The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for items of interest. For your reference, the items that appear in the print index are listed below.
The abbreviation ‘JM’ is used for John Mitchell.
Ackermann, Johan
Ackford, Paul
Adams, James
administrators see elected officials
Ainsley, Tim
Alberts, Willem
Aldred, Dave
Allers, Altmann
Anderson, Brent
Anderson, Scotty
Andrews, Mark
Anthony, Michael
anti-doping rules
Archer, Gareth
Ashton, Brian
Auckland Grammar
Auckland Harbour Bridge
Auckland rugby team
vs England
vs New Zealand
rugby in
Australian Rugby Union see ARU
Ayers Rock
Back, Neil
Bam, Peter
Bands, Richard
Barrett, Beauden
Barrett, Kevin
Barry, Liam
Bashford, Grant
Bason, Stu
Bezuidenhout, Martin
blackmail, JM’s mention of
Bladen, Hugh
Blair, Ben
Blazey, Ces
Bledisloe Cup
Blues vs Lions
Bobin, David
Boe, John
Boland Cavaliers
Bondesio, Michael
Boomgaard, Mustapha
Botha, Bakkies
Botha, Naas
Botha, Ruan
Bougen, Ross
Bourgoin, French rugby club
Bracken, Kyran
branding in players’ change rooms
Bray, Lyndon
breathalyser tests
Brewer, Michael ‘Gold Balls’
British & Irish Lions
Brooke, Marty
Brooke, Robin
Brooke, Zinzan
Brown, Richard
Bunce, Frank
Burger, Freek
Burger, Schalk
Burgess, Mark
Burke, Matthew
bus, seating in see also team protocols
Cabannes, Laurent
Calder, Sherylle
Cannes Series
Cannon, Brendan
Carling, Will
Carter, Dan
Castle, Ben
Catt, Michael
Cécillon, Marc
change rooms, branding in players’
Charvis, Colin
Christie, Kitch
Cilliers, Pat
Cipriani, Danny
Claassen, Wynand
Clark, Helen
Cleary, Mick
Coach of the Year Award
Coach’s Corner programme
co-captaincy see also leadership
Cockerill, Richard
Coetzee, Allister
Cohen, Ben
Cohen, Simon
Colling, Lyn
Collins, Jerry
communication see media
communication with players
computer technology see technology
Connolly, John
Coogee Beach
Cooksley, Mark
Cooper, Matthew
Corry, Martin
Cotton, Fran
Coventry, Tom
Cronjé, Guy
Cronjé, Ross
Crowded House
Crowley, Kieran
Crystal, Terry
Cullen, Christian
Currie Cup
Dallaglio, Lawrence
Darwin, Ben
Dawson, Matt
Deaker, Murray
Deans, Robbie
De Beer, Jannie
De Klerk, Kevin
disciplinary hearing
JM and
Super Rugby
De Kock, Neil
depth perception
development of players
Devereux, John
De Villiers, Peter
Devine, Steve
Devlin, Martin
Deysel, Jean
Diamond, Steve
Dickinson, Stuart
Dippenaar, Bob
disciplinary hearing of JM
disciplinary measures see team protocols
Dominion newspaper
Dormehl, Pierre
drinking culture
drug testing
Dunedin University
Du Plessis, Carel
Dwyer, Bob
Eastern Province Rugby Union
Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs
elected officials
Ellis Park
vs Australia
vs France
vs Ireland
vs Italy
JM in
vs New Zealand
rugby in
vs Scotland
vs South Africa
vs Wales
