There was only one place I could think of that might offer me refuge. I ventured into the woods, travelling for hours before I reached the home of the seven little men. They had cared for Snow so well, and they didn’t know what I looked like, perhaps they would take me in too.
I vowed I would never call myself a queen again. I was just plain old Amelia, the name my parents had given me. I knocked on the door, my heart pounding in my chest as it was answered.
The sneezy one stood there, losing his grip on the doorknob and sliding off. He had to catch his footing before he fell to the ground. “Yes?”
“My name is Amelia, I am lost. I was hoping you might take me in?” I waited with crossed fingers, hoping they would be just as hospitable to me as with Snow.
The little man was joined by his six friends. The one always smiling pushed the sneezy one aside. “Come in, come in. A pretty woman is always welcome at our door.”
I took a tentative step inside, it already felt like home. I would be happy there, I could feel it in my heart that I had found my true family.
That was close to twenty years ago now. Like I promised myself and Snow, I never again set foot in the kingdom. I was a forest dweller now, happy to keep a home for my seven companions – and a few more.
It seemed the Huntsman wasn’t so happy with the new order of things at the palace. He had found me, sensing I might retreat to the forest. He showed up at my door one day and we have been together ever since.
We were married in a simple ceremony in the gardens, Doc performed the vows for us. We had a beautiful lunch together as the sunbeams shone through the trees and we danced all night. It was the most perfect wedding I could have ever wished for.
One year later, I got my wish of having a daughter. And then a son. And then another daughter. The Huntsman and I had three gorgeous children, each one filling my heart with nothing but joy. We spent every day playing with them, teaching them things, and dancing in the sunlight. Their seven uncles loved them just as much as we did. I don’t think I have ever laughed that much in my life.
Snow and Charming had children too, and I heard they ruled the kingdom admirably. The people embraced them and the economy flourished. I was happy for them, pleased they had both gotten what they really wanted.
Overall, we all lived happily ever after. Even if it was in a way that I had never expected.
The End