It is a rare parent who doesn’t wage that age-old war of getting vegetables into their children. This can apply to adults as well, of course. My dad lived with us for ten years, and he was even more challenging in this respect. His mum, my Nan, a lovely placid lady, was a superb baker and didn’t worry if her children ate pastry, cake or desserts instead of a main meal with vegetables, and this had set the pattern for a lifetime.
When our children were young, and in an effort to be reasonable about consuming nutritious food, I had a sort of compromise in that each of them was allowed one vegetable dislike, which could be changed once a month. What a ridiculous situation I set myself up for. There were six children, two grandparents and a passing parade of visitors each day so it was mighty hard to keep pace with who disliked what and when. Not a system to be recommended, obviously.
However, quite aside from that, to make tasty vegetable dishes is rewarding. If someone is vegetarian, you have something tasty in your repertoire to serve them and although vegetables are delicious unto themselves, dressing them up a little does them no harm either, and in fact can enhance and complement their inherent flavours.