Other Books, Products, and Services by the Author



Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation –

Breakthrough Medicine for the 21st Century (488 pages)


This book meets the increasing demand for a clear and comprehensive guide that can help make people self-sufficient regarding their health and well-being. It answers some of the most pressing questions of our time: How does illness arise? Who heals, who doesn’t? Are we destined to be sick? What causes aging? Is it reversible? What are the major causes of disease, and how can we eliminate them?

Topics include: The placebo and the mind/body mystery; the laws of illness and health; the four most common risk factors for disease; digestive disorders and their effects on the rest of the body; the wonders of our biological rhythms and how to restore them if disrupted; how to create a life of balance; why to choose a vegetarian diet; cleansing the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, and colon; removing allergies; giving up smoking naturally; using sunlight as medicine; the “new” causes of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and AIDS; and antibiotics, blood transfusions, ultrasound scans, and immunization programs under scrutiny.

Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation sheds light on all major issues of health care and reveals that most medical treatments, including surgery, blood transfusions, and pharmaceutical drugs are avoidable when certain key functions in the body are restored through the natural methods described in the book. The reader also learns about the potential dangers of medical diagnosis and treatment, as well as the reasons vitamin supplements, “health foods,” low-fat products, “wholesome” breakfast cereals, diet foods, and diet programs may have contributed to the current health crisis rather than helped to resolve it. The book includes a complete program of health care, which is primarily based on the ancient medical system of Ayurveda and the vast amount of experience Andreas Moritz has gained in the field of health restoration during the past thirty years.


Lifting the Veil of Duality –

Your Guide to Living without Judgment


“Do you know that there is a place inside you -- hidden beneath the appearance of thoughts, feelings, and emotions – that does not know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, light and dark? From that place you embrace the opposite values of life as One. In this sacred place you are at peace with yourself and at peace with your world.” Andreas Moritz

In Lifting the Veil of Duality, Andreas Moritz poignantly exposes the illusion of duality. He outlines a simple way to remove every limitation that you have imposed upon yourself during the course of living duality. You will be prompted to see yourself and the world through a new lens – the lens of clarity, discernment, and non-judgment. You will also discover that mistakes, accidents, coincidences, negativity, deception, injustice, wars, crime, and terrorism all have a deeper purpose and meaning in the larger scheme of things. So naturally, much of what you will read may conflict with the beliefs you currently hold. Yet you are not asked to change your beliefs or opinions. Instead, you are asked to have an open mind, for only an open mind can enjoy freedom from judgment.

Our personal views and worldviews are currently challenged by a crisis of identity. Some are being shattered altogether. The collapse of our current World Order, forces humanity to deal with the most basic issues of existence. You can no longer avoid taking responsibility for the things that happen to you. When you do accept responsibility, you also empower and heal yourself.

Lifting the Veil of Duality shows you how you create or subdue your ability to fulfill your desires. Furthermore, you will find intriguing explanations about the mystery of time, the truth and illusion of reincarnation, the oftentimes misunderstood value of prayer, what makes relationships work, and why so often they don't. Find out why injustice is an illusion that has managed to haunt us throughout the ages. Learn about our original separation from the Source of life and what this means with regard to the current waves of instability and fear so many of us are experiencing.

Discover how to identify the angels living amongst us and why we all have light-bodies. You will have the opportunity to find the ultimate God within you and discover why a God seen as separate from yourself keeps you from being in your Divine Power and happiness. In addition, you can find out how to heal yourself at a moment's notice. Read all about the "New Medicine" and the destiny of the old medicine, the old economy, the old religion, and the old world.


It’s Time to Come Alive!

Start Using the Amazing Healing Powers of Your Body,

Mind, and Spirit Today!


