Chapter Five


Oh. My. God.

I’ve heard the term fucked silly before, but until last night, I had no idea what it meant. Now, I do, because instead of putting sugar in my coffee, I grabbed the salt packet and added it. But I don’t care that Sean fucked me senseless and I’m messing up the most menial task. Zero brain cells this morning is a small price for the three orgasms he gave me last night. Talk about epic sex. If only I could wipe the stupid smile off my face.

Honestly, I can’t freaking believe he tied my hands—spanked me, even. I never expected that. But holy hell, it was hot.

I’d sneaked out in the middle of the night after he fell asleep. If I know what’s good for me, I’ll jump on a plane today and get the hell out of London while the getting’s good. Any more time with him and it’s quite possible I could want more. But heck, we agreed to a one-night affair, and he doesn’t know who I am, anyway.

I gesture to the waiter for a fresh cup of coffee and peruse the brochures I’d grabbed from the front lobby. But in my peripheral vision, I spot Sean and the man he was with the day I arrived entering the hotel’s dining room. Heat moves through me as his gaze slides over mine, and when his mouth quirks in a smile and he runs his hand down his tie, I quiver deep between my legs.

Oh God, who do you think you’re kidding, Kennedy? You do want more.

Yeah, I should flee, leave with the great memories I have before I do something stupid, like fall for him. But I promised him I’d go to the cocktail party tonight, and while I have no plans to take his money, this is Sean and I want to help him out—even though he was a bossy jerk when we were young.

He’s still bossy, but damned if it doesn’t work on him now. My mind rushes back to all the orgasms I had last night, the greedy way he took command of me, and there is nothing I can do to stop my body from quivering.

Whichever girlfriend set this adventure up for me, I’m going to owe her big time. Next month is Reese’s birthday, and I drew her name that fateful night two years ago. I’m going to have to think long and hard to give her an epic adventure. Although I’m sure nothing could ever stack up to mine.

As I mull that over, the waiter brings my coffee and Sean walks by my table. His warm scent overrides the fresh java and reaches my nostrils. I breathe him in and look up to find his gaze still locked on mine. Only this time he’s not smirking. No, he’s glaring at me like he’s going to give me another spanking. A good, hard one this time.

What the hell?

“Excuse me,” he says to the guy he’s with, who continues to make his way through the dining room as Sean stops at my table.

“Kitten,” he says through clenched teeth. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Having coffee.”

His nostrils flare, anger lighting his eyes. “That’s not what I mean.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, as my insides flutter with excitement at the dark, warning tone in his voice.

“You’re not to get out of my bed unless I say so. My territory, my rules, remember? You sneaking out wasn’t part of the deal. I’m pissed off, Kitten, and you’re going to pay for that.”

“I didn’t realize.”

“Now you do, which means we need to rectify this.”

“How will we do that?”

“Tonight. You. Back in my bed. You don’t leave until I tell you to. If I must tie you down tight to force you to stay, I will.”

Oh my God, yes!

“It was just supposed to be a one-time thing,” I say, pretending to be calm and collected even though I’m anything but. My entire body is on fire, the hot spot between my legs urging me to head back to his bed right freaking now.

“And now it’s a two-time thing.”

“You’re kind of bossy. What makes you think you can just change the terms now?”

“You want to negotiate, Kitten? We’ll negotiate. What will it take for me to get you back into my bed, short of putting you over my shoulder and carrying you there like a fucking caveman?”

I gasp. “You wouldn’t.”

“Try me.”

I steal a quick glance around the room and open my mouth, but I have no idea what to say. Of course I want what he’s offering, but damn, another night with Sean will be emotional suicide at best. The truth is I’ve been in love with the jerk since I was a kid, and seeing him again brought all those old feelings to the surface. It’s no wonder I can’t seem to have relationships with other men, can’t find the sexual satisfaction I’m looking for. I think I’ve been holding out for Sean all these years.

Great. Just flipping great.

“Tell me what you want?” he says.


“I have everything I want.”


“Fine, then. This isn’t about you. It’s about me, and what you owe me.”

I lift my cup to my mouth and hold it there. “What could I possible owe you?”

“I rubbed my cock for you, remember? You said that’s what you wanted to see when you were in the booth, so I gave you what you wanted.”

My cup clatters on the saucer as I drop it. “Sean,” I hiss out, and shoot a glance around to see if anyone has overheard him. He doesn’t seem to care, though. “I remember,” I whisper, hoping he’ll lower his voice to meet mine, but he doesn’t.

