Select Bibliography
ABBOTT, Geoffrey, Execution: A Guide to the Ultimate Penalty, (Summersdale, 2012)
ANDREWS, William, Bygone Punishments, (London, W Andrews and co, 1899)
AUBREY, John, ‘Brief Lives,’ (Clarendon, 1898)
BAKER, Sir John, The Oxford History of the Laws of England Volume VI: 1483-1558, (OUP, 2003)
BELLAMY, John, Strange, Inhuman Deaths: Murder in Tudor England, (The History Press, 2005)
BELLAMY, John, The Criminal Trial in Later Medieval England (University of Toronto Press, 1998)
BERNARD, G., The King’s Reformation, (Yale University Press, 2007)
BERNARD, G., The Late Medieval English Church, (Yale University Press, 2012)
BOTOLPH, Charles, The History of the Noble House of Stourton in the County of Wilts (1899)
BROADWAY, Jan, Aberrant Accounts (Midland History, vol 33, 2008,)
CALDERWOOD, David, History of the Kirk of Scotland, (Wodrow Society, 1842)
COCKBURN, J.S, Calendar of Assize Records: Elizabeth I and James I: Introduction (HMSO, 1985)
COCKBURN, J.S, Calendar of Assize Records: Hertfordshire Indictments, Elizabeth I, (PRO, 1975)
COCKBURN, J.S, Calendar of Assize Records: Surrey Indictments, Elizabeth I (PRO, 1980)
COCKBURN, J.S, Calendar of Assize Records: Kent Indictments, Elizabeth I, (PRO, 1979)
COCKBURN, J.S, Calendar of Assize Records: Essex Indictments, Elizabeth I, (PRO, 1978)
COCKBURN, J.S. (ed) Crime in England, 1550-1800, (Princeton University Press, 1977)
COCKBURN, J.S., Patterns of Violence in English Society: Homicide in Kent 1560-1985 (Past and Present, vol 130, 1991)
COCKBURN, J.S., (ed) Calendar of Assize Records: Sussex Indictments, Elizabeth I (PRO, 1975)
COUZENS, Tim, Hand of Fate, (ELSP, 2001)
DORAN, Susan, Elizabeth I and Her Circle (OUP, 2015)
DOWLING, Maria, Fisher of Men, (Macmillan, 1999)
DUGDALE, Sir William, Antiquities of Warwickshire, (Thomas Warren, 1656)
FRASER, Antonia, Mary Queen of Scots, (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1969)
GASKILL, Malcolm, Crime and Mentalities in Early Modern England, (Cambridge University Press, 2000)
GUNN, S., and ROBINSON, W., The Early Life of William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, (Welsh History Review, vol 18, 1997).
GURR, T., Historical Trends in Violent Crime (Crime and Justice, vol 3, 1981)
GUY, John, My Heart is My Own: The Life of Mary Queen of Scots, (Harper Perennial, 2004)
GRISTWOOD, Sarah Elizabeth and Leicester (Bantam, 2007)
GWYNN, Peter, The King’s Cardinal, (Pimlico, 1992)
HALL, Edward, Hall’s Chronicle, (J.Johnson, 1809)
HILTON, Lisa, Elizabeth: Renaissance Prince (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2015)
HOLDEN, Anthony, William Shakespeare: The Man Behind the Genius (Little, Brown, 2000)
HONAN, Park, Christopher Marlowe: Poet and Spy (OUP, 2007)
HUNNISETT, R., Sussex Coroners’ Inquests, 1485-1558, (PRO, 1996)
HUNNISETT, R., Sussex Coroner’s Inquests 1558-1603, (PRO, 1996)
HUTCHINSON, Robert, The Last Days of Henry VIII, (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2009)
HYDE, Patricia, Thomas Arden in Faversham, (Faversham Society, 1996)
JAMES, M.E., The Murder at Cocklodge (Durham University Journal, vol 57, 1965)
KESSELRING, K., Mercy and Authority in the Tudor State, (Cambridge University Press, 2008)
KURIYAMA, Constance Brown, Christopher Marlowe: A Renaissance Life (Cornell University Press, 2002)
LANGBEIN, John H., Prosecuting Crime in the Renaissance, (Harvard University Press, 1974)
LOVELL, Mary S., Bess of Hardwick, (Little, Brown, 2005)
MACHYN, Henry, The Diary of Henry Machyn, (Camden Society, 1848)
MACMILLAN, Ken, Stories of True Crime in Tudor and Stuart England (Routledge, 2015)
MACNAMARA, F.N, Memorials of the Danvers Family, (Hardy & Co, 1985)
MALCOLM, Joyce Lee, Guns and Violence, (Harvard University Press, 2004)
MARSHBURN, Joseph H., A Cruell Murder Donne in Kent, (Studies in Philology, vol 46, 1949)
MARSHBURN, Joseph H., Blood and Knavery, (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1975)
MAYHEW Graham, Tudor Rye, (University of Sussex, 1987)
MCKENZIE, Andrea, This Death Some Strong and Stout Hearted Man Doth Choose, (Law and History Review, vol 23, 2005,)
NEAVE, David, (ed) Tudor Market Rasen, (University of Hull, 1985)
NICHOLL, CHARLES. The Reckoning: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe, Vintage, 2002
NICHOLS, John Gough, Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London, (Camden Society, 1852)
PENNANT, Thomas, Tour in Wales Volume 2, (Cambridge University Press, 2014)
PITCAIRN, Robert, Ancient Criminal Trials in Scotland, (Bannatyne Club, 1833)
POGUE, Kate, Shakespeare’s Friends (Praeger, 2006)
RANDALL, Martin, Women, Murder, and Equity in Early Modern England, (Routledge, 2007)
REID, Rachel Robertson, The King’s Council in the North (Hardpress, 2012)
ROUGHEAD, William, Twelve Scots Trials (William Green & Sons, 1913)
ROWSE., A.L, Shakespeare the Man, (Harper, 1973)
RUFF, Julius R., Violence in Early Modern Europe 1500-1800 (Cambridge University Press, 2001)
SAMAHA, Joel, Hanging for a Felony (The Historical Journal, vol 21, 1978)
SANDERSON, Margaret H.B., Cardinal of Scotland, (Donald, 2001)
SHARPE, James A., Crime in Early Modern England 1550-1750, (Longman, 1999)
SKELTON, Douglas, Bloody Valentine: Scotland’s Crimes of Passion, (Black & White, 2004)
SKELTON, Douglas, Deadlier Than the Male, (Black & White, 2003)
SKIDMORE, Chris, Death and the Virgin, (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2011)
SPIERENBURG, Peter, A History of Murder (Polity Press, 2008)
STRYPE, John, Ecclesiastical Memorials (Clarendon Press, 1822)
SUGDEN, John, Sir Francis Drake (Pimlico, 2006)
TROW, M.J and TROW, Taliesin, Who Killed Kit Marlowe? (Sutton, 2001)
WEATHERFORD, John, Crime and Punishment in the England of Shakespeare and Milton, (McFarland & Co, 2001)
WEBB, Simon, Execution: A History of Capital Punishment in Britain, (The History Press, 2011)
WEIR, Alison, Mary Queen of Scots and The Murder of Lord Darnley, (Jonathan Cape, 2003)
WHITTINGTON-EGAN, Molly, Classic Scottish Murder (Neil Wilson, 2012)
WRIOTHESLEY, Charles, A Chronicle of England During the Reigns of the Tudors, (Camden Society, 1875)