The following pages present selected excerpts from a Dr. Brinkley radiobroadcast, circa 1930.
The complete transcript of this broadcast as well as other recordings of John Brinkley broadcasts and a variety of archive materials are in included in the Brinkley Secrets Home Study Course. Information about the Course is online at
Hi ladies and gentlemen. This is Dr. J.R. Brinkley out of the Brinkley Hospitals in Little Rock, Arkansas speaking to you at this time. And I wonder how many of you men are at this very moment in the condition that one of my patients was in some 2 years ago when he came to me. You know, we get prostate men in all kinds of trouble, far advanced cases as well as mild cases. You know, it’s not an easy road doing genitourinary work like we do in the Brinkley Hospitals because you have sick kidneys that are liable to quit on you any minute. You have to be watching your blood pressure and your heart and the kidneys of these patients, and we have to be watching for the secondary anemia that many of them have and general weakness. And because of general weakness they’re liable to infection. There are potential death risks in these advanced prostate patients and that’s why so many of them die when they’re going in for big prostate work.
Now, to give you an idea of the Brinkley work and to let you know that our pathway is not always a bed of roses and we have to handle some of the worst cases that there is, I’m going to read to you a letter from one of my patients, S.A. Carter, 911 Bell Avenue, in Caruthersville, Missouri. This man was carrying 56 ounces of residual urine when he came to us. We advocated blood transfusions to pull him through and now he is a well and a happy man working and enjoying life. But do you realize how much 56 residual ounces are? Thirty-two ounces is one quart and 64 ounces is two quarts and this man was just short 8 ounces of carrying a half a gallon, two quarts of urine, that he couldn’t get out of his bladder and his bladder was all distended and it looked as though he had a tumor of some kind in his abdomen, which he did, it was a tumor of water in his bladder that he couldn’t empty. And his kidneys were drowned out. And his low-grade anemia and he was practically unconscious and he was a dying man when he was brought into my hospital. A man so sick I couldn’t reject him because he would die before he got back home, just like a lot of patients that arrive at my hospital. When they arrive they are so sick that they couldn’t even get back home. I really got to work myself and get them well and get them better and send them back home or they’re going to die. And this man, Carter out of Caruthersville, Missouri is one of them. He wrote me this letter on the date of February 4, 1939, and he said:
Dear Dr. Brinkley,
I thought I’d write you a letter. Dr. Brinkley, I don’t have words to tell you how much I thank you for what you’ve done for me….
And that’s one statement that that man could make and mean every word of it because he can’t thank me enough. If it hadn’t been that I gave this man Carter my personal attention, if it had not been that my associates were on the job, Carter would be dead. He says:
My family doctor told me he couldn’t do anything for me because of my bad prostate and he was going to send me to Memphis to have it cut out. But I thought I’d better go to Brinkley Hospital. I went there on November 28th, 1937. I was so sick I didn’t know whether or not I was going to get there alive. Well doctor, I got better in three days and have been getting better all the time. I eat all I want, sleep like a baby and work every day. So I think the Brinkley Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas, is the place for sick people to go. I have gained 18 pounds since I came home.
With lots of good wishes to you and family,
Yours truly,
S.A. Carter
911 Bell Avenue
Caruthersville, Missouri
And, as I say, this man was carrying practically one half gallon of residual. He was carrying 56 ounces, lacking 8 ounces of being a half a gallon or two quarts. His kidneys were in serious condition. It was necessary for us to give him blood transfusions. It was necessary for us to give him saline and other solutions, sucrose and tonics and everything else that medical science knows to build a man up and gradually decompress that bladder that was containing 56 ounces of fluid and try to build those kidneys up. And after careful work and conscientious work and hard work, we earned our fee what we charged this man a dozen times, but we were glad to do it and we’ve paid the lights. And you people want to see a corpse that came back to life and is alive and healthy, I know where you can find one and his name, and that is S. A. Carter, 911 Bell Avenue in Caruthersville, Missouri, because he was just one step outside of an undertaking parlor when he arrived at my hospital. And today he is a healthy man, and as he says, he was so sick that he didn’t know whether he was going to reach the Brinkley Hospital alive or not. And when he got into my hospital I thought he was going to be dead before I could do anything for him. And now, he can sleep like a baby, he can work every day, he has gained weight, he can eat all he wants to and anything he wants and what more can a man expect, what more can be done in the way of results for a man than I have done for this man Carter, a dying man when he came to see me. One of the advanced cases any physician, any surgeon would tell you that a man with a prostate so big that it’s producing complete obstruction and that the man is carrying 56 ounces of residual urine, that in order to get that man well the doctor that handles the case must know his business. And if you’d like to get well, I don’t care if your prostate is as big as a cabbage, I don’t care how much residual urine you’re carrying or anything about it, if your kidneys are not too far gone so that they respond, if your heart is not too far gone so it will respond, we can pull you through provided we can get you into our hospital before your kidneys are ruined and your heart’s ruined. When those kidneys go into uremia and the functioning part of your kidneys quit functioning we are at our end and we can’t do anything. The undertaker is the fella that’s going to get you. If you want those two books you can have them if you’re going