Channel Four Live Cam
Thursday 1 August, 8.30am
Good Morning, Jean Acheson with the Live Cam, and Prime Minister Michael Lansdowne has told Breakfast Beat that security for senior government ministers and members of the opposition front bench will be beefed up following the murder of Environment Minister Susan Wright.
And while the prime minister refused to go into detail, I understand that most of what he has in mind is contained in a Senate report on parliamentary security which he and his cabinet rejected earlier this year.
That report proposed an allocation of four extra police bodyguards for the prime minister, two for each member of cabinet, and two for the opposition leader and his deputy, plus the introduction of dog patrols in the parliamentary precinct.
When asked if Mrs Wright’s death had forced him to reverse his position on the Senate report, Mr Lansdowne said her murder had been a shocking lesson for everyone. We’ve got Morning Brunch coming up on the Live Cam. This is Jean Acheson.