Nire aitaren etxea, | I shall defend |
defendituko dut, | the house of my father, |
Otsoen kontra, | againtst wolves, |
sikatearen kontra, | against draught, |
lukurreriaren kontra, | against usury, |
justiziaren kontra, | against the law, |
defenditu | I shall defend |
eginen dut | the house of my father. |
nire aitaren etxea. | I shall lose |
Galduko ditut | cattle, |
Aziendak, | orchards, |
soloak, | pine groves; |
pinudiak; | I shall lose |
galduko ditut | interest |
korrituak | income |
errentak | dividends |
interesak | but I shall defend the |
baina nire aitaren etxea defendituko dut. | house of my father. |
Harmak kenduko dizkidate, | They will take my weapons, |
eta eskuarekin defendituko dut | and with my hands I shall defend |
nire aitaren etxea; | the house of my father; |
eskuak ebakiko dizkidate | they will cut off my hands, |
eta besoarekin defendituko dut | and with my arms I will defend |
nire aitaren etxea; | the house of my father; |
besorik gabe | They will leave me armless, |
sorbaldik gabe, | without shoulders, |
bularrik gabe | without chest, |
utziko naute, | and with my soul I shall defend |
eta arimarekin defendituko dut | the house of my father. |
nire aitaren etxea. | I shall die, |
Ni hilen naiz, | my soul will be lost, |
nire arima galduko da, | my descendants will be lost; |
nire askazia galduko da, | but the house of my father |
baina nire aitaren etxeak | will endure |
iraunen du | on its feet. |
Zutik. |
| —Gabriel Aresti |