to come to see the Brinkley’s. If you’re going to come to see us or just want the books for the information they contain, send us a dollar and a half and I’ll send them. On the other hand, if you’re willing to swear on a stack of bibles as high as the moon that you’re coming to see us and right away I’ll be glad to have a letter from you ordering these books. I’ll send you one book first and when you get this first book look it over and study it. When you order the book, be sure and tell me what’s the matter with you. If you’re a woman, tell me what’s the matter with you. If you’re a man tell me what’s the matter with you. I might write you a personal letter. If I don’t write it when I send the book, I’m liable to write it after I get your question blank returned to me, but you better answer all those questions, and answer them honestly and truthfully because I have a way about me that I can usually tell when you’re lying a little bit. I don’t like you to lie to me. I like you to be honest with me and I want you to answer every question on that question blank, and I want you to answer that last question in which I ask you that if I give you the opportunity to come to the Brinkley Hospital what date is most convenient. And then when I get your blank back if I kind of like you I’ll probably send you a date in which I invite you to come and be with us for consultation and examination. If I don’t think much of you I probably won’t invite you but there’s no harm done. You’ve had the fun of reading the book that didn’t cost you anything and filling out the blank. Now you might like to go a little bit further when you get this first book. You might decide that you really do want to be a Brinkley patient, very anxious to be one. In fact so many people never wait to get the second book. A lot of them don’t wait to get the first book because they know that these broadcasts are sincere, truthful and honest. They know that these patients are living. They know that both hospitals are filled with patients that have been sent to me by other patients and they know that a man whose hospital stays filled the year round with patients sent to him by other patients is doing a hell of a good job on saving people. But if you decide after you get the first book that you want the second book, the Big Doctor book, then you get that coupon out of that first book and you give me the name of some men that you’re personally acquainted with, men that you know that ought to be Brinkley patients, men that you know are physically and financially able to come to see us, and you send those names in to me and in return for your kindness I’ll send you the Big Doctor book free. And by that time I’ll expect you to be a patient in the Brinkley Hospital.
A letter from my patient G. C. Anderson of Route #3 in Kenton, Tennessee. He says:
Dear Dr. Brinkley,
I was operated on in your hospital on December 15th, 1937, for prostate gland enlargement. I cannot praise you enough for the good work you’re doing. I know you are a God-called man. One of my neighbors has just returned from your hospital. I went with my brother there on January the 31st. You can read this over the air any way you see fit. I’d like to tell all the people suffering with prostate disease to go to the Brinkley Hospital. I’ve enjoyed good health.
That’s G.C. Anderson of Route #3, Kenton, Tennessee, and this man came to me and was operated on in 1937. Then he came to my hospital with one of his brothers. And then one of his neighbors has returned to my hospital. There’s three men returned to my hospital. There’s three men that were at my hospital. Over there’s three men from Tennessee, G.C. Anderson and the brother of Mr. Anderson and one of his neighbors. As I say, former patients keep my hospitals filled with their loved ones and friends and neighbors because of the results that they receive. So what more can you ask for if our patients keep our hospital filled with their friends and their loved ones and neighbors. This man’s letter is merely a confirmation of what I’ve been telling you. My patient comes and he gets well and he maybe brings his father, or the father brings the son, or they bring an uncle or they bring an aunt, or they bring a neighbor. My patients come back, like I told you, one of them came back from Iowa the other day and they brought me four of his neighbors. And sometimes they make a regular automobile load and they come to see us that way.
And let me say to you people who are listening to Dr. Brinkley, if you want to be examined the same day that you arrive at Little Rock the way to do it is to get checked into our hospital not later than 8 o’clock in the morning in the hospital located at the corner of 20th Street and Shore
Avenue. If you get in by 8 o’clock we’ll get through with you that day on your examination anyway. And I’m telling you to come now and not delay longer. Delay is dangerous. Delay is risky. And delay is keeping the funeral parlors filled and the undertakers making a fortune. And this is Dr. Brinkley personally speaking to you.
****** Pause ******
Ladies and gentlemen I’m going to read a letter to you from a man that I am going to classify as a real upstanding doctor and American citizen. And this letter comes from Dr. R.C. Thompson of Paris, Arkansas. Dr. Thompson says:
Brinkley Hospital
Little Rock, Arkansas
Thanks for the invitation to attend your homecoming. I have just put off coming or writing. I was operated on for prostate gland disease at the Brinkley Hospital October 14th, 1937. I was home the seventh day after the operation…
Do you notice that—he was home the seventh day after the operation…
…and I have done two men’s work every day since. I had suffered death one thousand times. Went to St. Louis, Missouri, to the best specialist in St. Louis. I was under the care of four doctors for six days and almost past walking when I returned. I’ve been thinking of writing Dr. Brinkley a personal letter but I just kept putting it off. I am 20 years younger in every way. I was 76 years of age when operated on and had to be led to the clinic by my son. The reason I have not returned for a recheck is that I felt it was not necessary because it is only a three-hour drive from my home to the Brinkley Hospital in Little Rock. Dr. Brinkley, if you wish, you may announce this over the radio.
