For their assistance, I’d like to thank:
My friend, former teacher, and much appreciated reader, Ken Hammond
Senior crime scene analyst David Rossi
Prosecutors Edward Porter and Kelly Siegler
Forensic expert Andrea Campbell
Criminal profiler Pat Brown
Christopher Boutros, D.V.M.
Doug Dickey at Apex Helicopters
Forensic pathologist Elizabeth Peacock, M.D.
Sergeant Tracy Shipley
Florida Department of Law Enforcement criminal profiler Leslie D’Ambrosia
Jerry and Sherry Dunn
Donna Weaver, who explored Houston with me
Retired Texas Ranger Marrie Aldridge
My agent, Jane Dystel, and her partner, Miriam Goderich, at Dystel & Goderich
At St. Martin’s Minotaur: my editor, Daniela Rapp; my publicist, Bridget Hartzler; and my copy editor, Sona Vogel.
A special thank-you to Sue Vandegrift for her powers of organization. Sarah and I both appreciate her efforts. And, as always, I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my family and friends. I could never find a way sufficient to thank all of you for your generous support.