eReaders For Dummies®



About the Author

Corey Sandler is the author of more than 160 books on computers, history, sports, and business topics. He began his career as a newspaperman, later working as a correspondent for The Associated Press. He later became the first Executive Editor of PC Magazine. He lives on Nantucket island, off the coast of Massachusetts, with his wife Janice and enough electronic devices to manage a mission to the moon. Their children, who grew up with a joystick in one hand and a smartphone in the other, are embarked on their own careers in advertising and social services. You can write to the author at


To our own portable readers, William and Tessa

Author’s Acknowledgments

As always, I begin with thanks to you, dear reader. We all love books, of all sorts, and without readers I’d have to find a real job. Thanks, too, to the highly professional crew at Wiley Books including Katie Mohr and Tonya Cupp, my long-time collaborators.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

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