R.C. Thompson, M.D.
Paris, Arkansas
Folks I don’t know of a stronger endorsement of my work than this letter from this physician, a practicing physician that is well known and beloved by the people in Paris, Arkansas. He is now 76 years of age and had been suffering death, as he said, he had suffered death a thousand times. He went to one of the high priced placed in St. Louis, Missouri. I’m not going to mention the name of it, but it is one of the highly rated places in St. Louis, one of the big places. This doctor went to doctors, friends of his, where he had sent his patients in days gone by. Some of them were shipped back home in a box too. He went to the best specialists in St. Louis on the prostate and four doctors looked after him for six days and when they got through with him good old Dr. Thompson just couldn’t walk. And he came to me and he was so sick and so feeble that his son had to lead him to get him around through my hospital to the different examining rooms. He had to be led to the operating room. Had to be helped on the table. He had to be helped off the table. He had to be helped back to his bedroom. But seven days after I operated on Dr. Thompson he was back home in Paris, Arkansas and he didn’t have to be helped and he was able to walk. And he says “I’m 20 years younger in every way and the reason I haven’t returned for a recheck is I felt it was not necessary, and I’m only a three hour drive from my home to Dr. Brinkley’s Hospital in Little Rock.” So the man if he was in the least bit of trouble he certainly would drive, take a three-hour drive, to come and see us. So it isn’t necessary. He feels 20 years younger, fine in every way. Now doesn’t that contrast the Brinkley work to the other work? There’s a doctor who goes to the best hospital and the best specialists, four of them work on him for six days, and he can’t walk. He has to be led around through my hospital to make the rooms, but he doesn’t have to be led out. And in seven days he was back home. He didn’t even stay with me for 10 days because it was two days required at that time. My hospital was not in Little Rock at that time. He had to drive two days to get home after he left my hospital. So he stayed with me about five days. Is that anything to be afraid of, that kind of work, and aren’t the results glorious? If you have any doubts about it or questions about it consult Dr. R.C. Thompson of Paris, Arkansas. I’m going to tell the doctor right now that I don’t expect him to be bothered with answering your letters. He is a busy doctor; he doesn’t have time to answer letters, but this is his letter, and Paris, Arkansas is his home. You can go to see him if you want to.
Another letter from Mr. Robert Broadnax of Grand Saline, Texas, says:
Dear Dr. Brinkley,
I will write you a few lines to let you know how I’m getting along. Before I went to your hospital last November, a year ago, I wasn’t able to do my work but I’m feeling fine now thanks to you.
Robert Broadnax
Grand Saline, Texas
Only a few words tell a big story…
…he was making preparations to come and see me and he died from heart failure and kidney failure before he ever reached me. His widow listens to my broadcasts. And she can truly say along with many other widows he waited too long. His story might have been different, and she agrees it would have been different. She has him to remember by the little radio set I sent him and my talks that come through that radio into her home where there is now saddened by the loss of that husband. And this happens so often and so frequently. There’s many widows, thousands of widows, listening to me who write to me and tell me that a husband had planned on coming to see me but he just put it off and didn’t get around to it. He was taken suddenly ill. His kidneys quit working. His prostate gland closed off the exit from his bladder. He was taken to the hospital and emergency operation was done. A tube was put into him. He died from the shock. He died from kidney failure. He died from infection. He died from heart failure. He died from hemorrhage. He died from some cause that follows in so many of these cases that wait so long. Is that what you’re going to do? Many of you, yes. Many of you, yes. Many of you men are sitting there right now listening to me with your wives and talking about coming to see me after hearing all of this testimony. After hearing that both hospitals are filled with patients sent to me by other patients. After hearing me say come and see for yourselves before you spend a dime. Come into Brinkley Hospitals and talk to all the patients you want to. See what’s being done. See what’s going on. If you don’t like the looks of things you don’t have to stay and you don’t have to spend a dime. If you do stay you get a fine examination, which costs you $50.00. That examination will tell you what’s the matter, and you can either stay and take treatment or pay your $50.00 examining fee and go on back home. I’m inviting you to come now, not to delay longer because so many have died while they were waiting to get started. So come now.
And this is Dr. Brinkley of the Brinkley Hospitals in Little Rock, Arkansas telling you to come to our hospital at the corner of 20th Street and Shore Avenue, Little Rock. Report in by 8 o’clock in the morning and we’ll have you examined by the end of that day. And if you come into Little Rock of a night come to the Albert Pike Hotel, a good hotel to stay all night in.