REVELATION IS EXPRESSED through human words by voice and vision. Prophetic revelation expresses the heart and mind of Father God in heaven. Law was fulfilled and life expressed through Jesus’s example! When we speak heaven’s words, we change our atmosphere and create an event. Change comes. Your message produces change. This change becomes an overcoming testimony against the enemy’s blockades.
The real war in days ahead will come over how we fellowship. True fellowship revolves around revelation. We will have to learn how to operate in decentralized fellowship. In other words, we won’t all be going to church every Sunday. That form of worship is changing rapidly. However, we will express a kingdom that the world has never fully grasped. Corporate worship gatherings in certain territories will break through into new levels of revelation—not extra-biblical revelation (the Bible has been canonized and is the established Word of God). However, this revelation will give us insights into how our territory can experience the glory of God. A curse is defined as “the absence of the glory of God.” This revelation will show us what is warring for God’s glory in the regions of the earth.
Governments of the world cannot fully change until the government of God here on Earth aligns itself and represents the order of God. That means leaders in the church must get their act together! I see many denominations or wineskins of the past fading and becoming irrelevant by 2016. There have already been many changes, and these will only accelerate over the next ten years. We have become aware of God’s foundational plan of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. We are learning how to interact with each other. We are letting go of old methods of operation and embracing new ways of worship.
I believe there is revelation coming that will cause the Word to become even more applicable for this age, while also giving us strategies to defeat the enemy. Many of what are now corporate warfare worship gatherings will turn into times of travail, and the result will be changed nations. As we come together and worship in such settings, we will gain new strategies for how to govern in our spheres of authority.
To prosper means “to advance or gain in anything good or desirable.” To prosper means you have successful progress in any enterprise, business, or undertaking. To prosper means that you obtain your desire. Success from a Hebrew perspective means that there is already help on your road so you will accomplish your destined goal.
God’s plan from the beginning was for us to prosper. So many people have problems with the concept of prosperity. In the Western world, prosperity and making money seem to be synonymous. God’s prosperity was part of the garden plan! He planted a garden, put man in the garden, and told man to watch and cultivate the garden. His goal was that the glory and prosperity of the garden would increase and cover the whole earth. That is still His plan of fullness. To this day, the only thing that wars with this plan is the serpent or adversary. Jesus came to overthrow the power of the wrong communion that occurred between man, woman, and the serpent in the garden. Jesus’s work on the cross was a full work of redemption. Father’s sacrifice of His Son defeated the serpent’s voice. Jesus’s resurrection broke the serpent’s headship. However, mankind must enter in to this full victory on a daily basis. We each still have a garden or portion that we have been given to prosper in.
One of the most incredible truths revealed by God to mankind was the covenant that He made to Abraham. Abram, who became Abraham, became His offspring. Many years later, God, through His own Son, Yeshua, then offered all mankind the ability to enter this inheritance. Those who would be grafted into the power of this inheritance that was created from God and Abraham’s union would have access to all the blessings of the agreement that was made between the two. Through the family of Abraham, God had an incredible plan to bless mankind.
Abraham, the father of Israel (his grandson Jacob’s new name), was the firstborn prototype of prosperity. Israel was first denoted in Exodus 4:22 when God said, “Israel is My son, My firstborn.” The Lord then brought all of Israel out of Egypt by armies. Even in Egypt, the people prospered for a season. Though they fell into slavery, when He brought them out by armies, a great plunder of Egypt came with His covenant people. This plunder would be used to form what was necessary for God’s people to worship in the future.
Deuteronomy 8:18 says, “And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.” That means that Adonai will give you the power to get wealth today, just as He did then. In the New Living Translation we find a little different aspect of this verse: “Remember the LORD your God. He is the one who gives you power to be successful, in order to fulfill the covenant he confirmed to your ancestors with an oath” (emphasis added). Success means that on your road God has already made available what you need to accomplish His purpose for your life.
The covenant that God made with Abraham was beyond any that had been seen or formed in the earth realm. This covenant was not limited to the confines of time or space. There are times when God limits the generational flow of blessings and curses for ten generations. However, this was not so with Abraham. Abraham’s blessings were open-ended to all who would bless Abraham and his offspring as a nation. In today’s world, many want God’s blessings, but they do not want to be grafted into the covenant plan of God through Abraham.
