to be filled. I’d take each of them, if I could.
He pulled me over so we lay on our sides, and I hooked my foot around the back of his thigh, opening myself up to him. Aleandro had a beautiful cock, so long and thick, and even though I’d already been fucked, I felt myself stretch around him as he pushed inside me.
“Oh God,” I groaned against his mouth
The mattress depressed behind me, and then Casey was kissing the back of my neck and down to my shoulders. He cupped my ass, squeezing my curves, and then running two fingers down the cleft of my buttocks and over my asshole. I groaned again, knowing I was lubricated back there from where Mike’s and Irus’s cum and my cream had dribbled from my pussy after we’d had sex. Casey made good use of the natural lubrication, working it into my hole and then pushing his finger inside. I gasped, my back arching. It felt incredible with Aleandro’s cock held deep inside me. He didn’t thrust, though, just remained still, giving Casey the chance to prepare me to take him. He added a second finger, and then a third. I sucked air in over my teeth at the burn, but he stretched me out, and quickly the sting faded.
“I’m taking your ass now, Camille,” Casey breathed in my ear. “Are you ready?”
“Oh, fuck, yes. Do it.”
The smooth head of his cock pushed against my back entrance, and then he shunted in, just a couple of inches before pausing, giving me time to adjust. I panted, my skin coated in sweat. When he felt me start to relax again, he pushed in another couple of inches, and then another, until he was fully inside my ass.
Slowly, both men started to move, just tiny thrusts of their hips to get us started and find a rhythm. I loved being so full, the pleasure mind-bendingly exquisite. There were hands all over me, and I didn’t know which belonged to which man.
I was sandwiched between them. Casey had a handful of Aleandro’s ass, and Aleandro had his arms wrapped around both me and Casey, his big hands holding on to Casey’s shoulders.
“Ah, fuck, Aleandro, I can feel you moving inside her,” Casey groaned.
“It’s like our cocks are rubbing together, but with Camille between us.”
“This is so fucking hot.”
It was hot for me, too, hearing them talking to each other. Also knowing that both Irus and Mike were watching. What was Irus making of this? I risked a quick glance in his direction, and from his expression, it didn’t look as though he minded at all.
Their movements grew faster, and I thought I’d lose my head with bliss.
I wasn’t going to last much longer, both guys fucking me hard now. I barely knew what to do with myself, the pleasure building more intensely than anything I’d ever experienced before.
“I’m gonna come,” I cried. “Oh God, yes...”
I exploded around them both, my body clamping down on both their dicks as I unraveled. My cries must have been heard right around the Observatory, but I couldn’t do anything about them. Sparks burst behind my eyelids, my consciousness pulling away at the sides for a moment.
Both guys gave in, too, their groan and cries of pleasure in my ears as they came inside me.
We fell together in a sweaty heap of satisfaction. When I’d caught my breath enough to move, I reached out to bring Irus and Mike back into the fold, too. I kissed them both, and Aleandro and Casey placed exhausted, sweaty kisses to my back and shoulders.
I thought I might just be the luckiest woman alive.
Chapter Seventeen
I WOKE WITH NERVES stirring my stomach. The day had arrived. The lottery tickets naming the women who’d be traveling to Athion would be drawn today. I deliberately avoided the guys, not wanting them to see how I was feeling. I didn’t want to hurt any of them, and I wished I could switch off how I felt about the draw, but I couldn’t.
We all gathered in the top of the Observatory, the live drawing broadcast onto the big screen.
It was being done via a computer, the software picking the names at random. The screen was split, with one part scrolling the names across the screen, while the other part gathered the names that had already been called.
I watched with my heart in my throat as name after name went by.
Then there it was...
Camille Harran.
I stood, staring at my name.
All the blood drained from my face, and I felt the eyes of all the guys on me. Quickly, I scanned the list of names that had appeared on screen. I didn’t recognize any of them. It didn’t look as though there was anyone else from the Observatory, including Molly.
I swallowed, hard, suddenly dizzy.
This was my opportunity, if I wanted it. I could go to Athion—maybe Irus would join me—and perhaps there would be other Athions I could take as my mates. But I’d be leaving the guys behind.
“I’m sorry.” Tears filled my eyes, and my breath shuddered from my lungs. “I’m sorry. Just...just give me a minute.”
I needed to process this. I was being offered my dream, but at what cost?
The horrified stares of the men followed me as I barreled out of the room, my mind spinning.
A part of me had been dreaming of this, of experiencing life on another planet—not just as a scientist there to study it, but as an equal member of their population.
But my heart was breaking at the idea of leaving the guys. How could I even consider such a thing? It was true that we’d had our ups and downs, trying to navigate our unusual relationship amid the end of the world as we knew it.
I couldn’t leave them waiting for my decision. It wasn’t kind of me, and they’d be well within their rights to tell me just to go, and that they’d be happy to see the back of me.
But first I needed to make some calls.