Life Plan Examples

It’s always easier to do something new if you can see someone else do it first. We wanted to do that for you here and bring together four different life plans from Building Champions clients. As you read, you’ll get a sense of their individual lives and hopes, plus the various challenges they’re all facing.

Each one is a little different—and not just in the particulars of their lives. Everyone builds their plan to fit their needs, going into as much detail and following the format as much as they think is necessary. Some are long. Some are short. Some are in between. They’re all from men and women at different life stages and places in their careers.

They have their own unique outlooks and approaches to life—but they also have something in common. They all know that living intentionally is the most effective way to experience the kind of life they desire. As with many of the previous examples in the book, we’ve changed the names and details to protect people’s privacy. We’ve also edited these for consistency and style, but we’ve tried to let their unique character shine through.

Hopefully, you’ll find not only additional direction in these five examples but also freedom to build your plan to fit your life.

We have many more examples in our Life Plan Gallery at You can even search to find those plans that most closely match your own situation.