Erskine, Dave
exit testing
in New Zealand
in South Africa
Fava, Scott
Favell, Chris
Fearn, Tommy
Fearn, Tony
fear of failure as motivation
feedback to players
Feek, Greg
Ferguson, Alex
Finn, Neil
Fisher, Dallas
Fitzpatrick, Sean
Five Nations
‘flour bomb tour’
Flowers, Gary
Fordham, John
Fordham Company
Foster, Ian
Fox, Pat
vs England
JM in
vs New Zealand
Rugby Federation
Francis Douglas Memorial College
Fraser Tech Rugby Club
French Rugby Federation
Garryowen Football Club
Gatland, Warren
Geldenhuys, Adri
Geldenhuys, Burger
Gericke, Henning
Gibbes, Jono
Gibbs, Scott
Gilbert, Tony
Gillette, Johnny
Giteau, Matt
global rugby season
Gold, Gary
Gordon, Rob
Gordon, Steve
Graham, Rosco
Gray, Richard
Gray, Wynne
Grayson, Paul
Greeff, Werner
Green, Kevin
Green, Tony
Greene, Matt
Greening, Phil
Greenwood, Will
Gregan, George
Griquas vs Lions
Grobbelaar, Cobus ‘Baywatch’
Growden, Greg
Guma Group
Gumede, Robert
Habana, Bryan
Haden, Andy
Hadley, Adrian
Halligan, Daryl
Hamilton Boys’ High
Hamilton Old Boys
Hammett, Mark
Hani, Chris
Hansen, Brett
Hansen, Steve
Hard Rock Cafe
Harris, Greg
Harris, Perry
Harrison, Les
Hart, John
Hassett, Gordon
Hastings, Gavin
Hayman, Carl
Hendricks, Mac
Henjak, Matt
Henry, Graham
Hewitt, Norm
Hewson, Alan
Hickman, Bridget
Highlanders vs Lions
Hilgendorf, Jimmy
Hill, David
Hill, Richard
Hines, Geoff
Hobbs, Derek
Hobbs, Jock
Hodgson, Matt
Hoeksma, Etienne
Holah, Marty
Holiday Inn, Newlands
Holland, Fraser
Hollenbach, Alwyn
Hooper, Michael
Hore, Andrew
Howard, John
Howarth, Shane
Howlett, Doug
Hughes, Nigel
Hunter, Gordon
Hurry, Simon
Ichikowitz, Eric
Ichikowitz, Ivor
Ingram, Brad
IRB (International Rugby Board)
ITM Cup see NPC
Jackson, Peter
James, Brock
James, Butch
Jantjies, Elton
Jerram, Richard
Jersey, The
Johnson, Martin ‘Monobrow’
Jones, Eddie
Jones, Ian
Jones, Michael
Jones, Stephen
Jonker, Marius
Joseph, Jamie
‘journey’ theme of World Cup
Kahui, Richard
Kamana, James
Kaplan, Jonathan
Kearns, Phil
Kefu, Toutai
Kelleher, Byron
Keys, Bruce
Kidd, Murray
Kidney, Declan
Killian, Michael
Kingsley, Jann
Kingsley-Jones, Phil
Kirton, Earl
Kokoda Trail
Kriel, Jaco
Kronfeld, Josh
La Grange, Doppies
Laidlaw, Chris
Lancaster, Stuart
Lanseria Airport
Laporte, Bernard
Larder, Phil
Larkham, Stephen
Lawrence, Mark
leadership, JM on
Leicester Football Club
Leonard, Jason
Le Roux, Johan
Lewis, Alan
Lewsey, Josh
vs Blues
vs Brumbies
vs Bulls
challenges at
vs Cheetahs
vs Chiefs
vs Crusaders
Currie Cup
disciplinary hearing of JM
vs Griquas
vs Highlanders
vs Hurricanes
JM at
physical conditioning
vs Pumas
vs Reds
vs Sharks
vs Stormers
Super Rugby
vs Western Force
vs Western Province
Little, Walter
Lochore, Sir Brian
Loe, Richard
Logan, Kenny
Lomu, Jonah
‘longest day’
Luger, Dan
Luyt, Louis