“I told you I’d do that if I got the same in return. We did a lot of things last night, Kitten, but not once do I recall you playing with yourself for me.”

“So, that’s all it is, then?” Please don’t let it be all it is. Please don’t let it be all it is. “You just want to see me play with myself. Is that what this is about?”

“Yeah, it’s about that. But it’s about fucking, too. It’s always about the fucking, Kitten.”

Needing to wet my dry throat so I can speak, I take a sip of my coffee. As I swallow, he leans in and presses his hot mouth to my ear. “I want you to spread that sweet pussy and rub your clit for me. Better yet, I’ll order in some toys and you can show me how you get off when you’re alone. Hell, maybe I’ll even get one of the small vibrators and make you wear it to the cocktail party tonight.”

I sit there staring at him, a mouthful of coffee burning my tongue, but I can’t seem to swallow as heat bombards me. He grins like he’s getting off on knowing how much he’s torturing me—how much he’s going to punish me—then says, “I’ll pick you up in your room at six sharp. We’ll go to the cocktail party, we’ll play nice for my client, then when I get you alone, you’re going to get everything but nice from me.”

I finally swallow my coffee, and it slides painfully down my throat as every muscle in my body tightens with anticipation. Sean turns from me, and I take in his impeccable suit and fine, athletic body as he saunters away, acting confident and composed, like he didn’t just tell me he’s going to watch me masturbate—or wear a goddamn vibrator to his meeting.

Holy God.

I grab my phone from my purse, desperate to talk to a friend. But what the hell would I say? Oh, my childhood crush Sean Fraser is going to do the dirtiest things to me tonight. And I can’t wait.

I finish my coffee, snatch the brochures, and stand, even though I’m worried I’m going to do a face-plant before I can get outside and get some fresh air to clear my head and my oversexed body. As I walk to the door, I can feel Sean’s eyes burn into my back, and I wobble slightly.

“Are you okay?” A hand slides around my waist, and my body tightens, because after last night, I don’t want another man’s hands on my body. Which is so not good. So not good at all.

Dammit Kennedy, what have you gotten yourself into?

I turn to find a guy in his mid-thirties dressed in a business suit, crowding me. Dark eyes meet mine, and his mouth turns up in a smile. “You looked like you were about to fall,” he says in a sexy British accent that would have once intrigued me. But now it’s only Sean’s voice I want in my ear at night. With his hand still on my back, the man steps closer.

“I’m okay. I just slipped on something,” I say, unable to blame my instability on high heels, since I’m wearing flats this morning. “Thanks.” I ease from his arms, and I’m about to excuse myself, but he doesn’t seem to want to let me go.

“Where are you from?” he asks. “Wait, let me guess.” He cups his chin and his gaze drops to take in my T-shirt and jean skirt—the comfortable clothes I picked out for sightseeing today. I have to find something to do to occupy my brain until Sean picks me up for the party, otherwise I’ll spend the entire time in bed fantasizing about what he’s going to do to me tonight.

Like I’m not going to do that anyway.

“New York,” he says.

I smile. “You got it.” I was raised in New York, but live in Chicago now, but don’t feel the need to clarify.

“The accent gives it away every time.” He touches my arm, unwanted contact on my part. I mean, the guy is cute enough, and friendly, but he clearly can’t read my body language—not the way Sean can. Okay, I seriously need to stop thinking about Sean, or I’m going to end up a quivering mess of need. “What brings you to London? I’m Sebastian, by the way.” He looks at the brochures in my hands. “What sights are you seeing?”

“Ah, not sure yet,” is all I say, wanting to leave but not wanting to be rude. It’s just not in my nature.

“If you’ll excuse me,” a deep voice says from behind him. Sean moves past Sebastian, and inserts himself in between the two of us. His gaze lands on mine, and I see a softness in his eyes that I’ve never seen before.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

He gives me a warm smile that curls my toes. “You’d better get going if you want to take in all the sights before we head out tonight.”

“Right,” I say, playing along.

He cups my elbow and pulls me in tight against his hard body, and a soft moan catches in my throat. I put my hand on his chest, feel his strong heartbeat, and melt into him. His head lowers, and his lips move over mine, a soft caress, so different from the hard way he took me last night. I can’t decide which I like more.