In this book, the author brings to light man’s deep inner need for spiritual wisdom in life and helps the reader develop a new sense of reality that is based on love, power, and compassion. He describes our relationship with the natural world in detail and discusses how we can harness its tremendous powers for our personal and humanity’s benefit. Time to Come Alive challenges some of our most commonly held beliefs and offers a way out of the emotional restrictions and physical limitations we have created in our lives.

Topics include: What shapes our destiny; using the power of intention; secrets of defying the aging process; doubting - the cause of failure; opening the heart; material wealth and spiritual wealth; fatigue – the major cause of stress; methods of emotional transformation; techniques of primordial healing; how to increase the health of the five senses; developing spiritual wisdom; the major causes of today’s earth changes; entry into the new world; twelve gateways to heaven on earth; and many more.


Cancer is Not a Disease!

It’s A Survival Mechanism

Discover Cancer’s Hidden Purpose, Heal its Root Causes,

and be Healthier Than Ever!


In Cancer is Not a Disease, Andreas Moritz proves the point that cancer is the physical symptom that reflects our body’s final attempt to deal with life-threatening cell congestion and toxins. He claims that removing the underlying conditions that force the body to produce cancerous cells, sets the preconditions for complete healing of our body, mind, and emotions.

This book confronts you with a radically new understanding of cancer – one that revolutionized the current cancer model. On the average, today's conventional “treatments” of killing, cutting out, or burning cancerous cells offer most patients a remission rate of a mere 7%, and the majority of these survivors are “cured” for just five years or fewer. Prominent cancer researcher and professor at the University of California at Berkeley, Dr. Hardin Jones, stated: “Patients are as well, or better off, untreated…” Any published success figures in cancer survival statistics are offset by equal or better scores among those receiving no treatment at all. More people are killed by cancer treatments than are saved by them.

Cancer is Not a Disease shows you why traditional cancer treatments are often fatal, what actually causes cancer, and how you can remove the obstacles that prevent the body from healing itself. Cancer is not an attempt on your life; on the contrary, this “dread disease” is the body's final, desperate effort to save your life. Unless we change our perception of what cancer really is, it will continue to threaten the life of nearly one out of every two people. This book opens a door for those who wish to turn feelings of victimhood into empowerment and self-mastery, and disease into health.


Topics of the book include:


•Reasons the body is forced to develop cancer cells

•How to identify and remove the causes of cancer

•Why most cancers disappear by themselves, without medical intervention

•Why radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery never cure cancer

•Why some people survive cancer despite undergoing dangerously radical treatments

•The roles of fear, frustration, low self-worth, and repressed anger in the origination of cancer

•How to turn self-destructive emotions into energies that promote health and vitality

•Spiritual lessons behind cancer


Heart Disease No More!

Make Peace with Your Heart and Heal Yourself

(Excerpted from Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation)


Less than one hundred years ago, heart disease was an extremely rare disease. Today it kills more people in the developed world than all other causes of death combined. Despite the vast amount of financial resources spent on finding a cure for heart disease, the current medical approaches remain mainly symptom-oriented and do not address the underlying causes.

Even worse: There is overwhelming evidence to show that the treatment of heart disease or its presumed precursors, such as high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries and high cholesterol, does not only prevent a real cure but can easily lead to chronic heart failure. The patient’s heart may still beat, but not strong enough to feel vital and alive.

Without removing the underlying causes of heart disease and its precursors, there is little, if any, protection against it. Heart attacks can strike regardless whether you have had a coronary bypass done or stents placed inside your arteries. According to research, these procedures fail to prevent heart attacks or reduce mortality rates.

Heart Disease No More, excerpted from the author’s bestselling book, Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation, puts the responsibility for healing where it belongs, that is, to the heart, mind and body of each individual. It provides you with the practical insights about how heart disease develops, what causes it and what you can do to prevent and reverse it for good, regardless of a possible genetic predisposition.


Diabetes - No More!