Lynagh, Michael
Lyons, David
Lyon University, France
MacDonald, Leon
Macqueen, Rod
Mad Monday
Mains, Laurie
Malan, Fritz
Maling, Simon
Mallett, Dave
Mallett, Nick
Mallinder, Jim
Mannix, Simon
Mapoe, Lionel
Marr, Greg
Marshall, Justin
Marshall, Peter
Martin, Andrew
Masters, Haydn
Matfield, Victor
Matheson, John
Mauger, Aaron
Mayhew, John
McCaw, Richie
McDonnell, Joe
McHugh, Dave
McIlraith, Matt
McIntosh, Lindsay
McIntosh, Rod
McIsaac, Tai
McQuilkin, Merv
Meads, Colin
Mealamu, Keven
Meeuws, Kees
Mehrtens, Andrew
Melville, Nigel
mental-conditioning coaches see also sports psychology
Messam, Liam
Mexted, Murray
Meyer, Heyneke
Mickey, Grant
Mike Brewer: The Authorised Biography
Millennium Stadium
Minnie, Derick
Minto, John
Mitchell, Ciara [daughter]
Mitchell, Daryl [son]
Mitchell, Drew
Mitchell, Eric [father]
Mitchell, John
youth of
family of
romantic relationships
early career
at Fraser Tech
at Waikato
in France
in Italy
as All Black player
in Ireland
in England
at Chiefs
returns to New Zealand
as All Black coach
at Western Force
in South Africa
at Lions
home invasion
disciplinary hearing
at Egli
at SuperSport
on coaching
on discipline
feedback from others
on leadership
Probables vs Possibles
Rugby World Cup
on running
as Springbok coach
on types of people
way forward for rugby
Mitchell, Jules [second wife]
Mitchell, Kay [first wife]
Mitchell, Paul [brother]
Mitchell, Pauline [mother]
Moggee, Ruben
Moller, Chris
Monkley, Duane
Moore, Ian
Moore, Stephen
Mordt, Ray
Morris, Dewi
Morrison, Ed
Mortlock, Stirling
Mount Erebus disaster
Mount Nelson Hotel
Mourie, Graham
Mourinho, José
Mtawarira, Tendai ‘Beast’
Muir, Dick
Muir, Dion
Mulder, Japie
Muliaina, Mils
Mulvihill, John
National Provincial Championship see NPC
Nesdale, Ross
New South Wales vs Chiefs
New Zealand
1976 series in South Africa
1981 Springbok tour of
1986 Cavaliers tour of South Africa
vs Argentina
vs Australia
vs Canada
Classics team
Colts trials
development team tour of Argentina
vs England
vs France
vs Ireland
vs Italy
Rugby World Cup
vs Scotland
vs South Africa
vs Tonga
vs Wales
New Zealand Herald
New Zealand Rugby Football Union see NZRU
Norling, Clive
Northampton Rugby Football Club
northern hemisphere, flow of players to
Norton, Tane
1986 Cavaliers tour of South Africa
Bledisloe Cup
bonus row
coaches’ responsibilities
JM and
media training session
Super Rugby
training camps
O’Connor, James
O’Cuinneagain, Dion
Oliver, Anton
O’Meara, Peter
Oosthuizen, Etienne
Orrell Rugby Union Football Club
Otago Rugby Football Union
Packer, Kerry
Paige, Rudy
Parkes, Lloyd
Patterson, Brian
Pene, Aaron
physical conditioning
exit testing
JM on
‘longest day’
New Zealand
Sale Sharks
Western Force
Pichot, Agustín
Pienaar, François
Pietersen, J.P.
