Words cannot express my appreciation to my daughter and son for their amazing transparency in allowing their stories to be told and for their input and critique of this book. Great appreciation goes to my wife, Jenetha, for her encouragement, incredible patience, and incomparable expertise in content editing. Recognition goes also to our seven adult children who watched with interest the progression and development of this book—thank you. Thanks also to my mother, Dr. Elizabeth Glenn, for her expert editing and enthusiastic belief in the ideas presented here.

Special thanks to Dan Benson for his copy editing. Thanks to Ron Macciola and Laura Taggart, M.A., for their helpful critiques and suggestions. Special thanks to G. Miller Hogan II, J.D., and Jonathan Kirsch, J.D., for their professional reviews and book vetting. Thanks to Nash Jafri of Designior for creating five great illustrations. Thanks to Alan Gadney and Carolyn Porter of One-on-One Book Production and Marketing for an excellent interior book design. Thanks, again, to Alan Gadney for offering expert marketing advice. And thanks to Bo Lane for a terrific book cover.