
AASF Advanced Air Striking Force

AI Air Interceptor

AOC Air Officer Commanding

ARP Air Raid Precautions

ASDIC British naval vessels’ onboard sonar

Auftragstaktik mission command

BdU Befehlshaber der U-boote (C-in-C of German submarines)

BEF British Expeditionary Force

Bewegungskrieg operational war of movement

Bren British light machine gun

chasseurs alpins French mountain troops

CIGS Chief of the Imperial General Staff

C-in-C Commander-in-Chief

CIO Congress of Industrial Organizations

CO Commanding Officer

CP Command Post

EG Royal Navy Escort Group

Fahnenjunker officer cadet

Fallschirmjäger German paratroopers

Feldwebel German non-commissioned officer equivalent to sergeant

GC&CS Government Code and Cypher School (Bletchley Park)

Gebirgsjäger German mountain troops

Geschwader Luftwaffe group of squadrons (staffeln)

He Heinkel

HF/DF High Frequency Direction Finding

Huff-Duff slang for HF/DF

HX North America to UK convoy route

IFF Identification Friend or Foe

JG Jagdgeschwader – fighter group

Ju Junkers

KG Kampfgeschwader – bomber group

Kriegsmarine German Navy

leaguer night-time tank formation – a rough circle usually

Lehrgeschwader training group

Luftwaffe German Air Force

Me Messerschmitt

MG machine gun

MG34 machinegewehr or German machine gun, first built in 1934

MOMP Mid-Ocean Meeting Point

MP40 machinepistole or German sub-machine gun, first produced in 1940

NCO non-commissioned officer

NCS Naval Control of Shipping

NDAC National Defense Advisory Commission (US)

NEF Newfoundland Escort Force

NJG Nachtjagdgeschwader – night fighter group

Oberjäger most junior NCO in the German airborne and mountain divisions

OKH Oberkommando des Heeres – Supreme Army Command

OKM Oberkommando der Marine – Supreme Naval Command

OKW Oberkommando der Wehrmacht – Combined Operations Staff

ON(F) British to North America fast convoy route

ON(S) British to North America slow convoy route

OPM Office of Production Management

OTU Operational Training Unit

Panzer German term for a tank. There were a number of variants or ‘marks’, usually written as Mk I, Mk II, etc

RAD Reichsarbeitsdienst – Reich Labour Service, for teenage boys between school and joining the military.

RCN Royal Canadian Navy

Regia Aeronautica Royal Air Force (Italian)

Regio Esercito Royal Army (Italian)

RNR Royal Navy Reserve

RNS Reichsnährstand – Department of Food and Agriculture

RWM Reichswirtschaftministerium – Reich Ministry for Economic Affairs

SC North America to UK slow convoy route

Schmeisser Allied slang for a German sub-machine gun

Schwerpunkt main point of attack

SIM Servizio Informazioni Militari – the Italian Military Intelligence Service

SL Sierra Leone to UK slow convoy route

SOE Special Operations Executive

SOE Senior Officer Escorts

sortie individual operational flight by a pilot, so a squadron of e.g. twelve aircraft could fly up to twelve sorties at any one time

Spandau Allied slang for a German machine gun

Staffel German squadron

StG Sturmkampfflugzeuggeschwader – Stuka bomber group

Sturzkampfflugzeug Stuka dive-bomber

TA Territorial Army

UMW United Mine Workers

WACI Western Approaches Convoy Instructions

Wehrmacht German armed forces

1WO 1st Watch Officer

Zerstörer Destroyer. Luftwaffe name for the Messerschmitt 110

ZG Zerstörergeschwader – Messerschmitt 110 fighter group