Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Abe Kōbō: education of, 80–81, 87; experience as writer, 31–32; and Japanese literature, xvii–xviii; leftist allegiances of, xiv; poetry of, 1; reputation in English-speaking world, ix–x; works: Bō ni natta otoko [The Man Who Turned into a Stick], 161, 162; “Chinnyūsha” [The Intruders], xiii; Enomoto Buyō, 95, 100; Furyō shōnen [Juvenile Delinquents], 31; “Hakuchō goroshi no uta” [A Song of Swan Killing], 171; Kabe atsuki heya [The Room with Thick Walls], 31; Seifuku [Uniforms], 31; Suna no onna [The Woman in the Dunes], x; Tanin no kao [The Face of Another], x, xvi, 95–96
The Angelus (Millet), 156, 170
anti-Semitism, 128, 130, 136–137, 142, 159; Hitler and, 127, 141, 155; reinforcement of, 138, 141; in Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 132–134, 135–136, 137, 143, 155; in U.S., xiv, 134–35; Zionism and, 141–142. See also Jews
art, 65, 75, 166; contemporary, 68, 90, 165, 168; as disruption of perception-reason balance, 70–71, 72–73, 76, 77; genre in, 78; of its time, 74; and knowledge, 27, 66, 163; and literature, 68, 71; and realism, 27; and tradition, 88; and writing/style difference, 165, 171
being-in-the-world, 13–17
Celui qui doit mourir (Dassin), 55, 58
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 60
cities and urban society, 151, 153, 166, 170; alienation in, 159; community in, 158, 159; fixity of, 147; Jews and, 128, 130–131, 136–137, 153, 154–155; prejudice against, 130, 136–137, 156; state and, 131, 147
conditioned responses, 81–83
consciousness, 4; and existence, 2, 12; and language, 3, 4, 65
Crèvecoeur, J. Hector St. John de, 56
Death of a Salesman (Miller), 144
democratic literature, 21
Dōketsugaku koto hajime [Introduction to Speleology], 156, 168
education, xi, 79–81, 84; cultivating originality in, 87; teaching of leaps in thought, 85–86
Eisenstein, Sergei, 57, 134
existence, 3, 4, 72; and consciousness, 2, 12
farmers and peasants, x, 115, 118–119, 127; attachment to land, 157–158; legitimacy and goodness associated with, 114, 136–137, 146–147, 155–156; as Tolstoy motif, 125–126, 145–146
fiction, 34, 36, 65; basic elements of, 35; form and content in, 44; as national in form, 133–134; novels, 19, 165–66; and reality, 37, 40, 42, 43; as social product, 43; structure of, 40–41; and transformation of reader, 42–43. See also literature
Haiyūza Theatre Company, 161
A Hatful of Rain (Gazzo), 73
heresy, 114, 115, 118, 147; Jews and, 137, 138, 142, 143, 146; legitimacy and, 148
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 144
Itard, Jean-Marc Gaspard, 67
Japan: agrarian society in, 155–156, 169–170; and America, xiv, 49–50, 51–52, 53, 59, 60; cities in, 156, 170–171; concept of Jews in, 136, 159; education system in, xi, 80–81, 86, 87; gangster films in, 98, 158; history of, 95–96, 136, 153–154; Korean residents in, xvi; as “ruined nation,” 162, 163; Self-Defense Forces of, 162
Jews: and authenticity, 136, 137, 138, 140, 142; and heresy, 137, 138, 142, 143, 146; Hitler and, 127, 141, 155; and Holocaust, 131–132, 141, 153; as intellectuals and writers, 124–125, 143–145, 144, 155; and Israel, 138, 140, 146; Japanese conception of, 136, 159; and legitimacy, 140, 141, 146–147; and national ethnicity, 138–139; particularity of, 126, 129, 145; in revolutionary movement, 155; in Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 132–134, 135–136, 137, 155; statelessness of, 130, 137–138; urban nature of, 128, 130–131, 136–137, 153, 154–155; in U.S., xiv, xvi, 134–135; and Yiddish, 154. See also anti-Semitism