God’s intent was to bless all nations. However, the only thing that can secure blessings for a nation is for that nation to stay in right relationship to the Abrahamic covenant. Nations and people do not have to be related to Abraham to experience the promise of prosperity. Through the Lord Jesus Christ they can be rightly related and claim Abraham as their father and watch the fullness of their destined blessings unfold (Rom. 4:11–12; Gal. 3:29).
You can succeed! I could use quotes from some of the greatest success speakers—Christian and non-Christian—to discuss what it takes to succeed. However, let me remain with God’s plan for prosperity and success as biblically recorded. Granted, He does not always give us one formula to become rich, but He does have a plan for each of us to prosper. Many times the Lord uses prophets to speak to others so they gain revelation on how to succeed.
For instance, take Elijah. Once he told a tired widow who was ready to die to feed her last meal to a prophet. This resulted in her withstanding a three-and-a-half-year famine, and she and her son were blessed. Or consider Elisha. He told a wealthy woman to build a room for a prophet, and she was blessed. She longed for a child, and her womb was opened. Her child died later but was resurrected. She hid for seven years during famine, yet all that was taken from her was restored. Elisha also told a general in the enemy’s army of Samaria to dip in dirty water seven times, and he was blessed.
Then there was the unknown prophet in 2 Chronicles 20. Jehoshaphat was in the greatest trial of his reign as king. A confederacy of nations was aligning to destroy him and all of Judah. He cried out to the Lord for help. God chose to bring the needed revelation to a prophet, who told him, “If you will take the choir down to the Brook Ziv and get set up and sing, God will overtake the enemy” (author’s paraphrase). Jehoshaphat moved by faith. The result? The enemy was defeated, and for three days his people picked up the spoil or supplies for their future needs. The word of the Lord was, “Believe His prophets, and you shall prosper” (2 Chron. 20:20).
Jesus blessed a young boy’s lunch, and seven thousand people were blessed. He changed water to wine because they needed wine at a wedding feast. He spoke and the dead were raised. A centurion told Jesus that he would trust whatever Jesus said to heal his servant who was sick back home. I could go on and on with story after story from Bible history. The issue is very simple: What will He say, and how will you receive His word for your faith to become active and see your blessings manifest? He knows when someone touches Him by faith. Faith, success, and blessings go hand in hand.
I believe one of the most important concepts that a child of God (or really anyone, as a matter of fact) needs to understand is the power of blessings. When you are warring for your inheritance, which is a reality, what you are really contending over is your garden or promised land dominion. Within Abraham’s covenant promise was the boundary of the future. This boundary was not just land but everything in the land. The Lord even shared with Abraham a timing sequence. He told him that when the iniquity of the Amorites became “full,” His people could go into the boundaries of what was promised and experience a transfer. God has a perfect timing to remove the prosperity of a group who depends upon themselves and the empowerment of their gods. He then transfers their material blessings to His people’s stewardship.
We are much more visual as a society in the world today. We now live in a season to see. What you should see first are the blessings that are there for you in heavenly places. In any season, you want to press toward unlocking and entering into all the blessings that God has ordained for you. God wants to increase your ability to see.
I sense that we are a people who miss much of what we should see. Therefore, I hear the Lord saying, “Look again!” He wants you to see beyond—to see in ways you have not seen! I will explain this in the next chapter, “Break Into His Cycles of Blessings.”
An important dimension of one’s life is to see eye to eye with the person you are communicating with, whether in business, ministry, family, or any relationship. Most importantly, you want to see eye to eye and face-to-face with the One who created you, who knows you best, and who knows your future. God wants to give you clear vision! This is an important time to see your vision clearly. Proverbs 29:18 warns us that “where there is no vision, the people perish” (KJV). Lack of vision will destroy your motivation. Without vision you fall into passivity and discouragement. Having a clear vision keeps you moving forward toward your goal. So ask God to restore and refresh your vision for your future.
