Lexi poked her head into Brokk’s room and was pleased to discover him sitting up with his back against the headboard and a book on his lap. When he looked up at her, he smiled as she stepped into the room.

“How are you feeling?” she asked.

He laid the book down as she approached the bed. Though he remained paler than normal, his eyes were bright, and the color had returned to his handsome face. His blond hair was disheveled, and he could probably use a shower, but he was on the road to recovery, which meant he and Cole would leave soon.

Lexi pushed aside the pang of disappointment accompanying the realization as she stopped next to his bed. She would miss Cole, which meant she was an idiot who allowed herself to get too attached to a dark fae.

“I’m much better,” Brokk said. “Thank you for taking me in.”

She waved away his gratitude. “Anyone would have done the same.”

“No, they wouldn’t, and we both know that.”

His aqua eyes perused her from head to toe, but she didn’t sense any sexual interest from him. However, the intensity of his gaze made her shift uncomfortably.

“Can I get you anything?” she asked.

“No, I’m good,” he said.

“We have a TV downstairs, and the electricity is working right now; I can bring it up so you can watch it. There aren’t many channels left, but sometimes they air something decent.”

“I’m good. Cole gave me this book to read.” He held up the first Harry Potter book for her to see. “Have you read this?”

Lexi bit back a laugh as she stared at the cover. “A few times.”

“It’s really good.”

This time, she couldn’t stop herself from chuckling. “I told your brother the same thing.”

And he’d liked it enough to recommend it to his brother, which meant she’d turned him into a Potter groupie. Now she had someone to discuss the books with as Sahira refused to read books about wizards. She claimed she had enough witches and warlocks to deal with without reading about them.

“I can’t tell you the number of times Cole has been wrong over the years, but he wasn’t wrong about this,” Brokk said.

“He may have been wrong a lot over the years, but I’m always right,” she said.

Brokk laughed. “Over the years, I’ve learned most women are always right.”

Lexi glanced around the room, but there was nowhere for Cole to hide in here. She couldn’t stop herself from asking. “Where is Cole?”

“He decided against spending another night sleeping on the chair, so he’s settling into the guestroom you gave him.”

Lexi clasped her hands before her. “Are you sure you don’t need anything?”

“Some company,” he said and waved at the chair. “My brother’s not exactly a barrel full of laughs.”

She strode around the bed and settled into the chair Cole often occupied. “I’m not sure I’ll be much better.”

“You have to be better than a pissy lycan with the arrogance of a dark fae.”

A burst of laughter escaped her. “You’re right; I’m a lot better than that.”

“I thought so,” Brokk said. “So, Elexiandra—”

“Call me Lexi.”

“So, Lexi, has my brother been driving you crazy?”

She leaned back in the chair. One of his brothers had infuriated her, but she couldn’t tell him that. The other one had been…. Well, she wasn’t entirely sure what Cole had been doing to her, but yes, he was making her a little crazy.

“It’s been nice to have some company,” she admitted. With his dazzling smile and twinkling eyes, Brokk was incredibly easy to talk to. “Though I wish you’d come here under better circumstances.”

“So do I.”

His eyes ran over her, and he studied her with that strange intensity again, but she still sensed only curiosity from him. Unlike Cole and Orin, he was easy-going, which was odd considering he’d nearly died.

“It looks like you’ll be good to go soon,” she said.

“I should, but I don’t think Cole’s in any rush.”

Her forehead furrowed, but before she could respond, Cole stepped into the room. His massive frame took up most of the doorframe as he gazed at them with an expression she couldn’t quite figure out. He looked annoyed but also amused and a little shocked.

Then his gaze settled on her and a sexy smile curved his lips. Butterflies erupted in her stomach as that smile warmed her to her soul. Yes, she was an idiot who had allowed herself to get too close to a dark fae, and she was going to miss him when he left.

“Cole!” Brokk greeted loudly. “We were just talking about you.”

Lexi tried to suppress the blush creeping up her neck and into her cheeks, but she failed. She’d been hoping Cole hadn’t heard their conversation, but Brokk was happy to inform him that he was their topic.

A steel edge settled into Cole’s eyes when they flicked to his brother. “I heard.”

Lexi rose from the chair. “I should go. Are you sure you don’t need anything?” she asked Brokk.

“No, thank you.”

She strode around the bed and toward the doorway, but Cole didn’t move out of her way. Her step slowed as she approached him. Memories of what passed between them in the library flooded her, and her mouth went dry.

If he didn’t move, she’d either be stuck in this room with them or forced to squeeze past him. And if Lexi touched him again, she might kiss him, and if she did, she didn’t know if she would stop.

“You don’t have to rush off on my account,” Cole said as his gaze raked over her.

Her step faltered. “I’m not.”

Though she was.

After the library events, and then with Malakai, she wasn’t entirely sure what to do about him. She couldn’t deny she was coming to like and even care for him, but if she allowed herself to get closer to him, it would only lead to heartache, and her heart had been battered enough this year.

And since they were leaving soon, she had to put some distance between them.

• • •

Cole reluctantly stepped out of her way so she could pass. She glanced at him, but her gaze fell to the floor as she slipped by him. The blush warming her cheeks was endearing and adorable.

It took all he had not to clasp her wrist and halt her, but he didn’t move as she left the room. Stepping back, he watched the sway of her hips as she strolled down the hall and descended the steps.

When she was gone, he turned his attention back to his brother, who grinned at him. When Cole scowled at him, the smile slid from Brokk’s face.

“I’m warning you, Brokk, don’t fuck with her.”

Brokk pushed himself up higher on the bed. “Unlike you, brother, I have no intention of doing so.”

“I’m not fucking with her,” Cole said.

“Maybe not, but it’s obvious you desire her. And not only is she an innocent, but she’s a good person, and I like her. Del was also our friend, and I don’t want to see his daughter hurt.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

“You’re part dark fae, Cole. It’s what the fae do.”

“You’re as much dark fae as I am.”

“I didn’t say I wasn’t, but I’m also not trying to screw our host. So, in that sense, I’m less dark fae than you while we’re here.”

“I’m not trying to screw her,” Cole said.

“Yes, you are. You can deny it, but we both know the truth. It’s what the dark fae do. But this time, before you act, take a look at what you’re leaving in your wake.”

“You nearly died, but I’ll still beat the shit out of you.”

Brokk laughed as he lifted his book. “You could try, but we both know you love me too much to mar the perfection that is me.”

Normally, Brokk’s arrogance made Cole smile, but as his gaze returned to where he last saw Lexi, he didn’t feel much like smiling. What did he want from her?

No doubt, he planned to have her in his bed, but what would the aftermath be for her? She was an innocent; he couldn’t deny that. After hundreds of years, he knew how to spot one, but so what?

She wouldn’t be the first woman whose innocence he took, and she wouldn’t be the last. Something inside him recoiled at the idea of taking another woman to his bed, but he was dark fae, and that was what they did.

It’s what he’d done his entire life, but even after he moved on, he would make sure she stayed safe from Malakai.

“I’m enjoying this book,” Brokk said.

“I told you it was good,” Cole muttered as his attention shifted back to his brother.

“These witches and wizards are much more likable than our witches and warlocks, though.”

This time, Cole did laugh. “That they are.”