development of
selection of
welfare of
Players’ Association
in Australia
in New Zealand
Plumtree, John
Pocock, Andy
Pocock, David
Pope, Brett
Porima, John
Possibles vs Probables
press see media
Pretorius, André
profanities, use of
Professional Rugby Player Committee
protocols see team protocols
psychological warfare
psychology see sports psychology
Pumas vs Lions
Purvis, Graham
Putt, Kevin
quokka controversy
racial slur accusation
radio see also media
Rae, Tony
Ralph, Caleb
Randell, Taine
Randle, Roger
Ranfurly Shield
rape, player accused of
Ray, Craig
Redding, Dave
Redpath, Brian
refereeing decisions
Chris White
Clive Norling
Ed Morrison
JM on
Jonathan Kaplan
Marius Jonker
Mark Lawrence
Stuart Dickinson
Tony Spreadbury
Reid, Vern
Reihana, Bruce
Rennie, Dave
Reyneke, Manie
Rhodes, Michael
Richards, Dean
Robinson, Andy
Robinson, Jason
Robinson, Keith
Robinson, Mark
Robinson, Scott
Rodber, Tim
Rodgers, Pareen
Rokocoko, Joe
Ross, Glenn
Rottnest Island
Rowntree, Graham
Rugby Football Union see RFU
Rugby Park
Rugby World Cup
JM on
‘journey’ theme
rules of rugby
Rush, Eric
Rutherford, David
Rutherford, Don
SABC’s Topsport
Saint-André, Philippe
Sale Sharks
SANZAR (South Africa–New Zealand–Australia rugby)
Saracens Football Club
Sare, Haig
Schmidt, Peter
Schmidt, Uli
Schultz, Mark
Schwartz, Ian
Scoun, Alistair
security issues
selection of players
Serfontein, Nico
Seven Nations
Shand, Darren
Sharpe, Nathan
Shaw, Mark ‘Cowboy’
Shelford, Wayne ‘Buck’
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Sirl, Grant
Sivivatu, Sitiveni
Six Nations
Skinstad, Bob
Sky Sports
Small, James
SMI Personal Dynamics
Smith, Conrad
Smith, Steve
Smith, Wayne
social aspect of rugby
Somerville, Greg
So’oialo, Rodney
South Africa
1976 New Zealand series in
1981 tour of New Zealand
1986 New Zealand Cavaliers tour
vs England
vs New Zealand
refereeing decisions
Seven Nations
Super Rugby
vs Waikato
South African Breweries see SAB
South African Rugby Union see SARU
Southern Kings
Spencer, Carlos
Spies, Pierre
sponsorship deals
sports psychology
Spreadbury, Tony
Springboks see South Africa
Staniforth, Scott
Steele-Bodger, Micky
Stone, Arthur
Stooke, Geoff
Straeuli, Rudolf
strategies for games
Strauss, Josh
Strawbridge, Andy
Sullivan, Andrew
Sunday News
Super 10
Super 14
Super Rugby
Swart, Balie
Sykes, Steven
Tamata, Farrell
Taute, Jaco
Taylor, Ross
Taylor, Wayne
team-building exercises
team protocols
All Blacks
Western Force
teams, types of people in
Teichmann, Gary
Tekino, Kola
Te Kuiti
television match official see TMO
Terrace Downs
Tew, Steve
third-party payments see sponsorship deals
Thompson, Jeremy
Thorburn, Peter
Thorn, Brad
Thorne, Reuben
Thorpe, Tony
Tietjens, Gordon
Tink, Matt
Tonga vs New Zealand
Topsport, SABC
Townsend, Geoff
training camps
Transafrica Capital
Trent, Richard
Tri-attacking system
Turner, Paul
Turner, Richard
Umaga, Tana
University of Johannesburg
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Uttley, Roger
Van As, Hugo
Van der Linde, C.J.
Van der Merwe, Flip
Van der Merwe, Franco
Van der Westhuizen, Joost
Van Gaal, Louis
Van Heerden, Wikus
Van Rensburg, Deon
Van Rensburg, J.C.
Van Zyl, Piet
Venter, A.J.
verbal sparring before games
Vermaak, Jano
Vickery, Phil
Viljoen, Harry
visual skills
Waikato Breweries Shield
Walsh, Therese
Walters, Humphrey
Wasps Rugby Football Club
Watson, André
Western Australian Rugby Union see WARU
Western Force
vs Brumbies
vs Bulls
vs Cheetahs
vs Crusaders
JM at
vs Lions
vs Stormers
Western Province
Wheelan, Pat
Whetton, Alan
White, Chris
Whiteley, Warren
Wiese, Kobus
Wilkinson, Brian
Wilkinson, Jonny
Williams, Ali
Wilson, Doug
Wilson, Jeff
Wood, Keith
Woodcock, Tony
Woodward, Clive
Woodward, Jane
World Cup see Rugby World Cup
World Rugby Corporation
Wright, Garth
Wynne, Tony
youth-selection policy
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