You have an enemy who does not want you to see! Because of this, you must see how the adversary is opposing you. Therefore see the strategies Satan would use to hold you in bondage this year. In the chapters that follow, we will learn how to see word curses and casualty covenants. We will also see how to break curses and escape from old cycles. We will also see how the enemy wants to hold you in a wilderness season. Therefore we will learn to break out of captivity and make our way through the wilderness, gathering all the blessings that the wilderness holds for us.
One of the most important things any Christian can know is that God has blessings prepared for you. Many Christians are confused about God’s blessing. Some are not sure God wants to bless them. Some are not sure what God’s blessing is. I’ve heard Christians say silly things like, “God blessed me with infirmity and poverty to make me holy!” Some Christians actually call infirmity and poverty blessings, but that’s not what God calls them. Yes, all things work together for our good when we love God and are devoted to His purpose. However, we must learn to gather God’s blessings when we are in testing times by learning to overcome what attempts to rob us of them or shorten our time to experience blessings. In the Bible, when God talks about infirmity and poverty, He calls them curses. Infirmity and poverty are not blessings given by God to make you holy. You can cause these to work for your good and produce blessings for you. Most of the holy men and women of the Bible were both healthy and prosperous. The result of the church’s confusion about blessing is that many Christians live under a curse when God wants them to walk in His blessing.
Blessing is a word we often use without understanding what it means. I looked it up in several Bible dictionaries and couldn’t find one good definition, so I asked Dr. Robert Heidler, the scholar I work with, to give me his definition. This is what he said: “Blessing is the increase of that which is good, beneficial, and pleasant in life. On the other hand, the curse is the increase of that which is bad, harmful, and unpleasant in life.” I believe a good way to define a curse is “anything that is lacking or that is absent of the presence of God.”
The good news is that God wants us to live in His blessing. From the beginning of His plan of redemption, the heart of redemption has been the restoration of His full blessing. I want to suggest that you read Redeeming the Time, an incredible book on how time has been bought back on our behalf.
Blessing has always been God’s desire. Back in the Garden of Eden, His perfect plan for Adam and Eve was only blessing. They experienced no part of the curse until one day they listened and participated in a plan to have something they desired that was not in God’s best plan for their lives. This caused them to miss the mark that God had established for their communion. When we deviate from God’s plan, this is called sin. Sin separated them from the source of all blessing. God’s goal for us is to experience His blessing forever. In heaven there will be fullness of blessing. There is a place where there will be “no more sickness, crying, or pain.” (See Revelation 21:4.)
Here on Earth there is sickness, poverty, sorrow, and pain. Jesus wants us to intercede that God’s will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. The process of redemption is to bring us out from under the curse and into the experience of His blessing right here on Earth. God’s original plan for us was blessing, and His ultimate goal for us in heaven is blessing. Therefore, Jesus taught His disciples to press in and ask for the will of God, which is blessing in heaven, to be brought into the earth. This means that we can know the same blessings here on Earth that will be in heaven.
In the next chapter we will talk about the “shout of the Lord” that dwells in you. This is a shout that defies the enemy and creates an expectation of manifested faith. We must expect blessings to come to us by our activating our faith. By faith, thank God that Jesus took upon Himself all of the curse you deserved. By faith, declare God’s blessing is now your portion! Because of what Jesus did on the cross, your portion now includes healing, provision, and peace. By faith, reject discouragement and fear. Ask God for His strategy to overcome. Satan still wants to inflict the curse. (He comes to steal, kill, and destroy; that’s what he does.) To enter God’s blessing, we need to learn how to stand against enemy. There is a battle but expect to win! By faith, set your eyes on the goal, see your path clearly, and move forward.
God wants us to see the blessing He has prepared on your path. That’s one of the ministries of the Holy Spirit. I do not want to end up teaching on the tabernacle of Moses. However, we find this is a shadow and type of what we are to look forward to as God’s glory manifests in our lives. Let me just give a brief overview.
There’s an interesting lesson we can learn from Moses’s tabernacle. If you study the tabernacle, you discover that in the holy place there’s a seven-branched lamp stand called the menorah. The Bible tells us that the menorah was a symbol of the Holy Spirit. In the holy place we find the table of showbread. The table of showbread symbolizes God’s provision for His people. Every week, twelve loaves of bread were set out on the table—one loaf for each tribe. This was a recognition of God’s gracious provision! The menorah was the only means of illumination in the holy place. God’s provision could only be seen in the light of the menorah, the Spirit of God. Without the ministry of the Holy Spirit, you cannot see the provision God has prepared for you to enjoy.