Discover and Heal Its True Causes

(Excerpted from Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation)


According to this bestselling author, diabetes is not a disease; in the vast majority of cases, it is a complex mechanism of protection or survival that the body chooses to avoid the possibly fatal consequences of an unhealthful diet and lifestyle.

Despite the body’s ceaseless self-preservation efforts (which we call diseases), millions of people suffer or die unnecessarily from such consequences. The imbalanced blood sugar level in diabetes is but a symptom of illness, not the illness itself. By developing diabetes, the body is neither doing something wrong nor is it trying to commit suicide. The current diabetes epidemic is man-made, or rather, factory-made, and, therefore, can be halted and reversed through simple but effective changes in diet and lifestyle. Diabetes - No More provides you with essential information on the various causes of diabetes and how anyone can avoid them.

To stop the diabetes epidemic we need to create the right circumstances that allow the body to heal. Just as there is a mechanism to become diabetic, there is also a mechanism to reverse it. Find out how!

This book was excerpted from the bestselling book, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.


Ending The AIDS Myth

It’s Time To Heal The TRUE Causes!

(Excerpted from Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation)


Contrary to common belief, there is no scientific evidence to this day that AIDS is a contagious disease. The current AIDS theory falls short in predicting the kind of AIDS disease an infected person may be manifesting, and there is no accurate system to determine how long it will take for the disease to develop. In addition, the current HIV/AIDS theory contains no reliable information that can help identify those who are at risk of developing AIDS.

On the other hand, published research actually proves that HIV only extremely rarely spreads heterosexually and cannot be responsible for an epidemic that involves millions of AIDS victims around the world. Furthermore, it is an established fact that the retrovirus HIV, which is composed of human gene fragments, is incapable of destroying human cells. However, cell destruction is the main characteristic of every AIDS disease.

Even the principal discoverer of HIV, Luc Montagnier, no longer believes that HIV is solely responsible for causing AIDS. In fact, he showed that HIV alone could not cause AIDS. There is increasing evidence that AIDS may be a toxicity syndrome or metabolic disorder that is caused by immunity risk factors, including heroin, sex drugs, antibiotics, commonly prescribed AIDS drugs, rectal intercourse, starvation, malnutrition and dehydration.

Dozens of prominent scientists working at the forefront of the AIDS research are now openly questioning the virus hypothesis of AIDS. Find out why! Ending the AIDS Myth also shows you what really causes the shutdown of the immune system and what needs to be done to avoid it!


Heal Yourself with Sunlight

Use Its Secret Medicinal Powers to Help Cure Cancer,

Heart Disease, Hypertension, Diabetes, Arthritis,

Infectious Diseases, and much more.

(Excerpted from Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation)


Hear the Whispers, Live Your Dream

A Fanfare of Inspiration


All books are available as paperback copies and electronic books through the Ener-Chi Wellness Center


Website: www.ener-chi.com

Email: andmor@ener-chi.com

Toll free (1-866) 258-4006 (USA)

Local (709) 570-7401 (Canada)



Sacred Santémony – for Emotional Healing


Sacred Santémony is a unique healing system that uses sounds from specific words to balance deep emotional/spiritual imbalances. The powerful words produced in Sacred Santémony are made from whole-brain use of the letters of the ancient language – a language that is comprised of the basic sounds that underlie and bring forth all physical manifestation. The letters of the ancient language vibrate at a much higher level than our modern languages, and when combined to form whole words, they generate feelings of peace and harmony (Santémony) to calm the storms of unrest, violence, and turmoil, both internal and external.

In April, 2002 I spontaneously began to chant sounds that are meant to improve certain health conditions. These sounds resembled chants by Native Americans, Tibetan monks, Vedic pundits (Sanskrit), and languages from other star systems (not known on planet Earth). Within two weeks, I was able to bring forth sounds that would instantly remove emotional blocks and resistance or aversion to certain situations and people, foods, chemicals, thought forms, beliefs, etc. The following are but a few examples of what Sacred Santémony is able to assist you with:


~ Reducing or removing fear that is related to death, disease, the body, foods, harmful chemicals, parents and other people, lack of abundance, impoverishment, phobias, environmental threats, the future and the past, unstable economic trends, political unrest, etc.

