Did you notice that the numbers in this book double each time you turn a page? Rainforest animals multiply quickly! Here are some more rainforest math problems for you to try. The more howler monkeys you see next to a word problem, the more challenging it will be!
1. There are four Great Green Macaws shown in the illustration on pages 4–5. When the eggs hatch, how many birds will there be all together?
2. There are four toucans in the illustration on pages 6–7. If each toucan eats 2 pieces of fruit, how many pieces of fruit will they eat all together?
3. The howler monkeys in this book are traveling in a troop of 8. If this group meets 3 other groups the same size, things will get awfully loud! How many howler monkeys will there be then?
4. Fruit bats from 4 different caves fly to the almendro tree one night to feed. If 1 cave has 12 fruit bats, 2 caves have 15 bats each, and 1 cave has 19 bats, how many bats will there be when they all come together?
5. Imagine that each of the 64 agoutis in this book buries 10 almendro seeds one morning. If the agoutis find half of those seeds later and eat them, how many seeds will be left in the ground and might sprout?
6. If each of the 256 poison dart frogs in this book have 5 tadpoles, how many tadpoles will there be? Rusty wandering spiders and other predators will eat some of them! If only half survive, how many will be left to grow into frogs?
7. Leafcutter ants in a colony have different jobs. Some are in charge of collecting leaves. Some guard the collectors. Some chew the leaves back at the nest, and some tend the growing fungus. If half of the 1,024 ants in the sidebar on page 23 are collectors, one fourth are guards, one eighth are leaf chewers, and one eighth are fungus farmers, how many ants are in each job group?
8. The mother fer-de-lance on page 12 has 31 babies. If those baby snakes are all female and each one grows up to have 48 babies of her own, how many snakes will there be all together? (Don’t forget to include the original mother snake and her babies!)
9. Go back through the book and add up the animals in the sidebars, starting with 2 Great Green Macaws and ending with 1,024 leafcutter ants. How many animals are living on and around the tree in this book? If all almendro trees had the same number of animals, how many would you find on 2 trees? How about 10? How many animals would live on 100 almendro trees?
1. 6 macaws once the eggs hatch
2. 8 pieces of fruit
3. 32 howler monkeys
4. 61 fruit bats
5. 320 seeds
6. 1,280 tadpoles, 640 grow into frogs
7. 512 collectors, 256 guards, 128 leaf chewers, and 128 fungus farmers
8. 1,520 fer-de-lance snakes
9. 2,046 animals living on and around 1 tree, 4,092 animals on 2 trees, 20,460 animals on 10 trees, 204,600 animals on 100 trees
If you’d like to learn more about rainforests, the almendro tree, and the animals that call it home, check out these resources.