The author’s children were two and five years old when his first marriage of twelve years ended.
Two years later Don married Jenetha who was divorced with three children. Together they had two more children bringing the total number of kids in their family to seven.
For the first two decades of their marriage they suffered through the difficult wars with the author’s ex and heartbreaking issues with his children.
Understanding personally the complex problems experienced by separated parents and their children, Don and Jenetha decided that Don would change careers. After earning his graduate degrees he immersed himself full-time in issues common to separated parents.
In his work it became clear to the author that few children come out of their parents’ separations emotionally intact. What also became clear were solutions in the form of several key Principles and Steps which are critical to the restoration of children following parent separation.
This book represents over a decade of practicing these Principles and Steps and observing their amazing benefit to the author’s own family and to separated-parent families throughout the country.
Currently Dr. Partridge is speaking at conferences, seminars, and workshops nationwide.