All photographs have been kindly supplied by the author except those listed below. Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders; those overlooked are invited to get in touch with the publishers.
Illustration Sections:
Section 1
Hitler: Hugo Jaeger/Getty Images.
Captain Hedley Verity: Imperial War Museum/H 11730; The Royal Navy: Imperial War Museum/A 111.
Helmut Lent: Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-358-1908-09; Gudbrandsdal: Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1984-105-13A; Me110: BundesArchiv, Bild 101I-399-0006-19; Cigarettes at Narvik: Imperial War Museum/HU 104673.
General Maurice Gamelin: Imperial War Museum/O 158; Belgian refugees: Imperial War Museum/F 4505; The BEF: Imperial War Museum/F 4689; Destroyed Ju52: GNU Free Documentation.
The evacuation of Dunkirk: Imperial War Museum/ART LD 2277; French troops: Imperial War Museum/H 1688.
Section 2
Mightier Yet: Onslows/Mary Evans Library; Churchill: Imperial War Museum/H 41846; Atlantic Convoy: Imperial War Museum, C 2647.
Teddy Suhren: Chatham Publishing; George Darley: Daniel Kirmatzis; Donald Macintyre: Imperial War Museum/A 16868; U-48: Imperial War Museum/HU 39625; Franklin D. Roosevelt: Library of Congress; Harry Hopkins: Library of Congress.
Adolf von Schell: Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-2006-0096; A. G. Street: Miranda Corben; Sheep: Museum of English Rural Life, University of Reading; Soldiers and a pig: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-L24359; Radar Station: Imperial War Museum/ART LD 5735; 609 Squadron: Jim Earnshaw.
Mussolini: Culture Club/Getty Images; Italian Uniforms: US TME30-240; Battle of Britain, painting by Paul Nash: Imperial War Museum/ART LD 1550.
Rolls-Royce engine construction: Imperial War Museum/D 12125; Ju88: Imperial War Museum/HU 73745.
Section 3
Andrew Browne Cunningham: Imperial War Museum/A 9760; General Richard O’Connor: Imperial War Museum/E 1549; Italian POWs: Imperial War Museum/E 1579.
Indian troops: Imperial War Museum/E 2181; Hermann Balck: Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1994-009-17; The Operations Room at Derby House: Imperial War Museum/A 4556; British Destroyer: Imperial War Museum/A 5667; Otto Kretschmer: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-L22207; Erich Topp: Bundesarchiv, Bild 101ll-MW-3705-35.
The Bowles twins: Tim Bowles; Kit Inspection: Tim Bowles; Hajo Herrmann: Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-2005-0025; British forces on the retreat: Imperial War Museum/ART LD 3354; General John Kennedy: National Portrait Gallery/NPG x85677; Sherwood Rangers: Stanley Christopherson.
Liberty ships under construction, two images: Library of Congress; Oliver Lyttelton visits a British factory: Imperial War Museum/P 866; ID card of Andrée Griotteray: Francelle Bradford White; Freddie Knoller and family: Freddie Knoller; The Blitz: Imperial War Museum/HU 1129.
General Bernard Freyberg VC: Imperial War Museum/E 3020E; German invasion of Crete: Imperial War Museum/A 4154; Evacuation of Crete: Imperial War museum/A 4200.