Lois Tilton of Locus Magazine called Thea Hutcheson's work "sensual, fertile, with seed quickening on every page. Well done..." Thea has enjoyed publication in such places as Hot Blood XI, Fatal Attractions; Baen's Universe Issue 4, Vol. 1; the Beauty and the Beast Issue of The Enchanted Conversation; Realms of Fantasy's 100th issue; and in Fiction River's Recycled Pulp anthology. She also won Apex Magazine's 2013 Merry Christmas Flash Fiction Contest. Find more of her work at www.theahutcheson.com.
Other Works:
- "A Hearth Witch at Chisolm Keep" by Thea Hutcheson
- "The Gleaming Crater" Issue 15, Recycled Pulp, Fiction River
- "Hoarding" Haunted, coming September 2016, Fiction River
- "Galoshes and Neckties" coming in 2017, Pulse Pounders 3, Fiction River
- "Fishing" Baen's Universe, Vol 1, Issue 4
- "Stockings Hung at the Hearth" Apex Magazine, December 2013
- "The Good Husband" Realms of Fantasy, 100th issue
- "Bonita and the Hacienda" The Enchanted Conversation
- Over the Wire, Lilac Moon Books
- Waiting for on Humanity's Table, Lilac Moon Books
- Walkabout, Lilac Moon Books
- Becoming Connie, Ergosphere