3. Shrines

  1.     harryx, “Harry on the puke sign,” Tumblr, April 21, 2017, https://harryx.tumblr.com/post/159843358974/harry-on-the-puke-sign.

  2.     Rebecca Davison, “One Di-RETCH-tion: Fans Erect a Shrine in Honour of Harry Styles’ Vomit on Los Angeles Freeway,” Daily Mail, October 15, 2014, https://dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2793668/a-shrine-erected-honour-harry-styles-vomit.html.

  3.     Christie D’Zurilla, “Harry Styles Drops $4 Million on House near Beverly Hills,” Los Angeles Times, March 18, 2014, https://latimes.com/entertainment/la-xpm-2014-mar-18-la-et-mg-harry-styles-buys-house-beverly-hills-post-office-photos-20140318-story.html.

  4.     Nancy K. Baym, Playing to the Crowd: Musicians, Audiences, and the Intimate Work of Connection (New York: New York University Press, 2018), 95.

  5.     Ibid., 96.

  6.     Jesse Jarnow, Heads: A Biography of Psychedelic America (Philadelphia, PA: Da Capo, 2015), 97.

  7.     Baym, Playing to the Crowd, 96.

  8.     Howard Rheingold, The Virtual Community (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993), 30–39.

  9.     Ibid., 30.

  10.   Ibid., 37.

  11.   OoCities, GeoCities archive, http://oocities.org/#gsc.tab=0.

  12.   Ethan Kaplan, “Shutting Down My Life’s Work,” Medium, May 21, 2014, https://ethankaplan.com/shutting-down-my-lifes-work-c358320e7689.

  13.   Tresa Redburn and Mitch Schneider, “Countdown Begins for David Bowie’s ‘Bowienet’ Internet Service,” Mitch Schneider Organization, August 28, 1998, http://msopr.com/press-releases/countdown-begins-for-david-bowies-bowienet-internet-service-as-hes-set-to-launch-historic-internet-service-provider/.

  14.   Hiroshi Ono and Madeline Zavodny, “Gender and the Internet,” Social Science Quarterly 84, no. 1 (March 2003): 111–21, https://doi.org/10.1111/1540-6237.t01-1-8401007.

  15.   “Rules of the Internet,” Encyclopedia Dramatica, January 10, 2007, archived by Wayback Machine, http://web.archive.org/web/20070110035128/http://encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Rules_Of_The_Internet.

  16.   Siân Brooke, “‘There Are No Girls on the Internet’: Gender Performances in Animal Advice Memes,” First Monday 24, no. 10 (October 2019), https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v24i10.9593.

  17.   Nancy Kaplan and Eva Farrell, “Weavers of Webs: A Portrait of Young Women on the Net,” The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Visual Culture 2, no. 3 (1994).

  18.   Pamela Takayoshi, “No Boys Allowed: The World Wide Web as a Clubhouse for Girls,” Computers and Composition 16, no. 1 (1999): 89–106, https://doi.org/10.1016/S8755-4615(99)80007-3.

  19.   John B. Horrigan, “New Users: What They Do Online, What They Don’t, and Implications for the ’Net’s Future,” Pew Internet and American Life Project, September 2000, https://pewinternet.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/media/Files/Reports/2000/New_User_Report.pdf.

  20.   Deborah Fallows, “How Women and Men Use the Internet,” Pew Research Center, December 28, 2005, https://pewresearch.org/internet/2005/12/28/how-women-and-men-use-the-internet.

  21.   “Internet/Broadband Fact Sheet,” Pew Research Center, last modified April 7, 2021, https://pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/internet-broadband/.

  22.   Julia Carpenter, “Meme Librarian Is a Real Job—and It’s the Best One on the Internet,” The Washington Post, December 21, 2015, https://washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2015/12/21/tumblrs-meme-librarian-has-the-best-job-on-the-internet/.

  23.   Alexander Cho, “Sensuous Participation: Queer Youth of Color, Affect, and Social Media” (Ph.D. diss., University of Texas at Austin, 2015), 201.

  24.   Ibid., 20.

  25.   Kaitlyn Tiffany, “The Story of the Internet, as Told by Know Your Meme,” The Verge, March 6, 2018, https://theverge.com/2018/3/6/17044344/know-your-meme-10-year-anniversary-brad-kim-interview.

  26.   Anonymous, “I like this blog a lot because sometimes when people ask about a specific thing,” Tumblr post responded to by bad1dimagines, November 9, 2019, https://bad1dimagines.tumblr.com/post/188935607618/i-like-this-blog-a-lot-because-sometimes-when.

  27.   bad1dimagines, Tumblr message to the author, June 1, 2021.

  28.   Abigail De Kosnik, Rogue Archives: Digital Cultural Memory and Media Fandom (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016), 4.

  29.   Ibid., 3.

  30.   bad1dimagines, “i’m not even posting this as a joke,” Tumblr, March 12, 2016, https://bad1dimagines.tumblr.com/post/140919782608/im-not-even-posting-this-as-a-joke-like-i.

  31.   Stewart Brand, “Escaping the Digital Dark Age,” Library Journal 124, no. 2 (February 1, 1999), quoted in De Kosnik, Rogue Archives, 46.

  32.   Francesca Bacardi, “Harry Styles Knew He’d Made It When His Vomit Ended Up on eBay,” Page Six, June 2, 2017, https://pagesix.com/2017/06/02/harry-styles-knew-he-made-it-when-his-vomit-ended-up-on-ebay/.

  33.   Gabrielle Kopera, email to the author, February 10, 2020.