Channel Four Live Cam

Thursday 1 August, 4.30pm

Good afternoon, Jean Acheson here with this Live Cam exclusive. And today I can reveal that Treasurer Alan Stokes spent time at a clinic in the United States, where he received treatment for an addiction to prescription drugs.

Live Cam has obtained a set of receipts from the Bethesda Addiction Clinic in Los Angeles which show that Mr Stokes was an in-patient at the clinic for five days from May seventh last year.

At the time, the treasurer was said to be vacationing in the US with his wife.

Mr Stokes’ office has refused to comment on the matter. His spokesman asked that I put my questions in writing. So, Treasurer, here we go: What’s the nature of your addiction? What’s the current status of your addiction? Why did you use taxpayers’ money to fund your travel to your treatment? And why weren’t we told about your condition? We await your answers with interest. This is Jean Acheson.