No book gets written without the contributions of various people along the way and this book is no exception to that rule. I’d like to thank, as always, my family and friends for their continued support and encouragement in my literary endeavors. Also, I’d like to thank them for never reporting me to the FBI when I randomly say things like “you know, I just figured out the best way to kill someone with a plastic spork …”
I’d like to thank the various experts who have gifted me with their advice. Chief among these is, once again, Deputy Jeramiah Sullivan of the Henry County, Missouri, Sheriff’s Department. He’s been extremely generous with his time and expertise.
I’d like to thank my editors, Terri Bischoff and Sandy Sullivan (no relation to Jeramiah, as far as I know), for the work they’ve put in on this book, the design team and cover artist, for making it look so beautiful, and everyone at Midnight Ink.
I’d like to thank Janet Reid, the finest agent a writer could hope for. In addition to what she does for her clients, Janet spends a lot of time dispensing helpful advice for struggling young writers. If anyone reading this is starting out on a writing career, you should definitely look up her blog.
I’d like to thank the 2015 Kansas City Royals, who, while I was writing this, were busy winning our first World Championship in thirty years. You made for a wonderful distraction, fellas!
And, finally, I’d like to thank the readers who have come back to this series. You all mean more to me than you’ll ever know.
Loretta Ross
21 November, 2016