Everyone in the kingdom was outside the church. Those that weren’t fortunate enough to get inside were just waiting to see the happy couple from the courtyard. If it was anything like my wedding, they would parade through the streets, sharing their joy and happiness with their people.

I had to bustle my way through everyone, trying to be as polite as possible. Nobody wanted to give up their viewpoint, especially not to let an evil old woman through. How things had changed in only a few years. Once, they would have parted and curtsied so I could glide through them. How I longed for those days when things were so much simpler. And I had my husband by my side.

Trying desperately not to use my elbows to get me through, I worked my way up to the church doors. Guards stood there, crossing my way with swords.

Invited guests only,” one of them barked at me. I stood myself up to my full height, standing like the queen I was.

I am the queen, I order you to let me in. Am I not entitled to see my daughter marry her prince?” I stared down at them. When my polite words didn’t work, I scowled at them. “Do you want me to curse you?”

The swords magically parted for me. I lifted the hem of my dress off the floor and stepped over the threshold. I had to squint in the darker church to adjust to the lighting. I could just make out two figures at the front of the aisle. Could it really be Snow, arisen from the dead? I didn’t want to get my hopes up but I would know that silhouette anywhere.

I hurried up to the front, desperate to know the truth. The bride and groom came into view. Prince Charming was exactly how I had remembered him when I last encountered his chiseled good looks. And standing next to him was Snow White, my step-daughter.

My hands started shaking, it was like seeing a ghost. How could it even be possible? I saw her choke on the piece of apple. I saw the glass coffin her little men built for her. My mirror would not have deceived me, it was unable to lie. My husband had made sure of that.

Snow?” I breathed the words as they caught in my throat. They both turned to look at me, surprised to see me there. I remembered the last time we had been together, she hadn’t recognized me. “It’s your step-mother, the queen. You’re alive!”

I went to throw my arms around her, I needed to hug her more than I needed anything else. Yet the prince took a step between us, shielding her with his body. “Come no further.”

Snow, oh, Snow. I am so overjoyed to see you. And you’re getting married. I have never been so happy for you,” I continued, unfazed. “This is a day of celebration, your father would be so proud of you.”

Snow placed a tender hand on Charming’s shoulder, he allowed her to step forward. “I don’t believe I invited you to my wedding, Step-Mother.”

But, you’re alive, we can be a family again. We can rule the kingdom together as one.”

I’m not doing anything with you. You tried to kill me, I have seven witnesses to your evil,” Snow replied, staring me down while putting her hands on her hips. Even with a scowl she was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom.

I didn’t, it was an accident,” I stammered. “I only sent gifts with the best of intentions.”

With the intention of killing me.”

I wouldn’t kill you, Snow. I wouldn’t do something like that.”

Guards!” Snow suddenly yelled. Her voice echoed off the large stone walls. Guards started rushing at me from all angles. I took a step back, holding up my hand to halt them. I was, after all, still the queen of the kingdom.

Stop. I will leave,” I declared. It had dawned on me that I was never going to have a happy relationship with Snow. She was never going to be my daughter, no matter what I did. I would always be her enemy.

Even though it pained me like nothing else, it had to be this way. I prayed my husband would forgive me for giving up. Perhaps he would be proud of me for trying as hard as I did? Wherever he was, I hoped he knew how much I had wanted to be a family.

You and Charming can have the kingdom,” I said loudly, making sure everyone heard me clearly. “I give it to you in full. I will never return.”

Snow looked satisfied. She should be, she did win after all. I was bowing out gracefully before she pushed me out. And knowing Snow, she would probably choose to push me out of a very tall window.

If she wanted all the stress and worry that running a kingdom took, then she could have it. I was tired of working all day, every day, just to have everyone gossip about me being evil. I was done with all that, well and truly over it. Let her find out how hard it was on her own. I had done everything I could to make it easier on her.

I wish you nothing but happiness for your future together. May you be blessed with many children and a kingdom of peace.” I nodded before turning and leaving. Every eye in the place was turned to me, I could feel them burning into my back.

I didn’t stop until I was at the edge of the forest, realizing I had nowhere to go.