The Holy Spirit gives you light to see your provision. Legalism and religion will always leave you in poverty, but the Holy Spirit will enlighten your eyes to see the path to your blessing. The Holy Spirit gives faith and vision. He releases creativity and direction. He reveals the path to move forward and receive the full blessing God has for you. So if we want to experience God’s blessing, we need to draw close to the Spirit. Receive His revelation and follow it.
In the last chapter we talked about blessings. We must expect blessings! Psalm 62:5 (AMP) says, “My soul, wait only upon God and silently submit to Him; for my hope and expectation are from Him.” We need to expect God!
The key to our life is to see the blessings that a holy God ordained for us before the foundation of the earth. He formed you in your mother’s womb. He ordained blessings for you. He longs for you to submit your life to Him, come into a relationship with Him, and see into a realm beyond your natural daily surroundings. He longs for you to become a supernatural child of God, be grafted into His cycle of blessings, commune with Him on a daily basis, and walk in freedom and joy. His desire is for your spirit man to be free.
Inheritance means that you have a portion. God has given each of us an incredible inheritance. It’s an inheritance of covenant blessing that He prepared for all who know Him. God spent two thousand years, from Abraham to Jesus, giving the Jews a revelation of Himself and preparing a people who would understand how to walk in His blessing. That’s an inheritance God intended His church to share also.
Our God is a God of order and wisdom. In His covenant plan, He promised Abraham land, children, and prosperity. He determined the boundaries of the land He promised. He planned the timing for Abraham’s inheritance to be transferred and occupied by His children. Eventually He changed the name of Abraham’s grandson from Jacob to Israel, the name of the land of promise. He identified Himself as the God of Israel. His heart and rulership were relegated to a people and a place. Jacob had sons, who became twelve tribes, who were each a part of the whole land of Israel. Each son had a redemptive destiny. When this redemptive destiny arises in the generations to come, the land and people will express God’s original intent to the whole earth. Nations and people who bless this people and land, called Israel, will be blessed. Through the sacrifice of Yeshua, our Messiah, we have been grafted into this promise and can be blessed with all the covenant blessings of the original promise to Abraham.
There are times when the place that was ordained for your best is not the place you are dwelling. Though the people were ordained for Canaan, because of drought and covenant necessity they were destined to dwell in Egypt for four hundred years. The land of Canaan remained intact, overrun by enemy hosts, but waiting for occupation. The identity of God’s people was submerged during the exile time in Egypt.
Joseph, one of the twelve brothers of Jacob, through circumstantial distress and family betrayal, had preceded the whole clan to Egypt. He was favored, prospering, and serving to secure Egypt during a time of regional famine. God had used very difficult situations to get him positioned for the covenant sake of His kingdom purpose. Jehovah had paved the way for the entire family to have a good place during a trying time. However, Joseph said, “So it shall be, when Pharaoh calls you and says, ‘What is your occupation?’ that you shall say, ‘Your servants’ occupation has been with livestock from our youth even till now, both we and also our fathers,’ that you may dwell in the land of Goshen; for every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians” (Gen. 46:33–34).
Though they were shepherds, and sheep were part of their lives, they were to keep this portion of their identity disclosed. Many times we are not allowed to be who we really are. Joseph was concerned that if Pharaoh saw how strong his brothers really were, he would reject them from the land. This people were a prosperous people and had been blessed by God to multiply. And multiply they did.
One way that our spirit man gets vexed is when we do not fully disclose who we are. This may be prudent in the beginning of a relationship, but the soul and the heart cry out for freedom to be. We will discuss this fully in later chapters.
Many of our promises remain intact while we are diverted in other phases of our lives. But there comes a time when the place we are in, which is not the place we have been allotted, does not satisfy the desires of our heart. I believe this happens because a Holy God knitted within us His desire. There comes a time when the place we presently live in can become unkind to us if it is not God’s perfect, original intent for our life. How we express our identity is limited when we are in a place that is not God’s best. A submerged identity longs to be released from captivity.
