I once wrote a children’s book called Ralph Anderson’s Pretty Good Birthday, about a dog who was having a swell birthday until a cat came along. I wrote it on ivory-colored, pulpy paper, illustrated it with crayons, took full advantage of my stapler and Scotch tape dispenser for the “binding,” and presented it to my young daughters. This meant that the reading audience for my book was three, and my payment nothing.

Were it not for the people I want to acknowledge here, I suspect my process would still be much the same.

Kate Medina is the editor who believed in me from day one. Let me tell you a story about her. When we first met, she had read the partial manuscript for my first novel and thought she wanted to buy it. She did have one question: What was going to happen at the end of the book? I didn’t know. I tried to answer, but I didn’t know. And so I said, “I don’t think I can talk about that.” Before the words were fully out of my mouth, she waved her hand and said, “Fine.” And that’s when I knew she was the editor for me. Not only does Kate know and understand writers, she respects their weird ways. She makes me feel like I’m her only author, too. It’s a miracle. When I think about what I am most grateful for in my writing life, Kate Medina is at the top of the list.

Kate has an assistant named Erica Gonzalez, who is the soul of patience and kindness and accommodation. I am grateful to her for favors both large and small, and though I wish her great success in the industry, I hope she stays where she is for a long time.

One of the things I enjoy most in the final stages of having a novel published is working with production editor extraordinaire Beth Pearson. She makes finding the best word or phrase so much fun. Exciting, even. And I trust her judgement implicitly. Thanks, Beth, for your many years of working with me, and for all the help you’ve given me.

I am an author who is perhaps overly invested in her cover art, and I am also an author who is blessed to work with Paolo Pepe on my jacket designs. He doesn’t just say he is open to my opinion, he really is open to my opinion. Also, the man knows what he is doing. I am so lucky that he is on my team, and I always look forward to seeing what he comes up with. Thanks, too, to Barbara Bachman, for the book’s interior design.

Christine Mykityshyn, in publicity, is the consummate professional, and just a really nice person to boot. Her assistant, Stephanie Reddaway, is indispensable in helping to craft a book tour, and she responds to emails lickety-split, no small feat.

When the writing’s done and the book is ready to meet the world, I am so happy to have Avideh Bashirrad, Leigh Marchant, and Andrea DeWerd in charge of the voodoo that they do. I owe you each a dozen of Lucille’s best cookies. Please put in your requests soon so I know how much high-fat butter to buy.

Benjamin Dreyer, you are a continual source of comfort, and a class act. Thank you.

Many sparkly thanks to Suzanne Gluck, my agent, for her expertise and honesty and good ideas, and for being a partner in crime for the Lucy-and-Ethel escapades.

Bill Young: Love and thanks for a gazillion things, including walking the dog in winter.

Speaking of dogs, to Gabby: You really are a good girl. The best girl.

To my writing group, Veronica Chapa, Arlene Malinowsky, Marja Mills, Pam Todd, Michele Weldon (and Phyllis Florin, in absentia): Whew, you save me from myself.

Last, but certainly not least, thank you to every single reader who lets me know that my message is being heard and appreciated. You make my days.