About the Artwork

When I produced the TV documentary “Changed Lives: Miracles of the Passion,” I knew one obvious fact: The scenes from the movie were extremely moving. Those images portraying the real-life torture and execution of Jesus would be burned into people s minds for years to come. Never had there been such an accurate depiction of the horror of a Roman flogging and crucifixion.

I was able to license a few brief clips from The Passion of the Christ for the broadcast of the program, but for this book I faced a challenge—knowing that because the visual images of Christ’s willing sacrifice were so impactful, I would need to go a different direction to capture the agony, the sacrifice.

I enlisted the talents of storyboard artist Becca Groombridge. Herself a Christian and one who was deeply moved by the film, I tasked her with creating some art that suggested the scenes from the last hours of Jesus’ life as the Bible describes them. Both Becca and I had visited Israel at different times, and we knew the look and feel of the land and its people.

We will never really know the price He paid, but for me, having a visual reminder is something I need.
