Zack Clarke stood up in the back of the pickup truck, his pulse still beating fast from the getaway. The halogen lights buzzed overhead as the truck drove into the flickering blackness of the subterranean bunker.

The zombie outbreak had erupted yesterday around suppertime, sweeping across the country in a matter of hours.

Now, cruising beneath the Tucson Air Force Base, Zack’s sister, Zoe, was still a zombie; his best friend, Rice, the self-proclaimed zombie expert, had figured out the zombie antidote; Greg Bansal-Jones, their school’s most feared bully, had turned into a whiny sissy insisting that he was not Greg after his own brief zombification; and Madison Miller, the most popular girl at Romero Middle School, was their only hope for survival.

NotGreg squirmed away from zombie Zoe, who had been tranquilized by the dose of ginkgo biloba Rice had fed her a little less than an hour ago.

“Hey, man,” NotGreg whimpered. “Will you untape me now?”

“Only if you keep quiet.” Zack extracted the Swiss army knife from his back pocket and clipped the duct tape from NotGreg’s wrists. The un-bully closed an imaginary zipper over his mouth, then threw away a make-believe key.

I can’t believe I used to be scared of this dude, Zack thought, and peered inside the truck’s cabin. Fresh blood soaked through the gauze stretched around the bite-wound on Madison’s leg, a present from zombie Greg. Rice was riding shotgun with Madison’s Boggle puppy, Twinkles, on his lap. Twinkles balanced his front paws on the dashboard, seeming happy to be alive again after a stint as a zombie mutt.

“How’s the leg?” Zack asked Madison.

“Okay, I guess,” she said. “I’m gonna kill Greg, though.”

“You mean NotGreg.”


“Ah,” said Rice. “To Greg or not to Greg? That is the question.”

“Shut up, nerd burger,” Madison said wearily. “Nobody’s talking to you.”

Just then, Twinkles nudged Rice’s backpack with his snout, sniffing at the rank specimen within the bag. Zack’s stomach churned as he thought of the infected BurgerDog meat patty pulsating inside.


“Bow-wow-ow,” the puppy howled hungrily.

“Hey, slow down, Madison,” Zack said through the slider window, and the truck rolled to a stop.

On their right, the tunnel opened up into a large room, split into two levels by a loading dock. Yellow bio-hazard barrels lined the base of the high cement walls. A thick red splotch of zombie muck stained the square metal drain-grate in the center of the floor. The gory blotch extended into a curved smear that resembled a lowercase j. Uneven footprints were tracked around the ruddy trail of slime, as if the zombies had risen from a crawl.

The whole place reeked with the thick musk of disease, and Zack plugged his nose. Something was definitely rotten in Tucson.

“Eeeeee!” All of a sudden NotGreg let out a high-pitched squeal, grasping Zack’s lower calf.

Zack whipped his head around.

A zombified soldier hung off the back of the truck, climbing up the tailgate. The undead commando stretched its zombie yap, cobwebbed with spittle, wide open. It growled and gargled, wriggling its rabid tongue.

“Step on it, Madison!” Zack ordered.

Just then, two more zombie soldiers scaled the sides of the truck, tumbling into the cargo bed with Zack, NotGreg, and zombie Zoe. Their crooked limbs were set at impossible angles, like half-squashed daddy longlegs.

The pickup shot forward, full-throttle.

“Zack!” Rice called from inside the cab, and handed off a metal crowbar. “Use this!”


Zack flung the piece of iron at the zombie soldier, striking him between the empty sockets of his eyes. The tailgate fell open, and the eyeball-less madman dropped with a splat into the receding tunnel.

Blaahrrgh!” the other two zombies bellowed.

Zack felt around frantically on the rumbling cargo bed for another weapon and found the wooden base of his Louisville Slugger.

Across the flatbed, one of the zombies crawled on dislocated kneecaps toward NotGreg. The terrified un-bully cowered in the corner by the open tailgate, his arms curled up like a Tyrannosaurus Rex’s.

But Zack had his own problems.

The other zombie wheezed and tripped forward, falling full-force on top of him. In a flash, Zack flipped the bat horizontal, his ears pulsing hotly, as he strained to bench-press the zombie upward. Bulbous viral clusters curdled and bulged off the chin of the diseased sicko, and tusks of yellow-green phlegm hung from the corners of its raw swollen lips. The undead maniac grunted, and Zack felt his shoulder about to give. A ruptured infection dribbled off the zombie’s cheek and onto the corner of Zack’s mouth.


Zack heaved with every ounce of his strength, and the slobbering beast flung back, staggering to regain its balance. Zack stood up, holding the Slugger tight, ready to strike.

Suddenly, Madison shrieked at the top of her lungs, and the pickup lurched to a vicious halt.

Zack flew backward, bashing his head on the truck bed with a hard thunk.

“Dang, Madison!” Rice yelled inside the cab. “What’d you stop for?”

“Didn’t you see?” she asked. “That person just jumped right out in front of us!”

“Zombies aren’t people, Madison.”


“It wasn’t a zombie, dork brain…it was some little soldier-dude!”

Zack slumped down into a seated position, his ears ringing from the impact. His vision blurred and his head flopped sideways. Zack was looking directly at his zombified sister, Zoe. Her rolled-back, pupil-less eyes stared at him from behind the black metal cage of her facemask.

And as if fingers had snapped, Zack’s mind went blank. Just like that.
