The quotations on the pages below are by the following writers (in order of appearance). Translations are the translator’s own, unless otherwise noted.
p vii. J. Krishnamurti, Krishnamurti’s Notebook, (March 7th), 379. © 2003 Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd., Brockwood Park, Bramdean, Hampshire SO24 0LQ, England. Content reproduced with permission. Permission to quote from the works of J. Krishnamurti or other works for which the copyright is held by the Krishnamurti Foundation of America or the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd has been given on the understanding that such permission does not indicate endorsement of the views expressed in this publication. For more information about J. Krishnamurti (1895–1986) please see:; p vii. Malik Ibn al-Rayb, line from the poem “Malik Ibn al-Rayb yarthi nafsahu” in which the poet mourns his own death; pp 4–5. Badr Shakir al-Sayyab, lines from “Sifr Ayyub” [The book of Job] and “Unshudat al-matar” [Rain song]; p 23. Title of a novel by Ismail Fahd Ismail, Ba‘idan ila huna [Far away to here]; p 84. The Quran, 26: 224, 3: 113, translated by Abdulla Yusuf Ali; p 119. Badr Shakir al-Sayyab, “Unshudat al-matar” [Rain song]; p 119. Fragment of poetry by Tamim ibn Muqbil; p 123. George Orwell, 1984 (New York: Harcourt, Inc., 1949), 89; p 126. Fragment of poetry by al-Bakhrazi; p 127. Ibn Hazm, The Ring of the Dove: A Treatise on the Art and Practice of Arab Love, trans. A.J. Arberry (London, Luzac & Company, LTD: 1953), 21; p 132. Lines from a poem originally written in French by: Rainer Maria Rilke, Roses, trans. David Need (Durham, NC: Horse & Buggy Press, 2014); p 137. Fragment of poetry by al-Muthaqqib al-Abdi; p 152. Line from a song by Muhammad Adib al-Dayikh, line of poetry by Qays Ibn al-Mulawwah, line from the mu‘allaqa of Tarafah ibn al-‘Abd, line by Abul ‘Ala Al-Ma‘arri; p 152. Fragments of poetry: by al-Marqash al-Asghar, from the mu‘allaqa of Imru’ al-Qays, by Abu Khirash al-Hathli, by al-Akhtal, and by al-Farazdaq; p 158. Lines from an anecdote attributed to Al-Asma‘i; p 166. Souad al-Sabah, “Laylat al-qabd ‘ala Fatima” [The night Fatima was arrested]; p 178. Orwell, 1984, 342; p 194. Muzaffar al-Nawab, “Watariyat layaliya” [Night strings] (twice); p 220. Line inspired by one from Qassim Hadad, “Kitabat al-hilm” [Writing a dream] in Tarfeh bin al-Wardeh; p 235. The Quran, 47: 22–23, translated by Abdulla Yusuf Ali; p 236. Line from a short story by Ghassan Kanafani, “Nasf al-‘alim” [Half the world]; p 237. Statement attributed to Zaynab bint ‘Ali bin Abi Taleb, from her speech before the Caliph Yazid.