Channel Four Live Cam
Sunday 4 August, 2.00pm
Good afternoon, Jean Acheson with the Live Cam coming to you from Canberra’s Lake Burley Griffin, and just repeating the news that a body found here a short time ago is believed to be that of the prime minister’s missing advisor and confidante, Alan Proctor.
Mr Proctor was last seen leaving Canberra airport on Thursday evening, and police have since held grave fears for his safety. When Susan Wright disappeared under similar circumstances, she was found dead two days later here by the lake.
The police tents you now see in shot are from an area at the edge of the lake. If Alan Proctor’s body is inside one of those tents, then it lies about a hundred metres from where Susan Wright was dumped four days ago.
We expect to hear soon about the identity of the deceased down there. When we do, I’ll bring it to you on the Live Cam. This is Jean Acheson.