The Artistic Liana Salto Blaster






Africa is a wonderful paradise for monkeys.



"Whenever I am blowing out my bean clouds on the liana swing, the monkeys keep staring towards me and they sing!


Yes, this is fun! Look at the weird monkey faces as I tumble and fumble on the liana swing in the jungle.


I show them one of my famous bean popping tumblers and they are pretty impressed.




Yes, this is how to perform a truly artistic somersault, and I hope the young monkeys that are sitting right next on the tree are keeping good notes because right now all they can do is sitting, throwing with bananas, and laughing.


To mark my visit in the jungle is the rason why I perform another double tumbling thunderstorm.


I am very pleased to see how the little monkeys are picking up my artistic moves.


The little monkeys are smarter than I thought, and are now copying and performing the El Ninjo gymnastics double rollover art.


I hear what the older monkeys are saying as I say goodbye, yes, that makes sense!


They say that they love my bean blowing farts and arts, and that I am their best sports trainer forever, and they say that I am clever.


El Ninjo's important tips that you absolutely have to know about:

The monkeys are mammals and they eat fruits such as bananas, insects, eggs, and plants.


Monkeys are often intellectually sophisticated.


Monkeys have some common physical characteristics with the human kind like growing hair on the entire body.








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