Channel Four Live Cam
Friday 9 August, 4.30pm
Good afternoon, Jean Acheson here with hot news of a possible breakthrough in the Lansdowne abduction.
Just moments ago, ten police helicopters took off from Fairbairn Airbase bound for a property near Lake George about thirty-five kilometres north-east of Canberra.
I understand an arrest warrant has been issued for a resident of the Lake George property, a Mr Tom Hanley, and more than a hundred law officers have been mobilised to hunt for this Mr Hanley in the area around the lake.
Meanwhile, for those still interested, a poll conducted overnight and this morning shows the government jumping to a two-point lead this election eve. Let’s hope and pray that Prime Minister Lansdowne survives to celebrate what appears to be his impending victory. Here with the Live Cam, this is Jean Acheson.