Questions 1-3 refer to the following data.

Question 1

Approximately what was the percentage growth of Pluton’s GDP from 2010 to 2011 ?






Question 2

In which year was the change from the prior year of the combined GDP of the two countries the least?

Question 3

Shinmark spends of its GDP on military expen­di­tures, while Pluton spends of its GDP on military expenditures. For which years does Shinmark’s military spending exceed Pluton’s?

Indicate all such years.







Question 4 refers to the following data.

(Click here to view a larger image.)

Question 4

The population of the U.S. grew by 29% ­between 1979 and 2004, during which time per capita energy consumption doubled. If ­average per capita energy used from coal was 25 MBTUs in 1979, which of the following are in the range of per capita energy, measured in MBTUs, provided by a single fossil fuel (coal, natural gas or oil) in 2004 ?

Indicate all such values.







Question 5 refers to the following data.

Question 5

To the nearest percent, what was the percentage increase for the country that experienced the greatest percent increase in number of departures between 1990 and 2001 ?

Questions 6-9 refer to the following data.

The following graph is a training log for a triathlete. It documents the number of hours she trained each week at each of three disciplines over a four week period.

Question 6

The athlete’s trainer recommends that the ratio of hours she spends biking to hours she spends swimming be between 2:1 and 3:1. For which of the following weeks did the athlete meet this recommendation?

Indicate all such weeks.

    Week 1

    Week 2

    Week 3

    Week 4

Question 7

The athlete aims to spend between 12 and 16 percent of her weekly training time swimming. For which of the weeks does her swimming fall within that range?





Question 8

The athlete’s average running pace is 7 miles per hour every week. How many miles did she run in week 2 ?






Question 9

In week 5, the athlete plans to decrease her training time in each sport by 10% to 20% of the hours she trained in week 4. Which of the following are possible numbers of hours she could bike in week 5?







Question 10 refers to the following data.

(Click here to view a larger image.)

Question 10

Technology books have become an increasingly important subcategory of science/nature books. If technology books represent 30% of new adult science/nature books, half of used adult science/nature books, and of children’s science nature books, how many technology books were sold in 2005?

Questions 11-12 refer to the following data.

Question 11

The number of assaults reported in Fairfax dropped every year from 2004 to 2010. For which year(s) was the rate of decrease greater than it had been the previous year?

Indicate all such years.






Question 12

Total crime incidents reported in Fairfax decreased by 25% from 2005 to 2010. For which of the crime categories presented in the graph was the percent change from 2005 to 2010 greater than the percent change of all crimes reported?

Indicate all such categories.


    Domestic violence


    Auto theft

    None of the above

Question 13 refers to the following data.

2002 AIRPLANE INVENTORY FOR AIRLINES A AND B BY YEAR OF PURCHASE (as a percent of the 2002 inventory)

Question 13

New regulations go into effect in 2003 that ­require all planes in inventory to be newer than ten years old. Each year following 2002, both airlines need to sell the planes the regulations force them to eliminate from inventory, and then use the proceeds of those sales to ­increase their inventory by 10% (rounded down because they are unable to buy fractions of planes). What is the combined number of planes owned by the two companies following their sales and purchases in 2004 ?

Question 14 refers to the following data.

Question 14

The Great American Scholar (GAS) Grants cover 100% of students’ tuition but no other expenses. In 1995, 4,000 GAS Grants were awarded, of which between and were mandated to go to public university students. In 1995, 50% of public university students’ costs went to tuition, while 85% of private university students’ costs went to tuition. Which of the following are possible total dollar values of all GAS Grants awarded in 1995 ?