Our freedom is expressed fully when we are in the right place at the right time. If your identity has been layered with expectation and demands that are contrary to God’s purpose, you cry. You cry loudly! A cry rises from the depths of your being and says, “I know I have a future and an expected end. Lord, hear me and open up a way for me to find the best You have for me!” He hears your cry and develops a way for you to escape and overcome.
When God brought this people out of slavery in Egypt to move toward the Promised Land, He brought them out by armies. Each tribe was a warring army with a redemptive gift. Without each tribe warring for their portion, the full plan of God for the land could not be fully manifested in the earth. “The earth is the LORD’S, and the fullness thereof” (Ps. 24:1, KJV). The earth groans for freedom and expresses the fullness of God when the people are free in God.
When God is ready for us to move, we must move with Him. While in the wilderness, the children of Israel moved toward their promise as they heard the trumpet sounding. The ark of His covenant, or His presence, was central and shifted them toward their destiny. There was an order in their movement. Three of the twelve tribes moved together. Judah, the apostolic, warring leadership tribe who understood sound, moved first. Then came Issachar, the Torah tribe, who would bear the burden for victory and wages. This tribe understood time and could interpret the Word of God in time. They were connected to Zebulun, the wealth tribe, because provision for the journey and the supply for victory were important. There is an order, a place, a time, and a sound that get us positioned for our future. To move into freedom, we must be aligned properly.
Jesus, Yeshua, our Messiah, was out of the tribe of Judah. His obedience of submission brought about the fullness of Father’s plan to redeem man. He became the Passover lamb to bring all of mankind out of slavery and death. When the people of Israel rejected Him as their Savior, He turned His heart toward the Gentiles. He grafted us into this glorious covenant that God made with Abraham. His plan, the new covenant, allowed the redemptive quality of each tribe to come alive in us. This will allow us to see His plan for Israel fulfilled and His glory cover the whole earth. Through the Gentiles receiving grace and power to become sons of God, Israel is now becoming jealous and turning toward its Messiah. There will be no wall between Jew and Gentile in the future—they will be One. All nations in the earth can now become His inheritance. The time has come to harvest the nations and develop one new man, Jew and Gentile.
We need to be filled with the expectation of God moving in our lives. I woke up one morning recently, and the Lord said, “See your today as your tomorrow.” I was awakened by the Lord to these words: “My people are weary. I will give them new strength to enter the next place that I have for them. How they move by faith today is how they will walk into victory tomorrow!”
There comes a time for each of us to enter our new day and new way. There came a point in the history of Israel when Moses had died, and Joshua was crossing the people over into the promise that had been waiting on them. There came a moment when Joshua told the people that their today would create God’s best tomorrow: “And Joshua said to the people, Sanctify yourselves [that is, separate yourselves for a special holy purpose], for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you. Joshua said to the priests, Take up the ark of the covenant and pass over before the people. And they took it up and went on before the people” (Josh. 3:5–6, AMP). Here are five key points to understand:
I feel that there is a portion of our promise that remains. We have grown weary obtaining one portion, but there is a greater portion that remains. We need new strength for this new portion. Stop now and ask yourself, What remains for me to enter into and occupy?
Mix faith with the Word you are trusting to be performed. If you mix in faith today, you will see a manifestation tomorrow. Allow the Lord to bring your hope back into time! Here is an encouraging word for you. The Lord says:
Hope deferred makes the heart grow weary. Today is the day that I have come to break weariness from you—out of your bones. I have come to cleanse your atmosphere of despair. If you will arise and shake off the weariness, I will restore the hope in your heart that has been captured. You’ve slept, and you’ve lain in your bed long enough. Arise from the depression that has held you prostrate. The spring coils of your bed will no longer allow you to rest. Your comfortable padding and rest place will rise up and throw you forward into a new place.
Today is the day that I AM sweeping across your nation to break the agreement of weariness and slumber that is holding the land captive. I must restore celebration and praise in My people before the land can rejoice again. Rise and pick up your mat! Your healing will be in the next moment and next place or room that you move into. Come up off your sick bed and move into the living room that I have prepared for you. Breathe and begin to live again.
