Author Note



My experiences writing this story were both extremely ordinary and highly irregular. Generally, the sparks of inspiration for my works of fiction occur when doing ordinary, everyday things like listening to the lyrics of a song, laughing over a social media meme, or recalling a family story. Some instinctive intuition resonates with these sparks, fanning them into stories burning to be told. Before my rational side has a chance to take control of the process with character development and detailed outlines, my creative side urges me to the keyboard where I watch the first draft of Chapter One emerge.

Sunflowers Beneath the Snow, however, did not start with a spark, but rather a red-hot coal. During a conversation with a Ukrainian family friend, goosebumps raced up my arms, and even my rational side clearly recognized a story begging for a voice. Unlike other tales I have created, however, this one did not jump spontaneously onto the page. Instead, it took me three years to figure out how to stay true to her experiences, while at the same time, staying true to the craft of fiction writing.

Although names have been changed and circumstances are of my own creation, the basic premise of the story is true. This is, without a doubt, a case where truth is far more powerful than fiction.