“This, my first work of fiction, originally published April 30, 2020 and dedicated to the memories of the late B. G. Howard, Sr. and the late Maretha (Chank) Howard who both passed away prior to realization of this lengthy effort. Revisions have been made to the novel but the extention of gratitude remains for those who believe and support me as well as those who don’t. Above all else, I thank the Creator for creating me to create. Special appreciation to the one most appreciated for making the biggest sacrifice, my wife Sandra Howard, without whom none of this would be possible. As before, thank you Randy Sullivan at GTI, for keeping my computer functioning and enabling me to write. I’m eternally grateful to Robert Johnson, Beverly Poindexter, Caroline Wade, Deborah Steele, and Shelby Schwartz for your endless support, and additionally; thank you Rosa Jordan and Buck for seeing the vision before I did. Thanks to Greggory Howard, a fellow creative, who has devoted countless hours to the process of helping signify this process.