~ Clearing or reducing a recent or current hurt, disappointment, or anger resulting from past emotional trauma or negative experiences in life.

~ Cleansing of the Akashic Records (a recording of all experiences the soul has gathered throughout all life streams) from persistent fearful elements, including the idea and concept that we are separate from and not one with Spirit, God, or our Higher Self.

~ Setting the preconditions for you to resolve your karmic issues, not through pain and suffering, but through creativity and joy.

~ Improving or clearing up allergies and intolerances to foods, chemical substances, pesticides, herbicides, air pollutants, radiation, medical drugs, pharmaceutical byproducts, etc.

~ Undoing the psycho-emotional root causes of any chronic illness, including cancer, heart disease, MS, diabetes, arthritis, brain disorders, depression, etc.

~ Resolving other difficulties or barriers in life by “converting” them into the useful blessings that they really are.


To arrange for a personal Sacred Santémony session with Andreas Moritz, please follow the same directions as given for telephone consultations.


Ener-Chi Art


Andreas Moritz has developed a new system of healing and rejuvenation designed to restore the basic life energy (Chi) of an organ or a system in the body within a matter of seconds. Simultaneously, it also helps balance the emotional causes of illness.

Eastern approaches to healing, such as acupuncture and Shiatsu, are intended to enhance well-being by stimulating and balancing the flow of Chi to the various organs and systems of the body. In a similar manner, the energetics of Ener-Chi Art is designed to restore a balanced flow of Chi throughout the body.

According to most ancient systems of health and healing, the balanced flow of Chi is the key determinant for a healthy body and mind. When Chi flows through the body unhindered, health and vitality are maintained. By contrast, if the flow of Chi is disrupted or reduced, health and vitality tend to decline.

A person can determine the degree to which the flow of Chi is balanced in the body's organs and systems by using a simple muscle testing procedure. To reveal the effectiveness of Ener-Chi Art, it is important to apply this test both before and after viewing each Ener-Chi Art picture.

To allow for easy application of this system, Andreas has created a number of healing paintings that have been “activated” through a unique procedure that imbues each work of art with specific color rays (derived from the higher dimensions). To receive the full benefit of an Ener-Chi Art picture, all that is necessary is to look at it for less than a minute. During this time, the flow of Chi within the organ or system becomes fully restored. When applied to all the organs and systems of the body, Ener-Chi Art sets the precondition for the whole body to heal and rejuvenate itself.


Ener-Chi Ionized Stones


Ener-Chi Ionized Stones are stones and crystals that have been energized, activated, and imbued with life force through a special process introduced by Andreas Moritz, the founder of Ener-Chi Art.

Stone ionization has not been attempted before because stones and rocks have rarely been considered useful in the field of healing. Yet, stones have the inherent power to hold and release vast amounts of information and energy. Once ionized, they exert a balancing influence on everything with which they come into contact. The ionization of stones may be one of our keys to survival in a world that is experiencing high-level pollution and destruction of its eco-balancing systems.

In the early evolutionary stages of Earth, every particle of matter within the mantle of the planet, contained within it the blueprint of the entire planet, just as every cell of our body contains within its DNA structure, the blueprint of our entire body. The blueprint information within every particle of matter is still there – it has simply fallen into a dormant state. The ionization process "reawakens" this original blueprint information and enables the associated energies to be released. In this sense, Ener-Chi Ionized Stones are alive and conscious, and are able to energize, purify, and balance any natural substance with which they come into contact.



Potential Uses for Ionized Stones


Drinking Ionized Water

Placing an Ionized Stone next to a glass of water for about half a minute ionizes the water. Ionized water is a powerful cleanser that aids digestion and metabolism, and energizes the entire body.


