Blood Oath subscription news

Saturday 3 August, 9.00pm

Lansdowne: Wright was my rightful heir

by Simon Rolfe

As we enter the final week of this election campaign, I can reveal that Prime Minister Lansdowne believed Susan Wright was his natural successor as party leader, and that he also saw Mrs Wright as a future prime minister.

Today, while interviewing yours truly, Detective Sergeant Darren Glass let slip that he spoke to the prime minister soon after the discovery of Mrs Wright’s body. According to Detective Glass, it was during that ‘chat’ that Mr Lansdowne posthumously anointed ‘the loved one’ for the top job.

This revelation will come as sobering news to Lansdowne’s deputy, Malcolm Redding. Mr Redding has always assumed that the leadership would be his once Lansdowne called it quits. The prime minister’s frank declaration to Detective Glass indicates that he might look beyond Redding when the time comes for him to nominate a successor.

And while we’re talking about the prime minister, isn’t it time the police had another chat to him, if only to get his perspective on what’s befallen Alan Proctor? Not that I assume the worst for Mr Proctor. Never, dear reader, never. But the signs are not good, and maybe the PM has a perspective that could help. You know his number, Detective Glass. Why don’t you give him another call?