Katherine Dunham Dance Company, 57
knowledge, 3, 84; and art, 27, 66, 163; dialectical development of, 24–25; and expression, 22, 23, 27–28, 40, 46; and language, 23, 40; and perception, 27, 66, 68; and practice, 21, 23–24, 26–27; rational, 27, 66, 68; realism as form of, 25–26
language, 61, 81, 91; acquisition of, 62, 83; and consciousness, 3, 4, 65; and images, 63–64, 74–75; and knowledge, 23, 40; and literature, 19, 65, 71, 77; and reality, 65; as sign of a sign, 23–23, 71; structure of, 92–93; and thought, 71–72, 82, 93; translatability of, 94
literature, 18–29; antiliterature movement and, 68, 70; and language, 19, 65, 71, 77; for literature’s sake, 70, 71, 72; as opposition, 77, 148; partisanship of, 28, 29; as subservient to reader, 36–37; and theory, 19–20, 27, 28, 36. See also fiction
Materialism and Empirio-Criticism (Lenin), 21, 28–29
Millet, Jean-François, 156, 170
night, 16–17; intuition of, 5; and man’s being, 10–12; meaning of, 14; self-disclosure of, 11, 15
object: and meaning, 68–69; and subject, 3–5; third, 8–9; and truth, 7
Of Thee I Sing (Kaufman and Ryskind), 59
philosophical principles, 7 Picasso, Pablo, 25
Portrait of the Anti-Semite (Sartre), 128
Prophets of Deceit: A Study of the Techniques of the American Agitator (Löwenthal and Guterman), 134
readers, 46, 89, 90; emotions of, 45; internal, 90; transformation of, 42–43; and writers, 37–39, 41–42, 43–44, 89–90
“The Reader” (Gorky), 41–42
reality: and artistic abstraction, 27; and fiction, 37, 42, 43; and knowledge, 24; and language, 65; and practice, 25, 26, 28; writers and, 36, 40
Records of the Grand Historian (Sima Qian), 121–122
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 15, 16
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 19, 61; on America, xv, 48–49, 50–51, 56; on Jews and anti-Semitism, 128, 138, 140
science: and knowledge, 24, 66; tradition in, 100
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Beatles), 109–110
Shakespeare, William, 163
Shisō no kagaku [The Science of Thought], 96
Shostakovich, Dmitri, 133
state, xvi, xvii, 99, 151, 160; and city, 131, 147; and fixity, 120, 121, 152–153; mediated institutions of, xi, xii; and military uniforms, 105–106; as universal value, 152; and violence, xii, xv, 141
television, film, and radio, 71, 76, 77
theory, 21; and literature, 27, 28; and practice, 26
Tokugawa shogunate, 98–99
A True Story (Lucian), 99
United States, 47–60, 99, 139; Abe critique of, xiv–xv; anti-Semitism in, xiv, xvi, 134–135; blacks in, xiv, xvi, 54, 56–57, 128–29; culture in, 57–59; democracy in, xiv, 54; and Japan, xiv, 49–50, 51–52, 53, 59, 60; Jewish writers in, 155; “myth of the people” in, 55–56; Nazi Germany compared to, xiv–xv; neofascist movements in, xiv, 134–135; repression in, 53–54; Sartre on, 48–49, 50–51
writers, 34, 42, 46; and directors, 164; Jewish, 144–145; life and work of, 20, 44, 100, 101; motives of, 35–36, 38, 39–40, 44; and readers, 37–39, 41–42, 43–44, 89–90; relation to their works, 38; and structure, 40–41; and tradition, 93–94
writing: manuals on, 31–32, 33–34, 38; methods of, 32–33; and reality, 40; and style, 45, 164, 165; and talent, 32; and technique, 33, 34–35, 42; and translation, 164–65
Yasegaman no setsu [Spirit of Manly Defiance] (Fukuzawa), 96
Zengakuren student association, 151