“Piscataway, NJ (AP)—Researchers at Rutgers University have developed a trio of drugs they believe can destroy HIV.”

      Dec. 12 in New York Newsday, the Toronto Globe and Mail and hundreds of newspapers around the world

“Rutgers researchers say new drug stops HIV in its tracks.”

      —Washington Blade, Dec. 17

“New class of AIDS drugs ‘could be it.’”

      —New Orleans Times-Picayune, Dec. 18

“Press stories in mid Dec. 2004 about an AIDS breakthrough from Rutgers University and elsewhere were exaggerated in the media.”

      AIDS Treatment News

many more than that many,

this hallelujah, this bruise Jesus

all over purpled ankle, more than

this scrubbed silver and next needle

this whole heart in an african hand

much more than these drum digits

this possible this wait a minute what

does this say this page 47, more than

this mad, this unlatched, this bandage

and gut swirling, what stiff number

was the blanket, scissored felt

and eye buttons, glitter elmer glued

to gone outlines, names too simple

to be so hard pronounced. more

than that, even more than conjured

million, this cock/tail, this twitch

and drool, this vomit, this legislation.