Chapter 1: Evolution of a Space Cadet

1. Ingrid LaFleur, “Visual Aesthetics of Afrofuturism,” TEDx Fort Greene Salon, YouTube, September 25, 2011.

Chapter 2: A Human Fairy Tale Named Black

1. Ytasha Womack, “Dorothy Roberts Debunks Myth of Race,” Post Black Experience, (Accessed January 10, 2012).

2. Kodwo Eshun, More Brilliant Than the Sun: Adventures in Sonic Fiction (UK: Quartet Books, 1998), 175.

3. Saidiya Hartman, Lose Your Mother (New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 2008).

4. Sarah Zielinski, “Henrietta Lacks Immortal Cells,” Smithsonian Magazine, (Accessed January 22, 2010).

5. Ytasha Womack, “Dorothy Roberts Debunks Myth,” Post Black Experience, (Accessed October 17, 2011).

6. Reynaldo Anderson, “Critical Afrofuturism: A Case Study in Visual Rhetoric, Sequential Art, and Post-Apocalyptic Black Identity” (2012).

Chapter 3: Project Imagination

1. Jeremy Hsu, “Former Astronaut Will Lead 100 Year Starship Effort,” Tech News Daily, (Accessed May 21, 2012).

2. Center for Black Studies, “AfroGeeks: Global Blackness and the Digital Sphere,” University of California Santa Barbara, (Accessed March 1, 2012).

3. Mark Dery, “Black to the Future,” in Flame Wars: The Discourse of Cyberculture (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1994), 180.

4. Aaron Smither and Joanna Brenner, “Twitter Use 2012,” Pew Internet & American Life Project, (Accessed May 31, 2012).

Chapter 4: Mothership in the Key of Mars

1. Amina Khan, “New Song Transmitted from Mars Curiosity Rover,” Los Angeles Times, (Accessed August 28, 2012).

2. “ NASA Interview at Curiosity Mars Landing 2012,” YouTube, August 6, 2012.

3. Scott T. Hill, “With Earthbound, CopperWire Creates a Soulful Sci-Fi Space Opera,” Wired, (Accessed April 4, 2012).

4. The Last Angel of History, directed by John Akomfrah (Icarus Films, 1996).

5. Scot Hacker, “Can You Get to That: The Cosmology of P-Funk,” Stuck Between Stations, (January 11, 2011).

6. Kodwo Eshun, More Brilliant Than the Sun: Adventures in Sonic Fiction (UK: Quartet Books, 1998).

7. Eshun, More Brilliant Than the Sun.

8. “The Ten Droid Commandments,” HollyGoCrunkly, (Accessed May 10, 2012).

Chapter 5: The African Cosmos for Modern Mermaids (Mermen)

1. Malidoma Patrice Somé, Ritual, Magic, and Inititation in the Life of an African Shaman (New York: Penguin Group, 1995), 8.

2. Somé, Ritual, Magic, and Initiation, 9.

3. Hunter Hindrew and Mamaissii Vivian, “Mami Water Healers Society,” Mami Wata, (Accessed June 5, 2012).

4. Aker, “My-stery Images of Mami Wata,” Futuristically Ancient, (Accessed April 18, 2012).

5. “Last Splash: Azealia Banks Explains the Whole Mermaid Deal,” Spin Magazine, (Accessed July 12, 2012).

6. “African Cosmos,” African Institute of Art, (Accessed June 1, 2012).

7. Somé, Ritual, Magic, and Initiation, 8–9.

Chapter 6: The Divine Feminine in Space

1. “Martin Luther King Was a Trekkie: Star Trek and Equality,” YouTube (Accessed January 23, 2011).

2. Matrix Reloaded, directed by Lana Wachowski and Andy Wachowski (Warner Brothers, 2003).

3. Gillian Gus Andrews, “Janelle Monáe Turns Rhythm and Blues into Science Fiction,” I09, (Accessed July 21, 2010).

4. “Grace Jones,” Elton & Jacobsen, (Accessed April 18, 2012).

5. KaterinaWilhelmina, “Grace Jones Quotes,” Chatterbusy Blog spot, (Accessed October 1, 2012).

6. Jennie Ruby, “Women Only Spaces: An Alternative to Patriarchy,” Feminist Reprise, (Accessed April 22, 2012).

7. Tempestt Hazel, “Black to the Future Series: An Interview with D. Denenge Akpem,” Sixty Inches from Center, Chicago Arts Archive, (Accessed July 23, 2012).

Chapter 7: Pen My Future

1. W. E. B. Du Bois, “The Comet,” in Dark Matter, edited by Sheree R. Thomas (2000): 5–18.

2. Samuel R. Delany, “Racism and Science Fiction,” New York Review of Science Fiction, Issue 120, August 1998, (Accessed September 1, 2012).

3. Jess Nevins, “The Black Fantastic: Highlights of Pre World War II African and African American Speculative Fiction,” IO9. (Accessed October 2, 2012).

4. Nevins, “The Black Fantastic.”

5. “Afrofuturism, Science Fiction and the History of the Future,” Socialism and Democracy Online, (Accessed April 20, 2012).

6. “Afrofuturism, Science Fiction,” Socialism and Democracy Online.

7. Mindy Farabee, “Nalo Hopkinson’s Science Fiction and Real Life Family,” Los Angeles Times, March 21, 2013,

Chapter 8: Moonwalkers in Paint and Pixels

1. Samantha Burton, “The Africa That I Know,” Bitch, (Accessed April 15, 2012).

2. Alyx Vesey, “Bechdel Test Canon: Pumzi,” Bitch, (Accessed February 3, 2012).

3. Tempestt Hazel, “Black to the Future Series. An Interview with Cauleen Smith,” Sixty Inches from Center, Chicago Arts Archive, (Accessed September 4, 2012).

4. Lupe Fiasco, “Lupe Fiasco: This City Is a Robot,” Chicago Sun-Times, (Accessed June 5, 2012).

5. “The Mysterious Phenomenon That Transforms Average Songwriters Into Legends,” Songwriting Secrets, (Accessed June 1, 2012).

Chapter 9: A Clock for Time Travelers

1. Fred Alan Wolf, Fred Alan Wolf, (Accessed April 10, 2012).

2. Duffy Damien and John Jennings, Black Comix (New York: Mark Batty Publishing, 2010), 164.

3. Wolf, (Accessed April 10, 2012).

4. Jo Walton, “Time Travel and Slavery,” Tor, (Accessed June 1, 2012).