After the kiss, he opens the door, and I step out. As the door closes behind me, I hear him say something to Sebastian. I don’t bother looking back. Instead, I head toward the double decker bus parked in front of the hotel lobby, a little chuckle bubbling up inside me. Sean is definitely a take-charge guy, and he knows how to read a woman, as well as a room. I kind of like that he came to my rescue. Even though I’m an independent woman and can take care of myself, there is something about Sean’s protectiveness that gets to me, reminds me of when we were kids, really. Olivia and I might have been an annoyance to him, but we knew he always had our back. I guess he’s just the kind of guy who protects what’s his.

What’s his?

Whoa, don’t go there, Kennedy. You’re not his. I make a sound, a half laugh, half moan. Sean doesn’t even know it’s me, for God’s sake. He thinks he’s having weekend sex with a dancer from his club. If he knew it was me, he’d probably never talk to me with such a filthy mouth. Then again, maybe he does know it’s me, knows I’m a good girl wanting to be bad, and is purposely talking to me the way I need him to. That would be just like Sean. He might have been a bossy jerk when we were kids, but there was a sweetness to him that I totally fell in love with.

Pushing that from my mind, I use the pass included in my dossier and spend the better part of the day taking in the sights around London. At one stop, I even sneak into a boutique to purchase a very sexy panty set for tonight. Who would have ever thought I’d be buying lingerie in London? Heck, just a couple of days ago, I was shocked to see the sexy clothes in my dossier. Now I wish there had been more.

It’s getting late in the day as the tour bus takes us back to the hotel, and I grab a shower and slip into my new clothes. I examine my curves in the mirror and run my hands over my body, hoping Sean likes white lace. As my fingers linger on my stomach, my pulse picks up. Is he really going to make me touch myself tonight, and watch while I do it? I might be used to touching my body, using toys at home, but holy hell, I’ve never done it in front of a man before. Will I like it? Hate it?

A fine shiver moves through me, and I know it’s not from fear. Goodness, who would have thought that deep inside I’m such a dirty little girl? Thank you, Sean, for teaching me that. A knock sounds at my door, and my heart leaps, eager for this night to get started.

“I’ll be right there,” I say. He’s early.

I pull on a tight black cocktail dress that hugs my curves, slide into my ridiculous heels, and open the door to find the concierge standing there, two paper bags in his hand.

“Good evening,” he says. “A special delivery from a friend.” He holds the bags out to me.

“Thank you.” I take the bag and say, “Wait,” as I turn to go for my purse.

“No need.” He holds his hands up, palms out, and shakes his head. “Everything has been taken care of.”

“Oh, okay,” I say.

“Have a great evening,” he says and closes the door behind himself. As the lock clicks into place, I rush to my bed and set the parcels down. A bubble of excitement swells inside me, because I know what’s in them. But holy hell, why two bags full of bedroom toys? One little toy would be enough, unless he plans to keep me tied to his bed until I leave Monday morning.

Could I be so lucky?

I dump the contents of the first bag and examine all the toys. I pick a few up and turn them over, even though I have no idea what I’m supposed to do with some of them. A flogger catches my eye, and my ass burns in response. Is he going to use that on me? I turn my attention back to one item called LUNA Beads. I read the package, and my stomach flutters with excitement. Apparently, you wear these in public, and they vibrate inside you with movement. How would Sean react if I used them? Would it drive him crazy knowing I was pleasuring myself while at a very important meeting with his client?

After inspecting each item, I grab the other bag, which was much lighter. I turn it upside down, and when I see a Truth or Dare adult card game, my pulse picks up tempo. Olivia and I used to play Truth or Dare all the time. It was the reason I was brave enough to ask Sean to Be Mine. That incident comes rushing back, and embarrassing heat floods me.

Pushing that from my mind, I reach for another square box and tug off the lid. When I see two tickets to Random Nation, playing tonight, I sink down on the bed, unable to breathe past the lump in my throat. I can’t believe I’m finally going to see my favorite band. I missed out on seeing them when I was a teen, when I was supposed to go with Olivia and Sean. I babysat all summer, but hadn’t earned enough for a ticket, and I wasn’t about to ask Mom, who was doing all she could do to put food on the table.

My heart pounds against my chest, and I feel a bit breathless as I look the cards and tickets over. My thoughts whirl, and my brain races to catch up. I feel a moment of panic. Sean couldn’t know Truth or Dare was my favorite game as a teen, right? Or that Random Nation was my favorite band.