Watch for Me. Turn and look full circle around you. There’s a way out of this hard place that is threatening to captivate you. There’s a way out to keep you from getting your head knocked off. If you’ll just get flat and bend down a little lower, then you can get through this hard place. You still have your head up too high. Get down a little lower and you’ll make it out. If I can bring a camel through the eye of the needle, I can get you through this hard place. Bend down, then rise up and shine again.
There are places that I need to meet with you. I know your comings and goings and your times of intersections. I know your routines and your stopping places. I know when you will be at certain places to do certain things. I am nearer to you than you know. I have an unexpected rendezvous planned for you. In days ahead I will meet you at a place, unexpectedly. Watch for Me! I will manifest unexpectedly in your routine places. When I do, I will reveal something to you that you didn’t think I knew. Get ready, for new revelation is coming to you of who you are and who I AM. You have been thirsty, and I have ways to give you drink to quench your longings. I have water you know not of. I will reveal Myself to you. From this revelation, you will not be able to hold your mouth shut of the wondrous things I will perform on your behalf. You will become My spokesperson and tell many how I met you unexpectedly and performed a wonder for you.
Always remember that on a daily basis God is watching our faith response to Him. His eye is upon you. Here are some key points to remember:
The concept of time—past, present, and future—and place is very important. One of my favorite scriptures is Acts 17:24–28:
God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is He worshiped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things. And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, “For we are also His offspring.”
When we are in the right place at the right time, God extends our horizon line so we can see into our future. Many Christians forget that God ordained us to see the future and communicate what we see so many may know how to find their way in a changing world. God does not do anything without first telling His prophets. Your today is your tomorrow! Faith foresees.
Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, [a]the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]. For by [faith—trust and holy fervor born of faith] the men of old had divine testimony borne to them and obtained a good report. By faith we understand that the worlds [during the successive ages] were framed (fashioned, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose) by the word of God, so that what we see was not made out of things which are visible.
—HEBREWS 11:1–3, AMP
When you allow the Lord to extend your horizon line beyond today, tomorrow becomes a faith dimension that will become a reality. We have a great portion that can be obtained by faith.
By faith, we can see the world the way God meant it to be. We can see our future as we walk in the present. We can allow the Lord to bring our past into our present, reconcile our mistakes, and remove the hindrances that have vexed our spirit man. We then gain strength that keeps us moving into the future.
So how does time and place work on our behalf to cause our reactions, mistakes, lost hopes, misplaced desires, missed opportunities, and overall colossal messes to be redeemed, or bought back? That was the question we answered in Redeeming the Time. To redeem means “to buy back or to be released from prison.” We have been in a buying-back season. As we progress into our future, we must receive the prize for our battles. We talked about how we leave our past season, reconcile our losses, and move into the future. Let me remind you that you can form a relationship with a Redeemer who can redeem your days, help you overcome bad situations, and open up your new day ahead. Remember: the sun will come out tomorrow, a new day will break, and you will see a new horizon line that has formed on your behalf.
As you read this book, I want you to learn to see into the future. This is an ability that the Spirit of God gives each of us so our vision remains sure.
I also wrote a book titled Interpreting the Times (Charisma House, 2008). God wants us to understand and interpret our times so we can prosper in every season and have wisdom to advance. God is beyond time, but because of His love for us, He reaches down and intervenes in time. A big part of walking in God’s blessing involves seeing time from God’s perspective and recognizing how His cycles operate.
The pagan world saw time as endlessly repeated cycles leading nowhere. The church has focused on time being linear, with a clear beginning and end. But in reality, both are part of God’s plan. Our lives operate in cycles. God is moving history to a clear destination, but in the process, He uses cycles to move us forward and draw us closer to Him. When you learn how time operates, how you fit into time, and how God works through time, you can move forward and fulfill your destiny in the earth!
God’s has the best for our life cycle. The enemy wants to interrupt our life cycle and interject sin that becomes an iniquity that shifts us out of God’s best. Iniquity can form a cycle that twists our life’s purposes. This is how our spirits become vexed. I will explain this more fully in chapters to come. I will explain how you can build a sanctuary of time filled with God’s presence. From this sanctuary you can understand the process of time that is directing your life. To stay in God’s processes you must keep in line with the appointed times of God for your life.