Eating Ionized Foods

Placing an Ionized Stone next to your food for about half a minute ionizes and balances it. Due to the pollution particles in our atmosphere and soil, even natural organic foods are usually somewhat polluted. Such foods are also impacted by ozone depletion and exposure to electro-magnetic radiation in our planetary environment. These negative effects tend to be neutralized through the specified use of Ionized Stones.


Ionized Foot Bath

By placing Ionized Stones (preferably pebbles with rounded surfaces) under the soles of the feet, while the feet are immersed in water, the body begins to break down toxins and waste materials into harmless organic substances.


Enhancing Healing Therapies

Ionized Stones are ideal for enhancing the effects of any healing therapy. For example, "LaStone Therapy" is a popular new therapy that is offered in some innovative health spas. This involves placing warm stones on key energy points of the body. If these stones were ionized prior to being placed on the body, the healing effects would be enhanced. In fact, placing Ionized Stones on any weak or painful part of the body, including the corresponding chakra, has healthful benefits. If crystals play a role in the therapy, ionizing them first greatly amplifies their positive effects.


Aura and Chakra Balancing

Holding an Ionized Stone or Ionized Crystal in the middle section of the spinal column for about one-half minute balances all of the chakras, or energy centers, and tends to keep them in balance for several weeks or even months. Since energy imbalances in the chakras and auric field are one of the major causes of health problems, this balancing procedure is a powerful way to enhance health and well-being.


Attach to Main Water Pipe in Your Home

Attaching a stone to the main water pipe will ionize your water and make it more absorbable and energized.


Place in or near the Electrical Fuse Box in Your Home

By placing a larger Ionized Stone in, above, or below the fuse box in your house, the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation become nullified. You can verify this by doing the muscle test (as shown on the instruction sheet for Ener-Chi Art) in front of a TV or computer, both before and after placing the stone on the fuse box. If you don't have a fuse box that is readily accessible, you can place a stone next to the electrical cable of your appliances or near their power sockets.


Use in Conjunction with Ener-Chi Art

Ionized Stones may be used to enhance the effects of Ener-Chi Art pictures. Simply place an Ionized Stone over the related area of the body while viewing an Ener-Chi Art picture. For example, if you are viewing the Ener-Chi Art picture related to the heart, hold an ionized stone over the heart area while viewing the picture. The nature of the energies involved in the pictures and the stones is similar. Accordingly, if the stones are used in combination with the pictures, a resonance is created which greatly enhances the overall effect.


Creating an Enhanced Environment

Placing an Ionized Stone near the various items that surround you for about half a minute helps to create a more energized and balanced environment. The Ionized Stones affect virtually all natural materials, such as wood floors, wood or metal furniture, stone walls, and brick or stone fireplaces. In work areas, especially near computers, it is a good idea to place one or more Ionized Stones in strategic locations. The same applies to sleeping areas, such as putting stones under your bed or pillow.


Improving Plant Growth

Placing Ionized Stones next to a plant or flowerpot may increase their health and beauty. This automatically ionizes the water they receive, whether they are indoor or outdoor plants. The same applies to vegetable plants and organic gardens.


Creating More Ionized Stones

Make any number of ionized stones by simply holding your “seed stone” against any other stones or crystals for 40-50 seconds. Your new stones will have the same effects as the seed stone.



Telephone Consultations


For a Personal Telephone Consultation with Andreas Moritz, please:

1. Call or send an email with your name, phone number, address, digital picture (if you have one) of your face and any other relevant information to:

E-mail: andmor@ener-chi.com

Telephone: 1 (864) 895-6285 (USA)

2. Set up an appointment for the length of time you choose to spend with him. A comprehensive consultation lasts two hours or more. Shorter consultations deal with all the questions you may have and any information that is relevant to your specific health issue(s).


For current fees please visit the consultation page at: http://www.ener-chi.com